Criminal law and civil law Luboš Brabenec Main distinctions lParties to the action lStandards of proof lRemedies and punishment Criminal law lRegulation of the relationship between state and individuals lThe party bringing action is prosecution, other party is defendant. Criminal law lHigher standarts of proof lProve the guilt beyond reasonable doubt lSystem of punishment- fine, imprisonment, execution etc. lCriminal offences -Petty offence -Serious offence Civil law lRegulation of the relationship between individuals lThe party bringing action is plaintiff, other party is defendant Civil law lProve the liable on the balance of probabilities lSystem of remedies- damages, specific performances etc. lInclude the law of contract, law of property, tort, family law Vocabulary lRemedy- opravný prostředek, soudní opatření lProsecution- státní zastupitelství lDefendant- obžalovaný, odpůrce (v občanském právu) lPetty offence- přestupek lSerious offence- závažný trestní čin lPlaintiff- navrhovatel lTort- občansko-právní delikt lDamage- náhrada škody lSpecific performance- dodržení smlouvy podle soudního příkazu Sources lChromá, M. New Introduction to legal English. Prague: The Carolinum Press, 2008. lPowell, Richard. Law today. 1. ed. Harlow : Longman, 1993. Thank you for your attention.