Pokud bychom se podívali do historie, pak to, že je homosexualita trestným činem, nebylo výjimkou.
Co by mohlo někoho zaskočit je to, že i v 21. století byla (potenciálně je) homosexualita trestným činem, a to i v západních zemích (konkrétně např. v USA). Viz "sodomy laws".
"Acts forbidden for such reasons could include intercourse between people of the same sex, oral and anal sex between a man and a woman and masturbation. The legal language is not always explicit and it changes state by state. In North Carolina, for example, the sodomy law makes it a felony to commit a “crime against nature, with mankind or beast.”
Over time, the language defining a “crime against nature” changed in some states, oftentimes more clearly targeting same-sex couples."
Více zde: Sodomy Laws Remain in 12 States After Lawrence v. Texas - The New York Times (nytimes.com)