Procedural Law of the European Union

Topic 1+2: EU judiciary = CJEU + national courts

The EU judiciary includes not only the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg, but also national courts throughout Europe. This multi-level system ensures that EU law is properly interpreted and applied. By involving national courts, the EU creates a comprehensive and effective judicial framework that spans across member states, promoting European legal integration.

For the first class, please familiarise yourselves with the CJEU as an institution. Try to understand the two main equations: 

  1. the Luxembourg equation: CJEU = ECJ + GC [+ specialised courts which do not exist atm]
  2. the European equation: EU judiciary = CJEU + national courts

...and explore the website of the CJEU, including General Presentation, ECJ Presentation, and General Court Presentation. You may want to have a look at the list of judges of the ECJ and/or of the General Court and explore who represents your country and/or whether you know any of the other names.

If you have not studied EU law before, you may want to read an introductory chapter on the CJEU and its history in any EU law textbook - feel free to get in touch if you need advice on this.