The legislation system in the UK Ladislav Vrubel British Parliament •A) House of Commons •B) House of Lords •The Crown •Palace of Westminster C:\Users\Ladislav Vrubel\Desktop\id_6928.jpg • C:\Users\Ladislav Vrubel\Desktop\l s in uk.png House of Commons First Reading • • •a “ dummy“ copy of the Bill •the Speaker calls the name of the sponsor •the Clerk reads the title •the Minister or a Whip names a day for Second Reading Second Reading •printed Bill examinated for compliance •usually two weekends between printing and Second Reading •“ Guillotine“ or Programme Motion •considering principle •wide-ranging debate •the Bill is rarely denied Committee Stage •clause by clause consideration of the measure •relevant amendments and clauses •by Minister, Opposition spokesman, Member of the Committee •if amended, reprinted and allocated •Report stage – amendments reviewed and could be corrected • Third Reading •often directly after the Second •the House take an overview •no substantive amendments allowed •usually very short, taken formally (except major political and constitutional events) C:\Users\Ladislav Vrubel\Desktop\l s in uk.png House of Lords – Lords Stage •similar manners •amendments •the Bill can travel several times •disagreement – Commons prevail •agreement – Royal Assent • Royal Assent •final formal procedure •the Bill becomes an Act •annual series of Public and General Acts •each Act – Chapter number –Public Acts – arabic figures –Personal and Local Acts – roman numerals • Questions? • Thank you for your attention … • •and yes, I do agree with publication of my presentation on the website…J