EU AI Act: 101 By IAPP Westin Fellow Andrew Folks Purpose of the AI Act → To lay down a comprehensive legal framework for the development, marketing and use of AI in the EU in conformity with EU values. → To promote the uptake of human-centric and trustworthy AI while ensuring a high level of protection of health, safety and fundamental rights, including democracy, the rule of law and environmental protections. → To support innovation while mitigating harmful effects of AI systems in the EU. Key changes the AI Act will bring Key challenges posed by the AI Act Important upcoming dates → Classifies AI systems by level of risk and mandate development, deployment and use requirements, depending on the risk classification. → Establishes the AI Office to oversee general purpose AI models, contribute to fostering standards and testing practices, and enforce rules across member states; the AI Board to advise and assist the European Commission and member state competent authorities; the Advisory Forum to advise and provide technical expertise to the board and the Commission; and Scientific Panel of independent experts to support implementation and enforcement of the act. → Prohibits unacceptable risk AI. → Introduces heightened technical and documentary requirements for high-risk AI systems, including fundamental rights impact assessments and conformity assessments. → Requires human oversight and data governance. → Protecting the fundamental rights to the protection of personal data, private life and confidentiality of communications through sustainable and responsible data processing in the development and use of AI systems. → Fostering innovation and competitiveness in the AI ecosystem, and facilitating its development. → Understanding the interplay between the AI Act and existing rules applicable to AI, including on data protection, intellectual property and data governance. → Navigating the complex supervision and enforcement stakeholder map that is forming. → Designing and implementing appropriate multi-disciplinary governance structures within organizations. → The AI Act shall enter into force on the 20th day following publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. It will be fully applicable 24 months after entry into force, with a graduated approach as follows: • 6 months: Prohibitions on unacceptable risk AI become applicable. • 12 months: Obligations for general purpose AI governance become applicable. • 24 months: All rules of the AI Act become applicable, including obligations for high-risk systems. • 36 months: Obligations for all other high-risk systems apply. Additional resources → IAPP AI Governance Center → EU AI Act: Next Steps for Implementation → EU AI Act Cheat Sheet → European Commission's AI – Questions and Answers Published March 2024.IAPP disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to the contents of this material, including any warranties of accuracy, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Nothing herein should be construed as legal advice. © 2024 International Association of Privacy Professionals. All rights reserved. IAPP disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to the contents of this material, including any warranties of accuracy, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Nothing herein should be construed as legal advice. © 2024 International Association of Privacy Professionals. All rights reserved. 2 iapp.orgEU AI Act: 101 FOCUS AREAS AI ACT ORGANIZATIONS WITHIN SCOPE Applies to: → Providers, importers and distributors of AI systems or general-purpose AI models that are placed on the EU market, put into service or used in the EU, even if they were established in a third country. DEFINITION OF AN AI SYSTEM A machine-based system designed to operate with varying levels of autonomy that may exhibit adaptiveness after deployment and that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers from the input it receives, how to generate outputs such as predictions, content, recommendations or decisions that can influence physical or virtual environments. RISK LEVELS/ CATEGORIES Unacceptable risk AI systems High risk AI systems Low risk AI systems General purpose AI models A limited set of particularly harmful uses of AI that contravene EU values because they violate fundamental rights. These include: → Social credit scoring systems. → Emotion-recognition systems at work and in education. → AI used to exploit people's vulnerabilities, such as their ages or disabilities. → Behavioural manipulation and circumvention of free will. → Untargeted scraping of facial images for facial recognition. → Biometric categorization systems that use certain sensitive characteristics. → Specific predictive policing applications. → Law enforcement use of real-time biometric identification in public, apart from in limited, authorized situations. AI systems that pose a significant risk to health, safety or fundamental rights, including in the following categories: → Medical devices. → Vehicles. → Emotion-recognition systems. → Law enforcement. Other AI systems that present minimal or no risk for EU citizens' rights or safety. AI models that display significant generality, are capable of competently performing a wide range of distinct tasks, regardless of how they are placed on the market, and can be integrated into a variety of downstream systems or applications. IAPP disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to the contents of this material, including any warranties of accuracy, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Nothing herein should be construed as legal advice. © 2024 International Association of Privacy Professionals. All rights reserved. 3 iapp.orgEU AI Act: 101 KEY REQUIREMENTS Unacceptable risk AI systems High risk AI systems Low risk AI systems General purpose AI models Such AI systems are prohibited under the AI Act. Require providers to ensure: → Data quality. → Documentation and traceability. → Transparency. → Human oversight. → Accuracy, cybersecurity and robustness. → Demonstrated compliance via conformity assessments. → If deployed by public authorities, registration in a public EU database, unless used for law enforcement or migration. Require providers to ensure AI systems that interact with individuals are designed and developed to guarantee individual users are aware they are interacting with an AI system. Providers may voluntarily commit to codes of conduct developed by the industry. Require providers to: → Perform fundamental rights impact assessments and conformity assessments. → Implement risk management and quality management systems to continually assess and mitigate systemic risks. → Inform individuals when they interact with AI. AI content must be labelled and detectable. → Test and monitor for accuracy, robustness and cybersecurity. GPAI models with systemic risk are subject to greater testing and reporting requirements. SIGNIFICANT PROVISIONS Transparency. Requirements are imposed on certain AI systems, for example where there is a clear risk of manipulation such as via the use of chatbots. Users should be aware that they are interacting with a machine. Conformity assessments. CAs must be performed prior to placing an AI on the EU market or when a high-risk AI system is substantially modified. Importers of AI systems will also have to ensure that the foreign provider has already carried out the appropriate CA procedure. Fundamental rights impact assessments. Before deployment, deployers of high-risk AI systems and public bodies deploying AI systems must assess the impact on fundamental rights that those systems may produce. If a data protection impact assessment is required, the FRIA should be conducted in conjunction with that DPIA. Generative AI. Providers that generate synthetic audio, image, video or text content must ensure that content is marked in a machine-readable format and detectable as artificially generated or manipulated. IAPP disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to the contents of this material, including any warranties of accuracy, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Nothing herein should be construed as legal advice. © 2024 International Association of Privacy Professionals. All rights reserved. 4 iapp.orgEU AI Act: 101 ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES The AI Office, housed within the European Commission, will supervise AI systems based on a general-purpose AI model where the model and system are provided by the same provider. It will have the powers of a market surveillance authority. National market surveillance authorities are responsible for the supervision of all other AI systems. The AI Office will work to coordinate governance among member countries and supervise enforcement of rules related to general purpose AI. Member state authorities will lay down rules on penalties and other enforcement measures, including warnings and nonmonetary measures. Individuals can lodge a complaint of infringement with a national competent authority, which can then launch market surveillance activities. The act does not provide for individual damages. There are penalties for: → Prohibited AI violations, up to 7% of global annual turnover or 35 million euros. → Most other violations, up to 3% of global annual turnover or 15 million euros. → Supplying incorrect information to authorities, up to 1% of global annual turnover or 7.5 million euros. The AI Board will advise on the act's implementation, coordinate between national authorities and issue recommendations and opinions. FURTHER RULEMAKING The Commission can issue delegated acts on: → Definitions of an AI system. → Criteria and use cases for high-risk AI. → Thresholds for general purpose AI models with systemic risk. → Technical documentation requirements for general purpose AI. → Conformity assessments. → EU declarations of conformity. The AI Office is to draw up codes of practice to cover, but not necessarily limited to, obligations for providers of general purpose AI models. Codes of practice should be ready nine months after the act enters into force at the latest and should provide at least a three-month period before taking effect.