Common law system Common-Law Origin and history nbirth of common law system = long history nthe Norman Kings sent travelling judges around the country nbefore 1066 no law was common (law administrated by local cours) nancient customs are step by step replaced by uniform application of law William of Normandy Plantagenet,WilliamI01 Doctrine of precedent njudges applied existing customs ncentral feature of modern law systém ncourts are bound by the decision of previous courts unless it differs ngovernments may make new laws – to modify or clarify common law nnew interpretation – new precedent Equity nimportant subsystem in common law system nlaw is to be „equitable“ nequity fills the gap in law, where is no opportunity to apply the common law nlord chancellor – legal administration nthe courts of common law and of equity existed alongside each other nnowadays equity and common law works together Evolution nbeginning actions in different courts (2 systems of justice – 1873 – unification, lawyer can follow common law and equitable claims nlegislation has become the most important source of new law ngovernment contributes to revise and clarify the common law by new legislation n n n Spread of common law 1.widespread influence of Britain in the world (trade with other countries…) 2.growth of british former colony – the USA n njudges cannot support their decisions by cases from another country, but it is permissible for a judge to note such evidence in giving an explanation Common law on the Earth Common-Law Summary norigin in England nrole of judges is very different from the role in our country nthey make as well as apply the law naccent on other sources of law (precedents, customs…) ncommon law system may be more flexible but less resistant to licence of judges commonlaw Thank for your patience !!! 6a00d8341c60bf53ef0120a5f53d7c970c-500wi