Osnova - BO106K Odborná jazyková průprava I - angličtina

2.European Community and European Law

What was done - Chapter II of Introduction to English for International Trade Law:

- group presentations: the EU - advantages, disadvantages

- pre-reading exercise: vocabulary for the texts in ex. 1:

- the European Union and the Europen Community: definitions, evolution of structures - ex. 1,2

- the legal sources of Community law - ex. 5

- differences between regulations, directives, decisions, recommendations and opinions - ex. 6

- the single market: definitions - ex. 7

After the seminar you should be able to

- define the European Union, the European Community and the single market

- name legal sources of Community law

- give examples of primary legislation and secondary legislation

- explain the main differences between regulations, directives, decisions, recommendations and opinions