Czech Family Law

Maintenance Duty

9. 11. 2009


The main aim of this lecture is to provide basic information about legal regulation of maintenance law.


Seminary Program

1) Maintenance Duty of Parents to their Children

2) Maintenance Duty of Children to their Parents

3) Maintenance Duty between other Relatives

4) Maintenance Duty between Spouses

5) Maintenance Duty between Divorced Spouses

6) Contribution to Maintenance and Coverage of Several Cost of an Unmarried Mother


Statistic information on number of cases finished by courts in 2008 (contains only first decisions on the matters):

Maintenance Duty of Parents to their Children - after reaching majority:                         

3.986 cases  

Maintenance Duty of Parents to their Minor Children - due separation of parents:      

1.859 cases - duty of mother; 19.075 cases - duty of father, 299 cases - duty of both parents

Maintenance Duty of Parents to their Minor Children - for time after divorce:               

1.756 cases - duty of mother; 16.712 cases - duty of father, 223 cases - duty of both parents   

Maintenance Duty of Children to their Parents:           

16 cases

Maintenance Duty between other Relatives:                                                                         

8 cases

Maintenance Duty between Spouses:                                                                       

1.796 cases in favour of wife; 98 cases in favour of husband

Maintenance Duty between Divorced Spouses:                                                                   

680 cases in favour of former wife; 86 cases in favour of husband

Contribution to Maintenance and Coverage of Several Cost of an Unmarried Mother:

1.013 cases




M. Hrušáková: Czech Family Law. Brno: Masaryk University, 2006. p. 30, 47-49, 79-81, 84,.