Eliška Charvátová ž žEstablishes rules of conduct and penalties žLaw which creates, defines, and regulates rights and obligations žDefines the legal relationship of people with other people or between them and the state žStands in contrast to procedural law img_260217_main.jpg Codecivil-gros.gif code_civil.jpg ž= adjective or remedial law ž žPrescribes the method of enforcing rights or obtaining redress ž žPrescribes how to proceed in court ž 95228l.jpg 60120l.jpg UZ_714.jpg žProcedure by which are detected crimes and their perpetrators, and ensure their fair punishment žPublic Law žParties žStages žPrinciples žPunishments žBodies active in criminal proceedings ž 1) court ž 2) prosecuting authority ž 3) investigators (police) žAccused defendant convicted žInjured žOr other participant ž ž žPreliminary proceedings žPreliminary hearing of the indictment žTrial žAppeal žEnforcement of judgment žPrinciple of a prosecution on legal grounds žPrinciple of officiality žPrinciple of legality žPrinciple of public hearing žPrinciple of oral proceedings žThe presumption of innocence žEtc. žConditional Ñ Unconditional sentence ž žImprisonment žLoss of honorary degrees and awards žCommunity service žLoss of military rank žBan on work žForfeiture of property žFine žDeportation žBan on residence žProtective treatment •offender is not criminally responsible due to insanity ž žProtective education •offender younger than 15 years old ž — Head of the state has a right to grant a pardon or amnesty (general pardon) during the criminal procedure. žOne of three basic types of procedure (with criminal and administrative procedure) žProcedure of decision-making authority (court), parties and other participant in discussing and deciding private disputes and other legal matters žPrivate Law žKinds of civil procedure žPrinciples žDiscover proceedings ž žEnforcement proceedings ž žInsolvency proceedings ž žArbitration ž žHedging proceedings ž ž ž ž žDisposition principle žPrinciple of public hearing žPrinciple of equality before the court žPrinciple of oral proceedings žPrinciple of free evaluation of evidence žEtc. ž žThe debtor and the creditor žDivorce žProperty disputes žEtc. ž ž žMurder žRobbery žSelling drugs žEtc. ž žNew Introduction to Legal English, Marta Chromá žTeorie práva, Jaromír Harvánek a kolektiv žWebsites žMy notes from lessons