Otázky dle čísel kapitol (vždy jedna otázka - kromě kapitoly páté, kde nebude žádný dotaz). 1. Name types of securities in the Czech law. 2. Name classification of securities. How the securities can be classified according to their transferability? 3. Where’s the difference between payment by bill of exchange and payment by means of bill of exchange? 4. What are characteristics of bill of exchange and promissory note? Where are main differences? 5. (nebudou otázky) 6. What does “Geneva bill of exchange system” mean? 7. What is the system of Czech legal regulation of bill of exchange? 8. What measures to protect consumer against bill of exchange exist in the Czech law? 9. Name participants of bill of exchange and promissory note and their characteristics. 10. On what substratum bill of exchange or promissory note can be issued? 11. Which signatures are prerequisite for valid bill of exchange? 12. What are effects of acting without an agency? 13. What types of transfer of bill of exchange do you know? 14. Name characteristics of blank instrument. 15. What’s position of participants on condition that the text of bill of exchange was changed? 16. Name requirements of promissory note. 17. Name requirements of bill of exchange. 18. What are effects of bill acceptance? 19. Name types of aval statements on bill of exchange. 20. Name types of bill endorsements and their effects. 21. Presenting the bill for payment is called a preserving (maintaining) act. What does it mean? What are rules for bill reimbursement in foreign currency? 22. What is the importance of protesting the bill? What protesting bodies do you know? 23. Does notification represent preserving (maintaining) act? 24. Name recourse rights of bill creditor. 25. Name limitation periods of individual bill claims. 26. Name conflicts rules of bill obligations.