Adobe Systems Public administration in the Czech Republic Radislav Bražina Adobe Systems EXAMINATION - CONDITIONS §Active participation in lectures and seminars (taking part in discussion, preparation based on reading information available in §Written test. The test is based on true/false questions and multiple-choice questions. §Discussion aimed at one of the fifteen topics listed above in “Programme – topics”. The topic number will be randomly generated for each student at the beginning of the discussion. ̶ Term Administration •Activity aimed to care for certain things. •It pursues an activity that is targeted, that follows an aim whether its own or set by another entity, either of its own or as a duty. •It disposes of the means necessary to achieve the set aim. •Purposeful human activity aiming to reach purposes, targets. • Term Management ≠ Term Administration Management a purposeful activity leading to influence the managed entity in conformity with the set aim Administration vadministration in general is management of society vspecialized management vshows sign of stability, institutionalisation and regulation vapplied in stabilized systems and normatively determined relations only Public And Private Administration •Interest theory •Power theory •Organic Theory Public Administration •social phenomenon •public administration as the administration of public affairs is administration in public interest and is exercised as a duty set by law •public administration has at its disposal power – an ability to force a certain way of behaving on somebody •self-government sets its own targets •public administration as a service •legal element •purposeful element •realization of executive power • Public administration Organizational (or institutional) way – set of public administration bodies Functional (or material) way – specific activity of public administration bodies 7 Organizational Principles Important terms qPowers qCompetence q ØDecentralization ØDeconcentration Ø §Territorial principle §Departmental principle Organizational Principles oMonocratic x collegial principle o vAppointing x electoral system Public administration in the Czech Republic Central state administration bodies vMinistries and other central state administration bodies vCzech Republic Government Territorial deconcentrated – specialized state administration bodies Territorial administration with general competence vRegions and communities o •Independent competence (self-governing) o •Delegated competence Interest and professional self-government Administrative law •Independent branch of law (a branch of public law) •Legal basis for existence and performance of public administration •Multiplicity and plurality of legal regulations •Subject of the regulation – relations that are established within the performance of public administration •Regulation method – „administrative law“ (power aspect of public administration) •Administrative law – 1. substantial, 2. procedural, 3. competence and organizational (among these administrative offences) Administrative sciences Administrative sciences are aimed at public administration as such. Administrative law is aimed at legal regulation of public administration. 12 Adobe Systems 13 European administrative law 1.European admistrative law can be seen as part of EU law 2.EAL can be seen as the Common European Administrative Area - administrative cooperation, cross-border cooperation. 3.EAL can be seen as common Principles and Values - ius commune - interaction, managed / regulated by Council of Europe Adobe Systems 14 Europeanization §Europeanization can be seen as perception and acceptance of common European requirements, values, trends, standards, case law and their transposition into national (s) legal systems §Convergence, elimination of differences among the legal regulations of individual European states Adobe Systems 15 Europeanization §Passive - to be influenced by the surrounding European legislation, to meet the requirements of EU law §Active - to influence the surrounding legislation States in Europe (1) offer principles, (2) then they are taken over at European level and (3) distributed in Europe. Adobe Systems 16 Europeanization §Voluntary Europeanization – Council of Europe (non-legal aspects), similarity §Forced Europeanization - EU (legal aspects - obligation), consistency to uniformity, "deepening Europeanization", EU influence on preparation and implementation by Member States Impact mainly on the so-called special part of administrative law. Thank you for your attention.