Adobe Systems Obsah obrázku Výrazná modrá, hvězda JUDr. Malachta, KMEP 1 Introduction Law of the European Law JUDr. Radovan Malachta, Ph.D. 02/25/2025 Adobe Systems JUDr. Malachta, KMEP 2 Course Schedule Adobe Systems JUDr. Malachta, KMEP 3 Attendace ̶lectures are not mandatory (only recommended) ̶EXCEPT FOR THREE LECTURES ̶March 18 ̶April 15 ̶May 20 ̶on these dates – written tests and your presentations Adobe Systems JUDr. Malachta, KMEP 4 Tests and presentations ̶each test will have ̶6 multiple-choice questions a-b-c-d (where 1 to 4 answers may be correct) ̶5 short-answer questions (which required brief responses – about two sentences) ̶1 longer question (which may ask for your opinion or an analysis of a statement) ̶each test is worth up to 20 points (6 + 14), 60 points in total ̶the first test will cover lectures 1 to 3, the second test 5 to 7, the third test 9 to 12 ̶presentation ̶In pairs ̶15 minutes ̶10 points ̶additional points – for exceptional participation ̶ Adobe Systems JUDr. Malachta, KMEP 5 Grades 70 (and more than 70)-64 A (including bonus points) 63-57 B 56-50 C 49-43 D 42-36 E 35-0 F Adobe Systems JUDr. Malachta, KMEP 6 Kahoot What is Kahoot! and How Does it Work for Teachers? Tips & Tricks | Tech & Learning Adobe Systems JUDr. Malachta, KMEP 7 Why European Law? ̶Czech Republic is a member of the EU ̶27 members ̶bound by the law that EU creates ̶a direct influence on various aspects of our daily lives ̶Examples? Obsah obrázku mapa, text, atlas Adobe Systems JUDr. Malachta, KMEP 8 How EU Law Affects Our Everyday Life Pet lahve už jenom s víčky „na pevno“! Od července je to povinnost! | Aktuálně | Hitrádio Orion GDPR – ASYS IJD, spol. s r.o. Nabíjecí a datový kabel USB-A 2.0 / USB-C 2.0, 1,5 m, bílý | EMOS Greens Laud New EU ICE Ban, But Manufacturers Demand Fast Charger Action Obsah obrázku text, oblečení, móda Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Adobe Systems JUDr. Malachta, KMEP 9 NATIONAL LAW MEMBER STATE EU LAW INTERNATIONAL LAW Adobe Systems JUDr. Malachta, KMEP 10 The Nature/Essence of the EU ̶EU is a supranational organization ̶superior, „above“ the Member States ̶Member States VOLUNTARILY TRANSFERRED CERTAIN POWERS TO THE EU IN SPECIFIC AREAS ̶EU exercise authority on their behalf in certain areas/fields – EU can create laws and rules ̶EU does not have authority in some areas – MS are free to set their own laws and rules Adobe Systems JUDr. Malachta, KMEP 11 The Nature/Essence of the EU customs union competion rules agriculture enviroment transport industry culture education tourism European Union voluntary transfer of powers to the EU Member States Etc. Adobe Systems JUDr. Malachta, KMEP 12 The Nature/Essence of the EU II ̶inequality among Member States ̶MS are not equal to each other ̶the decision-making bodies of the EU ̶European Parliament ̶Council of the European Union ̶based on the population size of each state European Union MS MS MS MS Adobe Systems JUDr. Malachta, KMEP 13 Adobe Systems JUDr. Malachta, KMEP 14 Adobe Systems JUDr. Malachta, KMEP 15 Thank EU - Women's Equality