TitleSlideTop.jpg TitleSlideBottom.jpg Divison of law Hánová Katrin RunningTop-R.jpg 3 main divisions of law nPublic law and private law n nCivil law and criminal law n nSubstantive law and procedural law SectionHeaderLeft.jpg Civil law nDisputes among citizens in the country Public law Disputes between citizens and the state, or one state and another. Disputes = spory RunningTop-R.jpg Main categories nCivil law nContracts nTorts nTrusts nLand law nFamily law nCommercial law n nPublic law nCriminal law nConstitutional law nAdministrative law nFinancial law nInternational law n(Martial law, nInternational criminal law) nLabour law nProbate RunningTop-R.jpg Civil law nContracts - binding agreements between people nTorts - wrongs committed by one person against another individual’s person nTrusts - trust is a relationship whereby property is managed by one person for benefit of another whereby = kterým, čímž RunningTop-R.jpg Civil law nCommercial law - governs business and commercial transactions nLabour law – regulates relations between employees and employers nProbate – arrangements for dealing with property after the owner’s death RunningTop-R.jpg Public law nCriminal law - specifies which socially harmful conduct is a crime, what are the penalties for their commission and how the state identify the perpetrators and punishing them nInternational law – regulation of relations between governments and also between private citizens of one country and those of another harmful = škodlivý commission = spáchání perpetrators = pachatel RunningTop-R.jpg Public law nConstitutional law – dealing with the distribution and exercise of government power nAdministrative law - governs the activities of administrative agencies of government distribution and exercise = rozdělení a výkon administrative agencies = správní úřady TitleSlideTop.jpg TitleSlideBottom.jpg Thank you for your attention J Sources: Powel R.: Law Today Chromá M.: New Introduction to Legal English www.wikipedia.org