Class n. 1: The concept of constitutionalism. Emergence of the constitutional state.
Outline of the lecture:
In the first class, we will address the very concept of constitutionalism. What does the word mean? Does it even have a firm meaning? Is it and idea (a political ideal) or a method of governing the society? And anyway - what is the content of this concept?
Basic reading (and viewing):
First please watch this short...
But do not stop there, as is provides really just a short introduction that is not really worthy of university level education :).
In order to understand these problems, please read carefully the following text (it looks like it is a long text, but do not let the number of pages fool you - it is basically a 15 page long article stretched to three times the number of pages by formatting). It will help you understand the concept of constitutionalism as well as its possible problems/weaknesses.
Basic questions:
Based on the text (and video), please try to answer the following questions:
- What is the basic meaning of concept of constitutionalism? Or is it impossible to say?
- According to the video, what is constitutionalism about?
- What problems concerning constitutionalism are addressed by Waldron but ignored in the video (quite understendably given its length and purpose)? Do you find these points important?
- How does Waldron understand the different dimensions of constitutionalism? What is the difference between them (particular vs. general constitutionalism; constitutionalism as constraint vs. constitutionalism as empowerment etc.)