Zack A. Clement Fulbright & Jaworski l.l.p. A Registered Limited Liability Partnership 1301 McKinney, Suite 5100 Houston, Texas 77010-3095 ZCLEMENT@FULBRIGHT.COM TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR INTERNATIONAL INSOLVENCY AND ARBITRATION MATERIALS **NOTE** Items appearing in Blue are hyperlinked to either the text of a listed document or the website of a listed organization I. Bankruptcy A. Multilateral Bankruptcy Treaties B. Bilateral Bankruptcy Treaties C. Domestic Bankruptcy Laws of Various Nations D. Model Bankruptcy Laws E. Organizations Dealing with Cross-Border Insolvency F. Reference Materials Concerning Insolvency Practice II. Arbitration A. Multilateral International Arbitration Treaties and Conventions B. Bilateral Investment Treaties C. Domestic Arbitration Laws of Various Nations D. Model Arbitration Laws E. Organizations Dealing with International Arbitration F. Reference Materials Concerning Insolvency Practice III. Methods of Dealing with Multi-National Insolvency Cases A. Materials Concerning Comity B. Materials Concerning General International Law Principles Derived from Custom and Usage C. Materials Concerning other Principles and Methods for Dealing with Multinational Interest ("COMI")] IV. Commentary Concerning Insolvency and Arbitration A. Books, Articles, Journals and Law Reviews Concerning Insolvency and Arbitration B. Certain Reported Decisions C. Other Materials Concerning Insolvency and Arbitration Insolvency Cases [including Concepts of Center of Main I. Bankruptcy A. Multilateral Bankruptcy Treaties 1. (1923) Convention relating to Legal Assistance 2. (1925) Convention concerning Territorial Jurisdiction, Bankruptcy and the Authority and Execution of Judgments, Arbitral Awards, and Notarial Acts, with Additional Protocol 3. (1925) Convention concerning Reciprocal Judicial Protection and Legal Assistance in regard to Civil and Commercial Law and Non-Litigious Affairs, with Additional Protocol 4. (1928) Convention on Private International Law (The Bustamante Code) 5. (1929) Convention regarding Certain Questions of Civil Procedure and Private Law, with Protocol of Signature 6. (1930) of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters Convention on the Enforcement 7. (1933) Nordic Bankruptcy Convention (Nordisk Konkurskonvention) a. (1977) Amendment to Nordic Bankruptcy Convention 8. (1934) Convention concerning the Reciprocal Execution of Enforceable Decisions and Instruments and Reciprocity in Bankruptcy Proceedings, and Additional Protocol 9. (1940) International Treaty on Commercial Law (1889), amended by the Treaty of Montevideo of 1940 a. governed the relations among Argentina, Bolivia, Columbia, Peru, Paraguay and Uruguay, respectively 10. (1969) Convention concerning Bankruptcy, Composition and Extension of Payment 11. (1979) Convention concerning Judicial Jurisdiction, Recognition and Execution of Decisions in Maters of Bankruptcy 12. (1979) Treaty concerning Bankruptcy and Composition Law 13. (2002) Insolvency Proceedings of the European Union (EC) No. 1346/2000 of May 29, 2000, OJ L 160, June 30, 2000 a. status 14. (Not in Force ­ 1990) European Convention on Certain International Aspects of Bankruptcy B. Bilateral Bankruptcy Treaties C. Domestic Bankruptcy Laws of Various Nations 1. See International Insolvency Institute CD (June 2005) D. Model Bankruptcy Laws 1. (1997) UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross Border Insolvency 2. (2000) American Law Institute - Guidelines for Court-to-Court Communications in Cross-Border Cases (2000) Asia3. n Development Bank - Insolvency Law Reforms in the Asian and Model Law on solvency Law E. der Insolvency Pacific Region: Law and Policy Reform at the Asian Development (Volume I) 4. (2001) World Bank - Principles and Guidelines for Effective Insolvency and Creditor Rights Systems 5. (2004) European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ­ Secured Transactions 6. (2004) UNCITRAL ­ Legislative Guide on In Organizations Dealing with Cross-Bor Restructuring, Insolvency & ence Materials Concerning Insolvency Practice 1. International Insolvency Institute 2. INSOL International- International Association of Bankruptcy Professionals F. Refer II. A. ltila Arbitration Mu teral International Arbitration Treaties and Conventions 1. (1910) Hague Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes 2. (1907) Hague Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes 3. (1923) Geneva Protocol On Arbitration Clauses (1899 4. 29) On The Execution Of Foreign Arbitral Awards 5. (1949) Revised General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International 6. (1959) New York Convention: United Nations Convention on the Awards 7. ercial Arbitration 8. ent of Investment Disputes ls of Other States of 10. 11. can Convention On International Commercial Arbitration 13. Vien w of Treaties t of Judgments in (1992) Arab Convention On Commercial Arbitration (19 Geneva Convention a. status/ signatories Disputes a. status/signatories Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral a. status / signatories (1964) European Convention on International Comm a. status/signatories (1966) Washington Convention on the Settlem Between States and Nationa a. Status / signatories 9. (1968) Convention concerning Judicial Competence and the Execution Decisions in Civil and Commercial Matters (Brussels) (1971) The Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters a. (1979) Supplementary Protocol to the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments (1976) Inter-Ameri a. signatories 12. (1976) UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules (1980) na Convention on the La a. Status / signatories 14. (1982) The Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 15. (1988) Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcemen Civil and Commercial Matters - Lugano 16. 17. (1996) Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties 19. (1998) International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration Rules 20. Arbitration 21. (Not in Force ­ 1986) Vienna Convention on the law of Treatises between l Organizations or between International Organizations B. a. status / signatories 18. (1997) The Jordanian-American Investment Treaty (Not in Force ­ 1966) European Convention Providing A Uniform Law On States and Internationa a. status / signatories Bilateral Investment Treaties 1. Treaties and Other International Agreements of the United States in Force only) 2. Chronological List of Bilateral Investment Treaties (World Bank website) s (World Bank website) s of Various Nations 3. List of Parties to Bilateral Investment Treatie C. Domestic Arbitration Law 1. See Permanent Court of Arbitration website D. Model Arbitration Laws 1. (1985) UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration E. Organizations Dealing with International Arbitration 1. Permanent Court of Arbitration 2. WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center 3. American Arbitration Association (AAA) 4. Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration 5. Centro de Arbitraje y Mediación Paraguay 6. Comisión de Mediación y Arbitraje Comercial Cámara de Comercio de la Ciudad de México (CANACO) 7. Comité Venezolano de Arbitraje 8. International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) 9. International Court of Arbitration 10. Regional Centre for Arbitration Kuala Lumpur (RCAKL) 11. Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) F. Reference Materials Concerning Arbitration Practice 1. AAA Arbitral Rules 2. Bowman's 12-States of an ICC Arbitration handout 3. Code of Ethics for Arbitrators in Commercial Disputes (2004 Revision) 4. IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration 5. International Chamber of Commerce Arbitral Rules 6. ICDR Arbitral Rules 7. ICSID Convention 8. ICSID Rules 9. LCIA Arbitral Rules 10. SCC Arbitral Rules 11. UNCITRAL Arbitral Rules 12. UNCITRAL Notes on Organizing Arbitral Proceedings III. nal Insolvency Cases A. ncerning Comity Methods of Dealing with Multi-Natio Materials Co B. Materials Concerning General International Law Principles Derived from Custom 1. Articles 2. Certain Reported Decisions and Usage 1. Articles 2. Certain Reported Decisions Materials Concerning otheC. r Principles and Methods for Dealing with Multinational Insolvency Cases [including Concepts of Center of Main Interest ("COMI")] IV. A. oks, Commentary Concerning Insolvency and Arbitration Bo Articles, Journals and Law Reviews on Insolvency and Arbitration 1. Alan Redfern & Martin Hunter, Law and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration (4th edition, Thomson/Sweet & Maxwell 2004) 2. Albert Jan van den Berg, The New York Arbitration Convention of 1958 (Kluwer 1981) Carolyn C. Marka3. son, Arbitration Agreements in Bankruptcy Proceedings: The Clash Between Policies and the Proper Forum for Resolution, 57 TEMP. L.Q. 855 (1984) 4. Fred Neufeld, Enforcement of Contractual Arbitration Agreements Under the Bankruptcy Code, 65 AM. BANKR. L.J. 525 (1991) 5. Fouchard Gaillard Goldman on International Commercial Arbitration (Emmanuel Gaillard & John Savage eds., Kluwer 1999) 6. Gary B. Born, International Commercial Arbitration Commentary and Materials (2d edition Kluwer 2001) 7. Jay Westbrook, The Coming Encounter: International Arbitration and Bankruptcy, 67 MINN. LAW REV. 595 (1983) John Pottow, Procedural Incrementalism: A Model for International8. Bankruptcy, in the University of Michigan Law School, The John M. Olin Center of Law & Economics Working Paper Series, PAPER 36 (2005) 9. D. James Mackall, Balancing Section 3 of the United States Arbitration Act and Section 1471 of the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978: A Bankruptcy Judge's Exercise of "Sound Discretion", 53 U. CIN. L. REV 231 (1984) 10. Dr. Laurent Lévy, Insolvency in Arbitration (Swiss Law), INŤL. A.L.R., Issu 1 (2005) e 11. Mette H. Kurth, An Unstoppable Mandate and an Immovable Policy: The Arbitration Act and the Bankruptcy Code Collide, 43 UCLA L. REV. 999 (1996) 12. an Paullson, International Arbitration (3d edition, Oceana 2000) W. Laurence Craig, Willaim W. Park and J Chamber of Commerce 13. William E. Deitrick, The Conflicting Policies Between Arbitration and Bankruptcy, 40 BUS. LAW 33 (Nov. 1984) B. Certain Reported Decisions C. Other Materials Concerning Insolvency and Arbitration RAL: Status of Convention1. UNCIT s and Model Laws le of ne 1974, as amended by the b. ] Convention on the Limitation Period in the c. tion on the Carriage of Goods by Sea, 1978 d. the International Sale of e. of Exchange and f. n the Liability of Operators of Transport g. ndependent Guarantees and Stand-by fers (1992) a. Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sa Goods, concluded at New York on 14 Ju Protocol of 11 April 1980 [Unamended International Sale of Goods (NY 1994) United Nations Conven (Hamburg) United Nations Convention on Contracts for Goods (Vienna, 1980) United Nations Convention on International Bills International Promissory Notes (NY 1988) United Nations Convention o terminals in International Trade (Vienna, 1991) United Nations Convention on I Letters of Credit (NY 1995) h. United Nations Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in International Trade (NY 2001) i. UNCITRAL Model Law on International Credit Trans j. UNCITRAL Model Law on Procurement of Goods, Construction and Services (1994) k. UNCITRAL Model on Electronic Commerce (1996) l. UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency (1997) m. UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Signatures (2001)