“I recognized, of course, that in the preparation of the facts of a case there was room for intuition, for feeling, that there was a sixth sense which must be employed in searching for the evidence (…)“ (s. 275)
“(…) would hunch out just verdict after verdict by the use of that sixth sense, that feeling, which flooding the mind with light, gives the intuitional flash necesarry for the just decision.“ (s. 277)
Zvýraznění doplněno L. Tvrdíkovou.
HUTCHENSON, Joseph C., Jr. The Judgment Intuitive: The Role of the “Hunch“ in Judicial Decision [online] Cornell Law Review, Vol. 14, Issue 3, April 1929 [viděno 8. 6. 2021] Dostupné na: <https://scholarship.law.cornell.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1282&context=clr>