Ochrana informací v mezinárodním a evropském právu II


Doporučená literatura

  1. Swinson, John. Copyright or Patent or Both: An Algorithmic Approach to Computer Software Protection. Harvard Journal of Law & Technology, 1991, vol. 5, s. 145–214.
  2. Pila, Justine; Torremans, Paul. European Intellectual Property Law. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2016. ISBN 978-0-19-872991-4.
  3. WIPO. Model provisions on the protection of computer software. Geneva, 1978.
  4. Shaeffer, John. Software as Text. Santa Clara High Technology Law Journal, 2017, vol. 33, no. 3, s. 324–414.
  5. Ballardini, Rosa Maria. Intellectual Property Protection for Computer Programs: Developments, Challenges, and Pressures for Change. B.m.: Svenska handelshögskolan, 2012. ISBN 978-952-232-174-9.