Public law, Private law Veřejné právo, Soukromé právo 1 Jiří Sedláček, English for Lawyers 1, 2010 Basics Jiří Sedláček, English for Lawyers 1, 20102  Continental law only!  Originally from Ancient Rome law.  Different courts for both law systems (in France).  Some special tribunals for law systems.  Supreme administrative court of the Czech Republic Public law Jiří Sedláček, English for Lawyers 1, 20103  Theory of law,  governing the relationship between:  individuals (citizens, companies),  state.  Sub-divisions:  constitutional law,  administrative law,  criminal law.  Creation of a public body with special powers of investigation, decision-making and/or enforcement in relation to a particular problem.(Chromá, 2. dopl. vyd, 1998, p. 156) Private law Jiří Sedláček, English for Lawyers 1, 20104  Theory of law as well,  governing relationships between individuals.  Including:  law of contracts (smluvní právo),  law of torts (právo občanskoprávních deliktů),  law of obligations (závazkové právo).  It is not civil law, civil law is mainly part of PL.  There are permissions, not restrictions. Areas of Private law Jiří Sedláček, English for Lawyers 1, 20105  Civil law (občanské právo):  family law (rodinné právo),  property law (majetkové právo),  contract law (smluvní a závazkové právo),  inheritance law (dědické právo).  Labour law (pracovní právo).  Commercial law (obchodní právo).  Corporations law (právo obchodních společností).  Competition law (soutěžní právo). Fundamentals of private law Jiří Sedláček, English for Lawyers 1, 20106  Equality of participants,  individual autonomy,  equity,  „all is permited when it is not prohibited“,  prohibits abuse of subjective laws,  certainty and stability in private law relationship,  prevention. Differences Jiří Sedláček, English for Lawyers 1, 20107  Private law rules are the protection of individual interests.  Public law is the promotion of social obejctives and the protection of collective rather than individual interests.  Private – permits, public – prohibits. Thanks and resources Jiří Sedláček, English for Lawyers 1, 20108  Thank you for listening!  Public law [online], last edit October 8, 2010 [cit . October 24, 2010], Wikipedia: The Free Encyklopedia.  Private law [online], last edit May 14, 2010 [cit . October 24, 2010], Wikipedia: The Free Encyklopedia.  Súkromné právo [online], last edit July 1, 2010 [cit . October 24, 2010], Wikipédia: Slobodná encyklopédia.  CHROMÁ, Marta. Introduction to legal English. Vol. 1. Praha : Karolinum, 1998, 368 s., ISBN: 80-7184-697-X License Jiří Sedláček, English for Lawyers 1, 20109 Uvedená práce (dílo) podléhá licenci Creative Commons Uveďte autora 3.0 Česká republika