11n criminal proceedings a prosecutor prosecutes the defendant. The case is heard in the magistrates' court or the Crown Court, depending on the 3 seriousness of the offence. The prosecutor will have to prove to the court, beyond all reasonable doubt, that the defendant committed the offence 5 charged. The court will have to determine whether or not the defendant is guilty. In the magistrates' court it will be for the magistrates to determine 7 this question, in the Crown Court it will be for the jury to decide questions of fact and for the judge to decide questions of law. A finding of "not 9guilty" will lead to the defendant's acquittal. A. finding of "guilty" will lead to a conviction and may lead to a sentence of imprisonment or some n other form of punishment such as a fine or probation. A.Bradney, V.Fisher, J.Massoii, A.Neal, D.Newell, How to Study Law 11n civil proceedings, it is generally the plaintiff (the party harmed) who sues the defendant, although in some areas of the civil law other terms are 3 used. For example, in the case of a divorce the petitioner sues the respondent. The case will usually be heard in either the county court or the 5 High Court, depending on the nature of the case and the size of the loss involved. The plaintiff usually has to prove, on the balance of probabilities, 7 that the events took place in the manner claimed. This is a lower standard of proof than in criminal cases. If the plaintiff proves their case, the court 9 will make some kind of order. What this will be, will depend upon the kind of case and what the plaintiff has asked for. The basic choice before the n court is whether to order the defendant to compensate the plaintiff for their loss by awarding damages, or to order the defendant to act, or refrain from i3 acting, in some specific way in the future, or to make both kinds of orders. A.Bradney, V.Fisher, J.Masson, A.Neal, D.Newell, How to Study Law Civil and criminal law Translate the Czech expressions into English and complete the table. navrhovatel obžaloba obžalovaný trest spáchat žalovat být vinen rozsudek odnětí svobody nade vší pochybnost odsouzení (uznání vinným) po zvážení pravděpodobností podmíněné odsouzení konkrétní plnění (nařízené soudem) odškodnit ztráty zproštění viny žalobce přisoudit náhradu odpůrce být odpovědný soudní rozhodnutí náhrada škody CRIMINAL CIVIL people standards of proof outcomes • verbs examples *