Grande finale: Study visit to Luxembourg!
You are now ready for our study visit to the Court of Justice of the EU in Luxembourg! Here comes the programme:
On Monday and Tuesday, you will attend the oral hearing in C-470/21 La Quadrature du Net II. To prepare for this, please make sure to read (and re-read) AG Szpunar's opinion in that very case, you already know how to find it!
Also, do not forget to submit your assignment to MS Teams before we travel to Luxembourg - thank you!
Post scriptum after our study visit: in case you'd like to explore the topics raised by President Lenaerts, here come the cases which he mentioned in his lecture:
- C-208/09 Sayn Wittgenstein (the princess who could not use her nobility titles in Austria)
- C-399/09 Landtová (which you probably know as Pl. ÚS 5/12, ultra vires case of the Czech CC)
- the PSPP judgment of the BVerfG (and academic commentary on VerfB)
- C-430/21 RS (Romanian Constitutional Court and national/constitutional identity)
- C-804/18 WABE (on the prohibition of headscarves in a German kindergarten)
- (I may have forgotten some more cases mentioned - feel free to ask me if you remember what they were about, I will tell you where to find them) :)
And here comes the final checklist - once you have completed it, I am happy to award you the 6 credits for this course. End of June would be great but if you cannot make it by 30/6, send me a message and we can agree on an individual deadline. If anything is unclear, do ask!