Sources of Anglo-american law Tomáš Hrstka Anglo – american law -Both systems are similar -The system was created in England -It spread to America during the colonial times -The main source of law in both countries is The Common Law -Other similar features are trial by jury and system of judicial precedents -In both systems, Supremacy of the law is one of the main characteristics Sources of England law -Common law = system of legal customs -It was formed in the 12th century in England -The King was the main judge -Until the 19th century it was a privilege to ask the king‘s court for help in any case -There had to be a ´´writ´´(name of privilege) which alowed the problem to be solved by the king -Until 1832 there were only 76 writs, so only 76 types of problems could be solved by a court -It was not enough, so the precedental system was invented Sources of England law -Judicial precedent -The main source of law in England -If the court of higher level resolves a case, the same resolution has to be applied in every similar case after that -This duty was called ´´stare decisis´´ -Nowadays there are two kinds of precedent: strict (fixed) and free -In the case of the strict precedent a judge has to decide in absolutely the same way as the precedent says, and it is not important that he can think it is not just -In case of free precedent he can partly change the resolution - • - written precedents we can find in collections e.g. Law reports and Law of England • Source of England law -Statute law -Historically it was a group of king‘s and later government‘s decisions and rules -These rules were written and it creates a collection of prescribed texts and statutes -Nowadays, this source of law is mainly used for civil law Sources of American law -Judicial resolutions (precedents) -Lex scripta (written law) – it has a bigger power and usage in the USA than in England. The Constitution of the USA is the most powerful. -Restatement of the law (a collection of many common laws and customs). This collection is not formal, but it is very authoritative. -Other collections and files of law, precedents and rules - - - Principle of the ´´Supremacy of the law´´ -It means that nobody is above the law -This principle was functional even in the Middle-ages, when the king also could be the subject in any case -Nowadays, it is used on governmental agencies and their acts • •Scotland -Law system is a combination of English system and Continental system -Scotish law was influenced by German and Roman law traditions •Thank you for your attention! J