Date of dispatch to the parties: May 12, 2005 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR SETTLEMENT OF INVESTMENT DISPUTES WASHINGTON, D.C. TWEEN ON COMPANY IMANT) AND THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC (RESPONDENT) CASE NO. ARB/01/8 IN THE PROCEEDING BE CMS GAS TRANSMISSI (CLA AWARD e Tribunal Professor Francisco Orrego Vicuña, President The Honorable Marc Lalonde P.C., O.C., Q.C., Arbitrator H.E. Judge Francisco Rezek, Arbitrator Secretary of the Tribunal Ms. Margrete Stevens M mbers of the 2 Representing the Claimant d Bruckhaus Deringer LLP New York, NY f America . Nigel Blackaby hfields Bruckhaus Deringer s France and ido Santiago Tawil M. & M. Bomchil Abogados Buenos Aires Argentina Representing the Respondent Guglielmino o de la Nación ocuración del Tesoro de la Nación Buenos Aires Argentina Ms. Lucy Ree Ms. Sylvia Noury Freshfields United States o Mr Fres Pari Dr. Gu H.E. Osvaldo César Procurador del Tesor Pr 3 THE TRIBUNAL Composed as above, After deliberation, Makes the following Award: A. Introduction 1. The Claimant, CMS Gas Transmission Company, is a company established under the laws of the State of Michigan, United States. It is represented in this proceeding by: cy Reed Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP 520 Madison Avenue 34th floor New York, NY 10022 United States of America Ms. Lu Ms. Sylvia Noury 4 Mr. Nigel Blackaby khaus Deringer anne 5 Paris Cedex 08 France go Tawil bogados ha 268, piso 12 C1008AAF Buenos Aires Argentina e Argentine Republic, represented in this proceeding by: H.E. Osvaldo César Guglielmino Procurador del Tesoro de la Nación Procuración del Tesoro de la Nación os Argentina 3. By letter of April 8, 2005 the Secretary of the Tribunal informed the parties that the Tribunal had declared the proceeding closed in accordance with Rule 38(1) of the Arbitration Rules. This Award contains the Tribunal’s Award on the merits rendered in accordance with Arbitration Rule 47, as well as a copy of the Tribunal’s Decision on Objections to Freshfields Bruc 2-4 rue Paul Céz 7537 Dr. Guido Santia M. & M. Bomchil A Suipac 2. The Respondent is th P adas 1641 CP 1112 Buenos Aires 5 Jurisdiction. In rendering its Award, the Tribunal has taken into account all pleadings, documents and testimony in this case insofar as it considered them relevant. B. Summary of the Procedure 1. Procedure Leading to the Decision on Jurisdiction stment Disputes CMS), an entity incorporated in the United States of America, a Request for Arbitration against the Argentine Republic (Argentina). The request concerned the alleged suspension by Argentina of a tariff ich CMS had an est, the Claimant invoked the provisions of the 1991 “Treaty between the United States of America and the Argentine Republic Concerning the Reciprocal Encouragement and Protection of Investment.” (The Argentina – U.S. Bilateral Investment Treaty or BIT or the Treaty).1 5. On July 27, 2001, the Centre, in accordance with Rule 5 of the ICSID Rules of Pro stitution Rules), acknowledged receipt and transmitted a copy of the request to Argentina and to the Argentine Embassy in Washington D.C. 6. On August 15, 2001, the Centre requested CMS to confirm that the dispute referred to in the request had not been submitted by CMS for resolution in accordance with any applicable, previously agreed, dispute-settlement procedure, under Article VII (2)(b) of the BIT. On August 23, 2001, CMS confirmed that it had taken no such steps. 4. On July 26, 2001, the International Centre for Settlement of Inve (ICSID or the Centre) received from CMS Gas Transmission Company ( adjustment formula for gas transportation applicable to an enterprise in wh investment. In its requ cedure for the Institution of Conciliation and Arbitration Proceedings (In 6 7. On August 24, 2001, the Secretary-General of the Centre registered the request, s same date, the parties of the f the request and invited them to proceed to constitute an Arbitral Tribunal as soon as possible. imant’s proposal the Arbitral Tribunal would consist of three arbitrators, one arbitrator to be appointed by each party and the third, who would be President of the Tribunal, to be appointed by agreement of the parties. greement to the eir appointment. On the same date the Centre informed the parties that since their agreement on the number of arbitrators and the method of their appointment was equivalent to the formula set forth in ocedure set forth 10. On October 24, 2001 Argentina appointed H. E. Judge Francisco Rezek, a national of Brazil, as an arbitrator. On November 9, 2001, CMS appointed The Honorable Marc Lalonde P.C., O.C., Q.C., a national of Canada, as an arbitrator. The parties, however, failed to agree on the appointment of the third, presiding, arbitrator. In these circumstances, by letter of December 5, 2001, the Claimant requested that the third, presiding, arbitrator in the proceeding be appointed in accordance with Article 38 of the ICSID Convention.2 pursuant to Article 36(3) of the ICSID Convention (the Convention). On thi Secretary-General, in accordance with Institution Rule 7, notified the registration o 8. On August 30, 2001, the Centre reminded Argentina of the Cla concerning the number of arbitrators and the method of their appointment. Under this proposal, contained in paragraph 60 of the request for arbitration, 9. On September 13, 2001, Argentina informed the Centre of its a proposal of CMS concerning the number of arbitrators and the method of th Article 37(2)(b) of the Convention, the parties were invited to follow the pr in Arbitration Rule 3 for the appointment of arbitrators. 7 11. After consultation with the parties, Professor Francisco Orrego Vicuña, a national of ry 11, 2002, the f Procedure for accepted their appointments and that the Tribunal was therefore deemed to have been constituted on that date. On the same date, pursuant to ICSID Administrative and Financial Regulation 25, the parties were informed that Mr. Alejandro Escobar, Senior Counsel, ICSID, would serve as 12. The first session of the Tribunal with the parties was held on February 4, 2002, at the seat of ICSID in Washington, D.C. At the session the parties expressed their agreement that the Tribunal had been properly constituted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the bjections in this 13. During the course of the first session the parties agreed on a number of procedural of the Tribunal; ed the following file a memorial within 120 days from the date of the first session; the Respondent would file a countermemorial within 120 days from its receipt of the Claimant’s memorial; the Claimant would file a reply within 60 days from its receipt of the counter-memorial; and the Respondent would file its rejoinder within 60 days from its receipt of the reply. At the first session it was further agreed that in the event of the Respondent raising objections to jurisdiction, the following time limits would apply: the Respondent would file its memorial on jurisdiction within 60 days from its receipt of the Claimant’s memorial on the merits; the Claimant would Chile, was duly appointed as President of the Arbitral Tribunal. On Janua Secretary-General, in accordance with Rule 6(1) of the ICSID Rules o Arbitration Proceedings notified the parties that all three arbitrators had Secretary of the Arbitral Tribunal. ICSID Convention and the Arbitration Rules and that they did not have any o respect. matters reflected in written minutes signed by the President and the Secretary and the Tribunal, after ascertaining the views of the parties on the matter, fix time limits for the written phase of the proceedings: The Claimant would 8 file its counter-memorial on jurisdiction within 60 days from its receipt of the Respondent’s n within 30 days Claimant would joinder on jurisdiction within 30 days from its receipt of the Respondent’s reply on jurisdiction. 002 of the time al granted the extension sought by the Claimant. In doing so, the Tribunal noted that Argentina would be entitled to an equivalent extension if requested, of the time limit fixed for its counter-memorial. d accompanying ICSID, replaced tember 4, 2002, Argentina requested an extension till October 7, 2002, of the time limit fixed for the filing of the memorial on jurisdiction. On September 11, 2002, the Tribunal granted the extension sought rgentina. On October 7, 2002, Argentina filed its memorial on jurisdiction. 6. s to jurisdiction, the proceeding on the merits was suspended in accordance with ICSID Arbitration Rule 41(3). 17. On December 17, 2002, the Claimant submitted its counter-memorial on jurisdiction. On January 22, 2003, the parties requested an extension of 30 days for each of the remaining two jurisdictional filings. On January 27, 2003, the Tribunal granted the extensions, and fixed the time limit for the filing of the Respondent’s reply on jurisdiction for February 11, memorial on jurisdiction; the Respondent would file its reply on jurisdictio from its receipt of the Claimant’s counter-memorial on jurisdiction; and the file its re 14. On May 24, 2002, the Claimant requested an extension till July 5, 2 limit fixed for the filing of its memorial. On June 6, 2002, the Tribun 15. On July 5, 2002, the Claimant filed its memorial on the merits an documentation. On August 5, 2002, Ms. Margrete Stevens, Senior Counsel, Mr. Alejandro Escobar as Secretary of the Tribunal. On Sep by A 1 On October 24, 2002, following the Respondent’s filing of objection 9 2003; and the time limit for the filing of the Claimant’s rejoinder on jurisdiction for March 25, 2003. nt filed its reply on jurisdiction, and on March 25, 2003, the Claimant filed its rejoinder on jurisdiction. of the Centre in tcliffe and Guido f of the Claimant. Mr. Ignacio Suarez Anzorena addressed the Tribunal on behalf of Argentina. The Tribunal posed questions to the parties, as provided in Rule 32(3) of the Arbitration Rules. he Objections to nal rejected the Respondent’s contention that the Claimant could not, as a minority shareholder, bring a claim against Argentina and confirmed that the dispute arose directly from an investment made by diction and that mpetent to consider the dispute between the parties in accordance with the provisions of the Argentina – U.S. BIT. 21. Certified copies of the Tribunal’s decision were distributed to the parties by the Secretary of the Tribunal. 18. On February 13, 2003, the Responde 19. On April 7-8, 2003, the hearing on jurisdiction was held at the seat Washington, D.C. Ms. Lucy Reed and Messrs. Nigel Blackaby, Jonathan Su Tawil addressed the Tribunal on behal 20. On July 17, 2003, the Tribunal issued its unanimous Decision on t Jurisdiction raised by the Argentine Republic. In its Decision, the Tribu the Claimant. On this basis, the Tribunal concluded that the Centre had juris the Tribunal was co 10 2. Procedure Leading to the Award on the Merits to Jurisdiction, of the Centre, Procedural Order No. 1 on the continuation of the proceeding on the merits. In that Procedural Order the Tribunal fixed the following schedule for the further procedures: as the Respondent was enty (120) days ithin sixty (60) days from its receipt of the Respondent’s counter-memorial; and the Respondent would file a rejoinder on the merits within sixty (60) days from its receipt of the Claimant’s reply. The hearing on the 23. By letter of October 2, 2003, the Respondent filed a request for suspension of the proceeding. By letter of October 14, 2003, the Tribunal invited the Claimant to file, no later ension; by letter ervations on the Respondent’s request of October 2, 2003. 24. By letter of October 22, 2003, the Respondent filed a request for an extension of the time limit for the filing of its counter-memorial on the merits. 25. By letter of October 30, 2003, the Secretary of the Tribunal informed the parties of the Tribunal’s decision to grant the Respondent’s request for a 30-day extension for the filing of its counter-memorial on the merits; the new time limit was fixed for December 17, 2003. 22. On July 17, 2003, the Tribunal, following its Decision on Objections issued, in accordance with Rules 19 and 41(4) of the Arbitration Rules Claimant had already filed its memorial on the merits of the dispute, the directed to file a counter-memorial on the merits within one hundred and tw from the date of the Order; the Claimant would file a reply on the merits w Order further contemplated that the Tribunal would propose a date for the merits once it had received the above-indicated memorials. than October 20, 2003, its observations on the Respondent’s request for susp of October 17, 2003 the Claimant filed its obs 11 26. By letter of October 31, 2003, the Secretary of the Tribunal informed the parties of unal’s decision not to grant the Respondent’s request for suspension of the proceeding. 27. On December 22, 2003, the Respondent filed its counter-memorial on the merits. By letter of December 23, 2003, the Secretary of the Tribunal informed the parties of the Tribunal’s proposal to fix the hearing on the merits for two weeks to begin at the end of 29. By letter of January 7, 2004, the Respondent requested that the oral hearing be 0. ties by letter of January 14, 2004 of its intention to fix the hearing on the merits for August 2004. -week extension 32. After further consultations with both sides, the Tribunal informed the parties by letter of February 6, 2004 that the hearing on the merits would be held on August 9-20, 2004. Both parties confirmed their agreement that the hearing be held in Paris, France. By that same letter, the parties were informed that the Tribunal would grant the Claimant a four-week extension for the filing of its reply on the merits, and would similarly grant the Respondent a four-week extension for the filing of its rejoinder on the merits, should it so wish. The new time limit for the filing of the Claimant’s reply on the merits was fixed for March 22, 2004. the Trib 28. May 2004. scheduled for the end of July 2004. 3 After consultation with both sides, the Tribunal informed the par 31. By letter of January 20, 2004, the Claimant filed a request for a five of the time limit for the filing of its reply on the merits. 12 33. On February 12, 2004, the Respondent filed a “Certificate Confirming the State of Necessity in Argentina.” 34. On March 22, 2004, the Claimant filed its reply on the merits. 35. On May 27, 2004, the President held a conference call with counsel for the parties to public to file all remaining witness statements and expert reports with its rejoinder on the merits on June 25, 2004. To the extent that such statements and reports would not be available to the Argentine i.e. no later than rits in Paris. In these circumstances, the Argentine Republic was requested to indicate on June 25, 2004, the names of any additional witnesses and experts whose statements or reports would be filed no later than July 9, 2004, and the subject-matter to which their testimony would be directed. 38. By letter of July 12, 2004, the Claimant objected to the late presentation of certain evidence introduced by Argentina with its rejoinder; and reserved its right to respond with additional contemporaneous documents which it indicated would be very limited in number. 39. By letter of July 13, 2004, the President of the Tribunal directed the parties to exchange, on July 20, 2004, lists of the names of those witnesses that each party wished to discuss procedural arrangements for the hearing on the merits. 36. By letter of June 17, 2004, the Tribunal directed the Argentine Re Republic on June 25, 2004, these were to be filed no later than July 9, 2004, one month prior to the commencement of the hearing on the me 37. On June 28, 2004, the Respondent filed its rejoinder on the merits. 13 examine, and requested that the parties inform the Secretariat of the names of the persons that would be attending the hearing on behalf of each side. 40. The parties filed their respective lists on July 20, 2004. 41. By letter of August 4, 2004, the Tribunal gave directions on the conduct of the ce August 9, 2004, which would be devoted to opening statements. The Claimant would present its statement in the morning; and the Respondent would present its statement in the afternoon. devoted to the f fact witnesses, to be followed by the Respondent’s examination of fact witnesses. The same order would be followed (i.e. first the Claimant, to be followed by the Respondent) with respect to the f expert evidence. However, to the extent possible, the parties were invited to organize such expert evidence around subject-matter. 44. The hearing would conclude on August 20, 2004, with each party presenting its closing statement. 45. The hearing on the merits was held, as scheduled, from August 9-20, 2004, at the World Bank’s office at 66, avenue d’Iéna, Paris. Present at the hearing were: hearing. 42. The hearing would commen 43. The period from August 10, 2004 – August 19, 2004 would be presentation of evidence. The Claimant would begin with its examination o presentation o 14 Members of the Tribunal ident .C, O.C., Q.C., Arbitrator Judge Francisco Rezek, Arbitrator ICS Stevens, Secretary of the Tribunal On behalf of the Claimant: ion Company) sion Company) Mr. Nigel Blackaby (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer) ringer) Dr. Lluís Paradel (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer) Ms. Sylvia Noury (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer) Ms. Blanca Montejo (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer) Dr. Guido Santiago Tawil (M. & M. Bomchil Abogados, Buenos Aires) Dr. Hector Huici (M. & M. Bomchil Abogados, Buenos Aires) Dr. Ignacio Minorini Lima (M. & M. Bomchil Abogados, Buenos Aires) Professor Francisco Orrego Vicuña, Pres The Hon. Marc Lalonde, P ID Secretariat Ms. Margrete Ms. Sharon McIlnay (CMS Gas Transmiss Mr. Julio Mazzoli (CMS Gas Transmis Ms. Lucy Reed (Freshfields Bruckhaus De Mr. Noah Rubins (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer) 15 On behalf of the Respondent: ice of the Republic of Argentina, Aires,) Dr. Andrea Gualde (Procuración del Tesoro de la Nación, Buenos Aires) Dr. Ana R. Badillos (Procuración del Tesoro de la Nación, Buenos Aires) ión, Buenos Aires) Dr. Ignacio Pérez Cortés (Procuración del Tesoro de la Nación, Buenos Aires) res) 46. Prior to the hearing the Claimant filed with the Tribunal, on August 5, 2004, two new volumes of exhibits and authorities that the Claimant said were responsive to issues that had and that updated dispute since the time of the Claimant’s submission of its reply. 47. By letter of August 6, 2004, the Respondent opposed the introduction into the r of September 14, 2004, the Tribunal informed the parties of its decision to allow a limited number of the Claimant’s documents into the proceeding insofar as these concerned the process of renegotiation with Argentina of concession agreements in the area of gas production and distribution, and were relevant to the factual and legal issues pending before the Tribunal. 49. On September 20, 2004 the parties filed their post-hearing briefs. H.E. Dr. Horacio Daniel Rosatti (Minister of Just formerly the Procurador del Tesoro de la Nación, Buenos Dr. Jorge R. Barraguirre (Procuración del Tesoro de la Nac Dr. Bettina Cuñado (Procuración del Tesoro de la Nación, Buenos Ai been raised for the first time in the rejoinder and accompanying statements; the underlying facts of the proceeding of the new documents. 48. By lette 16 50. By letter of September 24, 2004, the Tribunal informed the parties of its decision to underlying assumptions and methodology relied upon in the valuation reports offered by the parties’ experts. 51. By letter of December 16, 2004, the Secretariat transmitted the report on the findings of the independent experts to the parties. By that same letter the Tribunal invited the parties to file their observations on the report no later than January 5, 2005. Such observations were 52. Throughout the proceedings, the parties’ numerous procedural applications were promptly and unanimously decided by the Tribunal. C. Considerations 3. The Privatization Program as the Background to the Dispute ,3 the Argentine privatization of of foreign investment. Gas transportation was one of the significant sectors to be included under this reform program. The basic instruments governing these economic reforms were Law No. 23.696 on the Reform of the State of 1989,4 Law No. 23.928 on Currency Convertibility of 19915 and Decree No. 2128/91 fixing the Argentine peso at par with the United States dollar. 54. Within this broad framework specific instruments were enacted to govern the privatization of the main industries. As far as the Gas sector was concerned, Law No. 24.076 retain independent expert advice so as to better understand the filed in accordance with the Tribunal’s directions. 53. As had been observed by the Tribunal in its Decision on Jurisdiction Republic embarked in 1989 on economic reforms, which included the important industries and public utilities as well as the participation 17 of 1992, or Gas Law,6 established the basic rules for the transportation and distribution of l gas. This instrument was implemented the same year by Decree No. 1738/92 or Gas Decree.7 55. As a consequence of the new legislation, Gas del Estado, a State-owned entity, was divided into two transportation companies and eight distribution companies. Transportadora portation.8 The was opened to investors by means of a public tender offer9 and a related Information Memorandum was prepared by consultant and investment firms in 1992 at the request of the Government. 11 d the basic terms and conditions for the licenses that each new company would be granted by the Argentine thirty-five years, subject to extension for another ten years on the fulfillment of certain conditions. ll as the license, gime under which tariffs were to be calculated in dollars, conversion to pesos was to be effected at the time of billing and tariffs would be adjusted every six months in accordance with the United States Producer Price Index (US PPI). As will be examined further below, the Respondent has a different understanding of the nature and legal effects of these various instruments. 58. CMS’s participation in TGN began in 1995 under a 1995 Offering Memorandum13 leading to the purchase of the shares still held by the government. CMS’s acquisition represented 25% of the company, later supplemented by the purchase of an additional 4.42%, natura de Gas del Norte (TGN) was one of the companies created for gas trans privatization of the new company 10 56. A Model License approved by Decree No. 2255/92 establishe Government. TGN’s license was granted by Decree No. 2457/9212 for a period of 57. In the Claimant’s view, the legislation and regulations enacted, as we resulted in a legal re 18 thus totaling 29.42% of TGN’s shares. This new Offering Memorandum was modeled on the 1992 Information Memorandum and the license. gentina’s Measures in the Period 1999-2002 and the Emergence of the Dispute the 1990’s a serious economic crisis began to unfold in Argentina, which eventually had profound political and social ramifications. The nature and extent of 60. Against this background, the Argentine Government called in late 1999 for a meeting uspension of the rary suspension 30, 2000). The agreement provided that costs of the deferral would be recouped in the period July 1, 2000 – April 30, 2001, that resulting income losses would be indemnified and it was understood that k governing the ry agency of the 61. Soon thereafter it became apparent that the agreement would not be implemented and requests by TGN for an adjustment of tariffs in accordance with the License were not acted upon; in fact ENARGAS directed the company to refrain from introducing any such adjustment. On July 17, 2000, a further meeting was held with representatives of the gas companies, at which the companies were asked to agree on a new deferral of the tariff adjustment. Another agreement to this effect was entered into on that date, freezing US PPI 4. Ar 59. Towards the end of this crisis will be discussed below. with representatives of the gas companies in order to discuss a temporary s US PPI adjustment of the gas tariffs. The companies agreed to a tempo deferring the adjustment due for a period of six months (January 1 – June this arrangement would not set a precedent or amend the legal framewor licenses. This agreement was approved by ENARGAS, the public regulato gas industry, by Resolution No. 1471 on January 10, 2000.14 19 adjustments of tariffs for a two year period while allowing for some increases relating to the erral was to be June 30, 2002. that the US PPI adjustment constituted “a legitimately acquired right” and was a basic premise and condition of the tender and the offers.15 de la Nación,” a ion of both the agreement and Decree No. 669/2000 pending a decision on the challenged legality of the US PPI adjustment. Meanwhile, administrative appeals made by TGN did not change the s for tariff adjustments continued to be rejected. In due course, the companies, the Government and ENARGAS appealed the above decision of the ompanies to the Argentine Supreme Court is still pending. ontinuing freeze ral. The parties disagree on the nature and extent of the decisions adopted by ENARGAS, as will be discussed below. Against these developments, CMS notified its consent to arbitration under ICSID on July 12, 2001, following the required notification of the dispute to the Argentine Government. The dispute at this stage concerned only the issue of the application of the US PPI adjustment. earlier deferral and lost income. Income lost as a result of the new def gradually recovered and US PPI adjustments were to be reintroduced as from Decree No. 669/2000 embodied the new arrangements while recognizing 62. In a proceeding commenced by the Argentine “Defensor del Pueblo federal judge issued on August 18, 2000 an injunction for the suspens situation and TGN’s application federal judge, however, the appeal was rejected. A final appeal of the c 63. Based on these developments, ENARGAS repeatedly confirmed the c of the US PPI adjustment of tariffs, resulting in no adjustments being made in accordance with this mechanism as from January 1, 2000, that is since the first defer 20 64. In late 2001 the crisis deepened as the corrective measures that Minister Domingo entina followed. e “corralito” by osits from bank accounts. Default was declared and several Presidents succeeded one another in office within a matter of days. Emergency Law No. 25.561 was enacted on January 6, 2002,17 declaring a public emergency until December 10, 2003 and introducing a reform of the foreign exchange below. 65. The Emergency Law introduced the second type of measures that underlie the dispute in the present case. Thus, the currency board which had pegged the peso to the dollar under ferent exchange ublic utilities to tion of tariffs in dollars. The respective tariffs were redenominated in pesos at the rate of one peso to the dollar. The same rate was applied to all private contracts denominated in dollars or other 2002, dated May e tariffs for its s. 66. The Emergency Law envisaged a process of renegotiation of licenses to be conducted by a Renegotiation Commission. The pertinent procedures were defined by Decree No. 293/2002.18 The renegotiation process began on March 1, 2002 and was later reorganized under other arrangements. Various efforts at initiating an extraordinary review of tariffs or granting small adjustments were blocked by court injunctions. A new Renegotiation Unit was created in 2003 and a new law governing the renegotiation process—Law No. 25.790— Cavallo had set in train did not succeed. Significant capital flight from Arg In the wake of these further developments, the Government introduced th Decree No. 1570/2001,16 drastically limiting the right to withdraw dep system. Extensions of this period were later introduced, as will be discussed the 1991 Convertibility Law was abolished, the peso was devalued and dif rates were introduced for different transactions. The right of licensees of p adjust tariffs according to the US PPI was terminated, as was the calcula foreign currencies. It was later clarified by Decrees No. 689/2002 and 704/ 2, 2002, that the Emergency Law did not apply to gas exports or th transportation, which consequently were exempt from the conversion to peso 21 was enacted on October 31, 2003. Renegotiations were to be completed by December 31, lic utilities and stribution sector. s attributable to the inherent difficulty in renegotiating 64 public utility contracts and numerous subcontracts.19 ng the measures Jurisdiction, the nal considered that the disputes arising from the one as well as the other types of measures were sufficiently closely related and thus proceeded to the merits phase in respect of both. 68. The Claimant explains that it decided to undertake important investments in the gas transportation sector in reliance on the Argentine Government’s promises and guarantees, at offered a real return in dollar terms and the adjustment of tariffs 75 million in the in the renovation and expansion of the gas pipeline network. 69. The Claimant further argues that the measures undertaken by the Government in the period 1999 – 2002 and in the aftermath have had devastating consequences. The effects relate in part to the loss of income and in part to the fact that the Claimant’s ability to pay its debt has been reduced by a factor of more than three because the debt is denominated in US dollars and there has been an intervening devaluation of the peso. The Claimant also asserts 2004. Renegotiation was completed by this date in respect of some pub related companies, but this was not the case in the gas transportation and di A witness introduced by the Respondent explained that this wa 67. On February 13, 2002 CMS notified an ancillary dispute concerni enacted under the Emergency Law and related decisions. In its Decision on Tribu 5. CMS’s Claim for Business and Financial Losses particularly those th according to the US PPI. The Claimant asserts that it invested almost US$ 1 purchase of shares in TGN and that TGN invested more than US$ 1 billion 22 that the value of its shares in TGN has dropped by 92%, falling from US$ 261.1 million to , this last figure having later been revised to US$ 23.7 million and later yet .5 million.20 70. Because no adjustment of tariffs has taken place since January 1, 2000 and because tariffs may no longer be calculated in US dollars, the Claimant explains that TGN’s domestic evenues have been kept in US the Claimant’s view the situation has been aggravated by the assertion by some 71. It is further explained that the devaluation has also had an adverse impact on TGN’s rate used by the as before to pay existing result, it is claimed, TGN has defaulted on certain dollar-denominated obligations and on its foreign and domestic debt, thus having been excluded from international capital markets. Dollar-denominated operating costs, it is asserted, have also been affected. pecific measures Emergency Law have led to an artificial depression of consumer gas prices in Argentina, particularly as a result of the tariff freeze. Because Argentine gas prices are among the lowest in the world, an effective subsidy benefiting the rest of the Argentine economy has had a negative impact on the regulated gas sector, amounting to several billion dollars for the energy sector as a whole. US$ 21.2 million to US$ 17 tariff revenue has decreased by nearly 75%. Only export r dollars. In Provincial governments of the right to pay gas and other invoices in bonds. costs: taking into account an exchange rate of 3.6 pesos to the dollar, the Claimant in its Memorial, it now takes 3.6 times as much revenue debt. As a 72. In addition to the losses that CMS has suffered as a result of the s referred to above, the Claimant argues that the broader economic implications of the 23 73. The end result of these measures, in the Claimant’s view, has led to the suspension of twork. This, in tic market and in uciary fund was established in 2004 to channel investment, in conjunction with private participation, in gas transportation infrastructure, particularly with a view to importing gas from Bolivia to ndent argues that this is evidence of the normal operation of companies and TGN in the gas market, the Claimant is of the view that N 6. The Respondent’s Arguments in Respect of Business and Financial Losses overnment of Argentina argues that the losses incurred by the Claimant are not e to the Respondent and that any such losses arise from business decisions of TGN. The effects of the measures on TGN’s costs are in the Respondent’s view very different from what CMS claims. s domestic tariff se has also been indicated22 —in view of the fact that 25%—a figure of 31% has also been mentioned23 —of the revenues of TGN are related to export contracts. In this area of operation the pertinent tariffs have been kept in dollars and have increased by 11%—12% has also been mentioned24 —as a result of the periodic adjustment of such export tariffs in accordance with the US PPI. investments in new expansion projects and the collapse of the pipeline ne turn, it is argued, has brought about serious gas shortages both in the domes the supply of neighboring countries, such as Brazil, Chile and Uruguay. A fid compensate for the domestic shortages. While the Respo TG ’s participation in this arrangement has not been voluntary.21 74. The G attributabl 75. The Government of Argentina asserts first that it is not true that TGN’ revenues have decreased by 75%, as argued by the Claimant—a 50% decrea 24 76. Moreover, the exchange rate used in the Claimant’s calculations—3.6 pesos to the te at the time of at the obligation N as these bonds are used for the payment of taxes and in any event most such bonds have now been recalled. amount to only use part of that a result of the devaluation, the share of dollar denominated operating costs would decrease as a consequence of import substitution. The dollar denominated revenue, it is also asserted, m os arising from 78. A third line of argument of the Argentine Government relates to the choices available to TGN as sources of financing. These ranged from the use of its own capital, debt in affected by a devaluation—, dollar debt in Argentina— ld have been “pesified”—, and finally to foreign currency debt incurred abroad. It ghest risks. The Respondent holds that the Claimant cannot now attempt to transfer the consequences of this decision to the Government or the consumer. 79. In the Respondent’s view, the Gas Law provides for a structure of tariffs that covers only operating costs and excludes financial costs altogether. Tariffs were fixed on the basis of the cost of capital in Argentina and therefore at a level higher than what would have been justified in more stable countries.25 dollar—is in the Respondent’s view 20% higher than the actual exchange ra the Answer (December 2003), or 3 pesos to the dollar. It is further argued th to accept Provincial bonds in payment has also not caused any harm to TG 77. The Respondent argues next that TGN’s operating costs in dollars 26.69% of the revenues denominated in that currency. This, it says, is beca revenue is export-related and, moreover, it is to be expected that as a ply compensates for the increase in domestic operating costs in pes inflation. pesos—which would not have been which wou is argued in this respect that TGN chose the last option, which held the hi 25 80. It is furthermore explained that ENARGAS warned TGN about the potential 26 spectus prepared verse effects of a , debt payment in foreign currencies and dividends to shareholders.27 The latter document stated that “In case of a big devaluation of the peso in respect of the dollar, the pany could be to make payments in foreign currency (including the repayment of debt expressed in foreign currency) and the distribution of dividends in dollars at acceptable levels.”28 rofitability of the e, “the Licensor profitability of exploitation.”29 Nor, it is argued, can credit rating deterioration be attributed to the Government. It is further asserted that TGN is free to renegotiate its debt in the international financial market at discounts ranging from 55% to nt’s argument to the effect that TGN invested over US$ 1 billion in infrastructure, the actual situation is that TGN did not comply with the mandatory investment requirement under the License of US$ 40 million and that TGN has repeatedly been fined because of this failure; instead heavy voluntary investments were made in the expansion of the transportation network for exports. A witness for the Respondent stated that TGN has participated actively in the creation and financing of the fiduciary fund for gas transportation mentioned above.30 difficulties that could arise from its debt profile . In fact, the investment pro by the Board of TGN in 1995 had specifically warned about the potential ad devaluation on revenues patrimonial situation and the operational results of the Com adversely affected, as would also be the case of the capacity 81. The Respondent also argues that the License did not guarantee the p business because, as stated in Article 2.4 of the Basic Rules of the Licens does not guarantee or ensure the 90%, just as other businesses have done. 82. The Government of Argentina also asserts that in spite of the Claima 26 83. It will be shown below that the Claimant opposes all such arguments. For now the in its memorials at it is for the nister of Justice explained, at the hearing on the merits, that Argentina was “not obliged to propose another valuation.”31 And although the Tribunal requested a clarification on this matter from Argentina 32 84. The Claimant is of the view that the measures adopted by the Argentine Government investors in the 85. Such commitments, it is asserted, included the calculation of tariffs in US dollars, the semi-annual adjustment in accordance with the US PPI and general adjustment of tariffs he tariffs.33 g eed expressly not to freeze the tariff structure or subject it to further regulation or price controls; and that in the event that price controls were introduced, TGN would be entitled to compensation for the difference between the tariff it was entitled to and the tariff actually charged.34 Moreover, the basic rules governing the License could not be altered without TGN’s consent.35 87. The Claimant is of the view that these guarantees constituted essential conditions for CMS’s investment36 and that it has an acquired right to the application of the agreed tariff Tribunal wishes to observe that the Argentine Government has not provided an alternative valuation of the eventual losses affecting CMS, saying th Claimant to properly prove its claims. In this regard the Argentine Mi ’s experts, none was provided. 7. CMS’s Legal Justification of its Claims are in violation of the commitments that the Government made to foreign offering memoranda, relevant laws and regulations and the License itself. every five years, all with the purpose of maintaining the real dollar value of t 86. The Claimant argues that Argentina further a r 27 regime. The Claimant says that the Government of Argentina itself confirmed this in Decree by explaining the adjustment mechanism of the licenses as a “legitimately ight.”37 88. It is further argued that the measures adopted are all attributable to the Argentine Government and result in the violation of all the major investment protections owed to CMS lly expropriated the Treaty; that dard of fair and equitable treatment of Article II(2)(a) of the Treaty; that the passing of arbitrary and discriminatory measures violates Article II(2)(b); and that it has also failed to observe the ions entered into with regard to the investment in violation of the standard of 2)(c) of that Treaty. Unlawful restrictions to the free transfer of funds in violation a claim that was later withdrawn. 9. nomic impact on s compensation in the amount of US$ 261.1 million for Treaty breaches plus interest and costs. 90. The specific arguments invoked by the Claimant in support of its legal contentions will be examined by the Tribunal separately when discussing each of the claims made. No. 669/2000 acquired r under the Treaty. It is claimed in particular that Argentina has wrongfu CMS’s investment without compensation in violation of Article IV of Argentina has failed to treat CMS’s investment in accordance with the stan many obligat Article II( of Article V of the Treaty were also invoked in the Claimant’s memorial, 38 8 On the basis of its understanding of the measures adopted, their eco the company and the legal violations invoked the Claimant request 28 8. The Respondent’s Legal Defense l and regulatory and reasonable tariff, encompassing costs of operation, taxes, amortizations, and a reasonable return on investments, but excluding altogether financial costs.39 It is further asserted that no tees were offered in respect of convertibility and currency devaluation and the risk the investment in these respects was expressly brought to the attention of the 92. The Respondent is of the view that any consequences arising from CMS’s decision to report of private consultants for its investment strategies cannot be assigned to the nsibility for its 93. The Respondent argues in addition that, under the Gas Law, transportation and ticular needs this end, the Government is under an obligation to ensure the peration of the service and must control the implementation of the contract, including the alternative of amendment or unilateral termination. Thus, the regulation of tariffs is a discretionary power of the Government insofar as it must take social and other public considerations into account. 94. In the Respondent’s view, it follows that no commitments could have been made by the Government to maintain a certain economic or exchange rate policy and that the State is free to change such policies, a right which cannot be subject to claims by individuals or 91. In the view of the Argentine Government, the License, and the lega framework governing it, provide only for the right of the licensee to a fair guaran inherent to company. rely on the Government. That report was not made by the Government and all respo contents was the subject of an express disclaimer.40 distribution of gas is a national public service which must take into account par of social importance. To efficient o 41 29 corporations. In this respect, the argument follows, CMS could not have ignored the public entina and the risks involved in investing in that country. s s the minimum cost compatible with the certainty of supply, as long as the provision of the service is efficient. Because Argentina was characterized by an unstable economy, the tariffs took into e added risk of investing in that country and were therefore higher than would 96. The Respondent is of the view that the licenses did not contemplate the possibility of convertibility being abandoned and that the contractual regime was therefore incomplete.43 n in the domestic market and dollarization in the external market, thereby allowing consumers to continue to pay for gas iffs did take into account the risk of devaluation, a point that will be discussed further below. here has been no S’s shares is the nd the currency devaluation that followed. This devaluation, it is asserted, had already occurred in other important international financial markets.45 All the measures adopted by the Government, it is further argued, were needed for the normalization of the country and the continuous operation of public services. Had tariffs been adjusted by 300% as CMS would have wanted, public services would have been paralyzed, the income of licensees would have dramatically decreased and public reaction would have been beyond control.46 law of Arg 95. In this context, it is further a serted, tariffs must ensure to consumer 42 account th normally have been the case. As a result profits were also higher. This, the Respondent filled in by means of the pesificatio and avoiding the collapse of demand.44 The Respondent also argues that tar 97. As a result of the above considerations, the Respondent argues that t violation of the commitments made, explaining that the loss of value of CM result of recession and deflation, of a major social and economic crisis a 30 98. The Respondent further explains that, in this legal and regulatory context, there could e legal claims of al law of indirect of the company protected under the Treaty and TGN continues to operate normally. Nor was there a violation of the standard of fair and equitable treatment, or a case of arbitrariness or discrimination. lows, cannot be invoked as no obligations rtaken by Argentina in respect of CMS, only in respect of TGN, and the latter has 99. In the alternative, the Republic of Argentina has invoked national emergency, brought r exemption of . 100. As with the Claimant’s arguments, all the views expressed by the Respondent will be discussed in greater detail in connection with each claim. however, the Tribunal wishes to address one particular issue raised by the Respondent. The matter concerns the fact that certain loans were granted to TGN by the International Finance Corporation, an affiliate of the World Bank, and the suggestion that this might constitute some form of conflict of interest for an ICSID Tribunal operating under World Bank Group auspices.47 102. The Tribunal wishes to state clearly that no connection to this effect has ever interfered with its independent judgment of the case, and it would not permit this to happen. Neither has the Tribunal at any point been approached by World Bank officials on behalf of be no violation of the Treaty and objects, in that regard, particularly to th CMS. In the Respondent’s view, none of the requirements under internation expropriation are met. The guarantees invoked by CMS are not the property The umbrella clause of the Treaty, the argument fol were unde not made any claim for contractual violation under the License. about by the above-mentioned economic and social crisis, as grounds fo liability under international law and the Treaty 101. Before proceeding any further, 31 the IFC or any other Bank affiliate, nor would the Tribunal permit any representation of this Tribunal learnt about TGN’s financing arrangements through the pleadings of the parties alone. 9. Are the Measures Adopted Temporary or Permanent? ect of this dispute is whether the measures adopted are temporary or permanent in nature, a matter that has importance in the context of the applicable law that 104. The Claimant rejects that the measures adopted are temporary insofar as they continue roduced by the ongress has tended to reinforce the effect of such measures. The Claimant invokes as clear evidence of this being the case the draft Public Utilities National Regulatory Act introduced in 2004, in which the measures in force were turned into permanent features of the tariff regime.48 lained of are all otiation.49 The Government, it is argued, has made specific proposals to TGN in its efforts to achieve a successful renegotiation, including a proposal made on July 2, 2004, envisaging a 7% increase in tariffs in 2005 and completing their regularization in 2007.50 This has been described as a basic or first proposal.51 It is further stated that the Claimant has not been minded to present any counter-proposal. kind. The 103. One particular asp will be discussed further below. to be in force after several years. Moreover, all draft legislation int Government in C 105. The Respondent argues the opposite. In its view, the measures comp of a temporary nature arising from the emergency and subject to reneg 32 106. The Claimant explains on this point that the proposal is insufficient to meet the ate for the losses own January 22, between March and September 2003.53 Such increases would have represented close to a 90% adjustment. ave lapsed since with reference the abovementioned crisis. However, if delays exceed a reasonable period of time the assumption that they might become permanent features of the governing regime gains in likelihood. 108. The parties in this case have not chosen a particular law applicable to the resolution of the dispute nor has the Treaty. In the absence of such choice, Article 42(1) of the Convention he rule governing the determination of the law to be applied by the Tribunal: the law of the conflict of laws) and such rules of international law as may be applicable.” 109. Yet again the parties have expressed radically different views. The Claimant has argued, first at the jurisdictional stage and again in the merits phase of the proceedings, that only the Treaty and international law are applicable to the dispute while the law of the host State “plays only a marginal role, relevant only as a matter of fact.”54 The Claimant argues adjustments necessary to achieve a just and reasonable tariff and to compens the company has experienced.52 This is particularly so in light of TGN’s 2003 proposal. Under this proposal, TGN had requested four 17.8% increases to take effect 107. The Tribunal can only note in this respect that more than five years h the adoption of the first measures in 2000. Delays can be explained 10. Applicable Law: The Parties’ Views becomes t “[I]n the absence of such agreement, the Tribunal shall apply Contracting State party to the dispute (including its rules on 33 that ICSID’s jurisprudence is uniform in respect of the application of the Treaty as lex complemented by customary international law where necessary.55 in the context of factual matters, such as with regard to the nature of the assurances made to CMS. The Claimant relies in this respect on the decision rendered in the case of Tecmed v. Mexico to the act of a State must be characterized as internationally wrongful if in breach of ternal law…”56 111. The Claimant further explains that, in any event, treaties have a significant place in the Argentine constitutional order and must be observed, and that various courts in Argentina l. nt has put forth the view that, in the absence of an agreement, the Tribunal must examine and apply the domestic legislation of Argentina, particularly since the investor, like any national investor, is subject to domestic law and the License is specifically nstitution. It is explained, in this context, that the protection of the right of property enshrined in the Constitution has been interpreted by the Courts as not having an absolute character and that State intervention in the regulation of individual rights is justified, provided such intervention is both legal and reasonable when factoring in social needs. Moreover, the Respondent asserts that a differentiated treatment in certain circumstances does not affect the requirement of uniformity in the application of the law. specialis, 110. On this basis, the Claimant asserts that Argentine law is relevant only show that an international obligation, “even if the act does not contravene the State’s in have ruled that some of the measures adopted are themselves unconstitutiona 112. The Responde governed by Argentine law. 113. The Respondent invokes first the need to apply the Argentine Co 34 114. In respect of the legal regime of treaties in Argentina, the Respondent argues that ust accord with been recognized therefore, in the Respondent’s view, stand above ordinary treaties such as investment treaties. It is further argued that, as the economic and social crisis that affected the country compromised basic human rights, no investment treaty could prevail as it would be in violation of such constituti 11. Applicable Law: The Tribunal’s Findings Convention and ternational law in a ntary or corrective role, to be relied upon only in case of domestic lacunae or where the law of the Contracting State is inconsistent with international law,59 to a role that calls for the application of international law only to safeguard principles of jus cogens.60 , however, a more pragmatic and less doctrinaire approach has emerged, allowing specific facts of the dispute so justifies. It is no longer the case of one prevailing over the other and excluding it altogether. Rather, both sources have a role to play. The Annulment Committee in Wena v. Egypt held in this respect: “Some of these views have in common the fact that they are aimed at restricting the role of international law and highlighting that of the law of the host State. Conversely, the view that calls for a broad application of international law aims at restricting the role of the law of the host State. There while treaties override the law they are not above the Constitution and m constitutional public law.57 Only some basic treaties on human rights have by a 1994 constitutional amendment as having constitutional standing58 and, onally recognized rights. 115. Much discussion has surrounded the meaning of Article 42(1) of the the interpretations have ranged from a restricted application of in compleme 116. More recently for the application of both domestic law and international law if the 35 seems not to be a single answer as to which of these approaches is the correct er solution… s leading to the s to have a role. The law of the host State can indeed be applied in conjunction with international law if this is justified. So too international law can be applied by 61 facts of the case and the arguments of the parties into account. Indeed, there is here a close interaction between the legislation and the regulations governing the gas privatization, the License and onal law. All of ribunal. 118. It is also necessary to note that the parties themselves, in spite of their doctrinal differences, have in fact invoked the role of both legal orders. The Republic of Argentina s to international in respect of treaty clauses on national security and customary law on state of necessity and other matters. Similarly, the Claimant invokes provisions of domestic law, regulations and the License to explain the rights TGN has under these instruments and the measures affecting them. But also the Claimant invokes Treaty guarantees and customary law on various issues. 119. The Respondent has suggested this arbitration might infringe upon or be in conflict with the Constitution of the Republic of Argentina.62 The Tribunal, however, does not believe this to be the case considering the prominent role of treaties under the Constitution and the one. The circumstances of each case may justify one or anoth What is clear is that the sense and meaning of the negotiation second sentence of Article 42(1) allowed for both legal order itself if the appropriate rule is found in this other ambit.” 117. This is the approach this Tribunal considers justified when taking the international law, as embodied both in the Treaty and in customary internati these rules are inseparable and will, to the extent justified, be applied by the T relies for its arguments heavily on provisions of domestic law, but also resort law, for example 36 fact that the arbitration proceeds under both the ICSID Convention and the Treaty. In fact, under Art te its relations of f treaties in conformity with the principles of public law provided for under this Constitution.” the laws enacted ine courts have a heir hierarchical standing above the law.63 While treaties in theory could collide with the Constitution, in practice this is not very likely as treaties will be scrutinized in detail by both the Government does not find any such collision. First because the Constitution carefully protects the right to property, just as the treaties on human rights do, and secondly because there is no question of affecting fundamental human rights when nal law applied by the Tribunal will be discussed in connection with the issues contended. In addition to the Constitution and the Argentine Civil Code, the gas legislation and regulations will be analyzed, together with the measures adopted under the Emergency Law and other pertinent matters. The Treaty and customary international law will also be applied in reaching the pertinent conclusions. icle 27 of the Argentine Constitution “The federal Government is under the obligation to consolida peace and commerce with foreign powers by means o 120. So too, Article 31 of the Constitution mandates that the Constitution, under it and treaties are “the supreme law of the Nation.” Indeed, the Argent long-standing record of respect for treaties and have duly recognized t and Congress. 121. In this case, the Tribunal considering the issues disputed by the parties. 122. The specific domestic legislation of Argentina and rules of internatio 37 123. Before doing so, however, the Tribunal wishes to address a particular contention owers if it were at such decision t domestic and international law, including the License, as a validly made contract under Argentine law and subject to specific stability clauses, since it has a duty to decide the dispute under Article 42( t 124. The Tribunal is mindful that, in its Decision on Jurisdiction, the distinction was made between m e economic and financial operation.64 It then reach “…the Tribunal concludes on this point that it does not have jurisdiction over measures of general economic policy adopted by the Republic of Argentina g. The Tribunal , that it has jurisdiction to examine whether specific measures affecting the Claimant’s investment or measures of general economic policy having a direct bearing on such investment have been adopted in violation of legally binding commitments made to the investor in treaties, legislation or contracts.”65 125. In discussing the rights of the parties and the measures adopted the Tribunal will keep this distinction in mind. made by the Respondent, namely that the Tribunal would be exceeding its p to decide the dispute on the basis of the provisions of the License, and th would be subject to annulment. The Tribunal must apply the relevan 1) of he Convention. 12. The Limits of the Tribunal’s Jurisdiction easures of a general economic nature, such as those concerning th emergency, and measures specifically directed to the investment’s ed the following conclusion: and cannot pass judgment on whether they are right or wron also concludes, however 38 126. It must also be noted that in connection with the merits the Respondent has again hase of the case, the Claimant. These issues were decided upon at that stage and will not be reopened in this Award. 13. Did the Claimant have a Right to a Tariff Calculated in US Dollars? e the Tribunal must address in connection with the Claimant’s s is whether it had a right to a tariff calculated in US dollars and converted into pesos at the time of billing. as Decree, the ation Memorandum issued in 1992 in conjunction with the initial public tender offer, e 9.2 of the License. The Claimant recalls in particular Article 41 of the Gas Decree stipulating that “tariffs for transportation and distribution shall be calculated in dollars.” noted, in the and reasonable tariff. The Gas Decree and TGN’s License do provide for the calculation of tariffs in US dollars and their conversion to pesos but, the Respondent argues, only in conjunction with Convertibility Law No. 23.928. It is further explained that once the convertibility and the dollar/peso parity were abandoned, calculation of tariffs in dollars would become redundant and the right to such calculation would lapse, particularly if a devaluation were to reach 300%. In this regard the Respondent recalls that the Gas Decree refers to the parity established in the Convertibility Law and not to the exchange rate in force at the time of raised certain jurisdictional issues that were addressed in the jurisdictional p such as the jus standi of 127. The first issu contention 128. The Claimant asserts this right under the public tender offer, the G Inform and Claus 129. The Respondent, however, believes differently. As already Respondent’s view the Gas Law only ensures licensees the right to a fair 39 calculation and conversion.66 According to the Respondent, the Government made no rantee that tariffs would be kept in dollars if the fixed exchange rate regime doned.67 130. This relationship between the tariff calculated in US dollars and the Convertibility Law is also discussed by the Respondent in the context of the privatization of the telephone and adjusted in r converted into nvertibility Law, presumably for as long as this law was in force. It has been explained by the Claimant, however, that this was a different situation and that, in its view, it further confirms that tariffs 68 able law in the context of this issue, arguing in particular that the Claimant could not have made its investment exclusively on the basis of the public tender offer or the Information Argentine law and ic terms of the arrangements for the transfer of TGN’s shares. It is also s was expressly subject to a disclaimer, that no assurance was offered on the part of the Government and that no liability could ensue from the information contained therein. 132. Any such decision to invest, the argument follows, could only have been made on the basis of the applicable rules in force. As the Gas Law only ensured the right to a fair and reasonable tariff, none of the instruments which were subordinate to it, in particular the License, could validly provide for additional rights. This would breach the principle of promise or gua were aban company. In that situation tariffs were originally calculated in local currency accordance with Argentina’s consumer price index. The tariffs were late dollars and subjected to dollar adjustment but only as a result of the Co were to be calculated in dollars. 131. The Respondent has also elaborated on the question of the applic Memorandum of 1992, as both were subject to the express provisions of the specif emphasized, as noted, that the information provided by consultant firm 40 legality and the very right of the State to fix the tariffs for its public services and modify again raises an s License as this pany; this, as noted, is an issue that has been resolved by the Tribunal in its jurisdictional decision. guments on the al structure was Gas Law which contains provisions of a general nature, such as the right to a fair and reasonable tariff, as well as the Gas Decree and the License which specifically provide for the calculation of . This guarantee is to legally give rise to a right of the Claimant to this effect. It is not contrary to the r which purpose specific mechanisms were established in the License itself and other relevant instruments. r that one of the ic and financial lity. Declarations by public officials repeatedly confirmed this understanding and the Memorandum, while not legally binding, accurately reflects the views and intentions of the Government. This very same understanding, as the Claimant has emphasized, was expressly confirmed by the Privatization Committee, a step that must be considered as having some legal implications. 135. This Committee in fact recorded in the minutes of its session of October 2, 1992, that “Section 9.2 leaves it sufficiently clear that the tariffs are in dollars and expressed in contracts in consideration of public interest. Moreover, the Respondent argument to the effect that the Claimant in any event cannot rely on TGN’ was issued to a different com 133. While it is true that the Claimant at first relied heavily for its ar Information Memorandum and related consultant reports, the entire leg gradually brought into the pleadings by both parties. This included the tariffs in dollars and their conversion into pesos at the time of billing sufficient law. Neither is it contrary to the right of the State to amend tariffs, fo 134. In addition, in the context of the privatization it was abundantly clea key elements in attracting foreign investment and in overcoming the econom crisis of the late 1980’s was to provide the necessary stabi 41 convertible pesos, for which reason, when faced with an eventual modification of the Convertibility Law, they should be automatically re-expressed at the modified rate.”69 ondent has made about the right to a tariff calculation in dollars linked to the Convertibility law. Had the right been conditioned on the existing parity the pertinent provisions could have said so quite d the guarantee the provisions in Respondent. If the tariffs were in dollars and had parity changed at the time of billing, the conversion was to be made at the rate of exchange at that moment so as to, precisely, guarantee the fairness and the question of 137. The Tribunal also notes that it was precisely because the right to tariff calculations in dollars was guaranteed that the privatization program was as successful as it was. The hat ran into over illion dollars. Numerous bilateral investment treaties were also entered into at the time to dditional guarantees under international law. It is not credible that so many companies and governments and their phalanxes of lawyers could have misunderstood the meaning of the guarantees offered in a manner that allowed for their reversal within a few years. 138. The Tribunal concludes on this question that the Claimant has convincingly established that it has a right to a tariff calculated in dollars and converted into pesos at the time of billing. The specific implications of this finding will be discussed below. 136. The Tribunal is not convinced of the merits of the argument the Resp clearly. This was not the case and the Privatization Committee understoo differently, that is, as providing for a tariff in a stable currency. In fact, question allow for a reading which is quite different from that argued by the reasonableness of the return. This, however, is an argument linked more to devaluation and it will be examined further below. program attracted hundreds of companies to the country with investments t 10 b provide a 42 14. Did the Claimant have a Right to Adjustment of Tariffs in Accordance with the US PPI? ding to invest in TGN was the assurance of adjustments of the tariff in accordance with the US PPI in January and July of each year. This right, in the Claimant’s view, was created by the Gas Law and r instrument governing the privatization of the gas transportation and distribution 140. The Respondent makes in this connection the same arguments as those advanced above in respect of the calculation of the tariff in dollars. In the Respondent’s view, such ly in conjunction with the Convertibility Law and the exchange , thus avoiding indexation in accordance with Argentine indexation mechanisms ically lower than that reflected in Argentine indexes. s justified at the st all relevance estic prices fell significantly. It is also argued that the United States’ inflation at the time was higher than what it had been historically and that the adjustment would therefore no longer reflect TGN’s costs but would result in a significant increase of tariffs during the recession. The Respondent held that such increase could be as high as 6.18% resulting from the US PPI adjustment plus some adjustments due to debt repayment. 139. The second element that was determinative for the Claimant in deci every othe industry. mechanism was justified on rate parity and taking advantage of the fact that inflation in the United States was histor 141. The Respondent further asserts that such adjustment mechanism wa time of privatization in 1992, but that at the end of the decade it had lo because the Argentine economy went into recession and deflation and dom 43 142. According to the Respondent’s argument this was the situation underlying the These were also reasons invoked by the Federal judge issuing the injunction on adjustments referred to above. 143. Moreover, the Respondent believes that the freezing of tariffs at this point was the measure affecting the licensees the least as resorting to an extraordinary adjustment of tariffs 144. The same considerations the Tribunal made above in respect of the meaning of the governing legal framework, including the question of the dependence on the Convertibility I; that is, it was ed under the legal rules, the License and the context in which the privatization was undertaken. The Claimant has adequately proven its rights concerning this other issue. The question of costs and whether the mechanism was justified at a later point will be discussed separately. isms under the 145. A third issue the Tribunal must examine is whether the Claimant had a right under the governing legal framework to additional stabilization clauses. The Claimant invokes in particular two such clauses of the License. The first concerns the Respondent’s commitment in clause 9.8 of the License to the effect that the tariff structure would not be frozen or subject to further regulation or price control, and that in the event that a price control voluntary postponement of adjustments agreed to in January and July 2000. the would have led to yet lower tariffs. Law, apply to the issue of adjustment of tariffs in accordance with the US PP a right establish 15. Did the Claimant have a Right to Stabilization Mechan License? 44 mechanism compelled the licensee to adjust to a lower level of tariff “…the Licensee shall be an equivalent amount in compensation to be paid by the Grantor.”70 d that the basic rules governing the License would not be amended, totally or partially, without the Licensee’s written consent. The Claimant further asserts that when such consent was given ng of adjustments, albeit nonin the Claimant’s view, the Argentine Government undertook additional . 147. The Claimant argues that all the commitments under the License as well as the 2000 ne Government. ituation by adopting hat went beyond the extent of the judicial injunction. It is argued in particular that the injunction affected only the July agreement and the corresponding Decree No. 669/00,71 but not the January agreement under which a 6% adjustment would be made in July 2000. tion in that any ization clause would benefit TGN as the licensee but not the Claimant, a matter on which, as explained, the Tribunal has already ruled. It is further believed on the merits of the question that the Government powers could not be subject to a freeze as this would be equivalent to a renunciation prohibited under the law and the constitutional concept of public service. 149. In respect of the argument about aggravating measures adopted in 2000, the Respondent asserts that ENARGAS was only following a judicial determination and it was entitled to 146. The Claimant next invokes Clause 18.2 of the License which provide in January and July 2000 for the postponement and rescheduli voluntarily obligations to reestablish the operation of the altered adjustment mechanisms postponement arrangements were simply not observed by the Argenti Moreover, in the Claimant’s view, ENARGAS further aggravated the s decisions t 148. In the Respondent’s view, there is yet again a jurisdictional ques stabil 45 on this basis that it rejected an administrative appeal by TGN purporting to have the January GN seeking to actively obtain the adjustments corresponding to the year 2000 and to follow on as from 150. On this last question, the Tribunal considers the argument made by the Argentine rpretation of the ight have been correct, it was quite evident that such injunction was aimed at the operation of the adjustments as a whole and not just that corresponding to the July agreement. erning the right to benefit from stabilization clauses. This discussion is well known in international law and to the extent this dispute co nder the Treaty, the stabilization ensured a right that the Claimant can properly invoke.72 152. While the legal meaning of the governing legal framework and the License is quite straightforward and granted rights that are now invoked by the Claimant, the reality of the Argentine economy is more difficult to assess. It may be recalled that the privatization program was conceived to overcome the crisis of the late 1980’s. This crisis was characterized by hyper inflation, the inefficient operation of many publicly-owned companies, including those responsible for public utilities, and a dramatic shortage of adjustment enforced. Yet later it rejected the tariff application by T retro 2001. Government as pertinent because, even though technically a restrictive inte injunction m paralyzing 151. The important question, however, is that conc ncerns the simultaneous operation of the License and protection u 16. Was the Economic Balance of the License Altered in Light of Changing Realities? 46 investments. The privatization program was very successful but the late 1990’s witnessed the em ajor crisis. ned at this point that it stemmed basically from economic conditions that made it impossible to maintain the fixed exchange rate and which gradually led to the greatest default on foreign debt in history gn investors and lization, while others see in it the result of not having carried out the liberalization program in its entirety and having allowed major governmental interferences in the functioning of the economy. 154 Justice, however, is not as blind as it is often thought and this Tribunal acknowledges governing legal 155. The first major impact arose from the devaluation of the peso. The measures adopted d to freeze the tariffs were in fact anticipating a major upheaval in the economy and in the economic policies followed by the to confirm this situation and transformed the freeze into a permanent feature of that policy coupled with the elimination of the Convertibility Board and the exchange rate parity. 156. The Respondent has argued in this respect, first, that the privatization framework never guaranteed that a devaluation would not occur and, next, that the Board of TGN expressly warned in the Investment Prospectus that there were no assurances that changes in government policy would not affect the company. Particular reference was made to inflation, ergence of another m 153. This crisis will be discussed further below, but it should be mentio and the collapse of the Argentine financial markets. Some tend to fault forei put the blame on excessive privatization and globa . that changing realities had an impact on the operation of the industry and the and contractual arrangements. in 2000 in order to postpone US PPI adjustments an Argentine Government. The Emergency Law and related measures came 47 monetary fluctuations, interest rates, social instability and political events.73 Along the same itnesses introduced by the Claimant have recognized that there was no assurance against devaluation.74 157. In the Respondent’s view, the Claimant cannot pretend that it had a right never to see the returns of the company diminish for reasons other than business risks. The Respondent olicy which this ded by bilateral investment treaties. Moreover, the Respondent asserts, the Claimant cannot pretend to be insulated from any internal or external condition affecting the operation of the company. ic conditions of t only about the breach of the specific guarantees offered to investors and the related protection ensured under the Treaty. One of the most significant guarantees in this respect, in the Claimant’s view, was that of keeping the tariffs in dollars so as to eliminate monetary and devaluation risks. n the economic ntina and hence it is not for it to determine whether the devaluation was the right or the wrong measure to take in the circumstances. However, it is its duty to establish whether such measure had specific adverse consequences for the Claimant in light of the legal commitments made by Argentina both under the applicable domestic and international legal framework. 160. Here again the discussion about the connection between the calculation of tariffs and their periodic adjustment in dollars and the Convertibility Law becomes crucial to determine lines, the Respondent argues that w observes that this would transform the License into the kind of insurance p Tribunal and other tribunals have held are not provi 158. The Claimant explains that it does not complain about the econom Argentina or the right of the Government to devalue the currency, bu 159. The Tribunal has noted above that it is not its task to pass judgment o policies adopted by Arge 48 the issue. As noted above, two different views have been expressed on this point. For the nd the exchange the context of an riffs would still be calculated in dollars and converted into pesos at the newly established exchange rate. e meaning of the tization, was to llars and the US PPI adjustment played therein. Devaluation could of course happen at some point, but then the tariff structure would remain intact within the framework of stability envisaged as it e fact that tariffs were converted from dollars to pesos at a fixed exchange rate of 1 to 1 and that, at the same time, the devaluation was undertaken, meant that the stabilization envisaged in the License was in practice eliminated. ferred to above, is reasonable to understand this discussion as having concluded that there was no need to repeat in the License a guarantee that was already provided under the law, as opposed to an agreement to abandon a fundamental guarantee of this kind. The latter option would be entirely contradictory to the intent of the contemporaneous privatization program and the interest in attracting foreign investment. Respondent, that guarantee only stands as long as the Convertibility Law a rate parity was in force. For the Claimant, the guarantee works precisely in alteration of the exchange rate, as the ta 161. For the reasons mentioned above, the Tribunal is of the view that th legal framework and the License, particularly in the context of the priva guarantee the stability of the tariff structure and the role the calculation in do would adjust automatically to the new level of the exchange rate. 162. Th 163. The discussions held in this respect in the Privatization Committee, re are helpful to clarify the real meaning of the guarantees provided. It 49 164. Again, on this issue, the law is clear, but economic realities are indeed more complex nt, the peso had ely artificial to ight had reached critical proportions as a consequence of a drop in exchange rates and general lack of trust in the economic conditions. In this regard, the change of policy became inevitable. icance of a legal s certainly not an option to ignore the guarantee, as the Respondent has advocated and done, but neither is it an option to disregard the economic reality which underpinned the operation of the industry. The answer to this conundrum lies in the examination of the effect of the economic situation on the costs of the company, including the question of cost structure, the significance of the export market and the adjustment mechanisms provided for under the License. 167. One of the few points on which the parties seem to be in agreement is that tariffs should be fair and reasonable as envisaged under the governing legal regime. Yet, what is fair and reasonable is the subject of substantial disagreement. 168. The Respondent has made the argument that tariffs that were kept and adjusted in dollars could not be fair and reasonable in the context of the recession and deflation that affected Argentina. This was particularly so, in the Respondent’s view, because internal to assess. For one thing, it is quite true that, as argued by the Responde already been much devalued in international markets and hence it was entir keep it at a parity that was no longer sustainable.75 For another, capital fl 165. The question for the Tribunal is then how does one weigh the signif guarantee in the context of a collapsing economic situation. It i 166. 17. A Fair and Reasonable Tariff 50 prices kept falling in the wake of the currency devaluation and hence the costs of the ar standard could not adjust. decisions to abandon the dollar denomination and to freeze the tariffs. 169. The Claimant has explained in this respect that its operating costs did in fact decrease as a result of the devaluation from US$ 70.3 million in 2001 to US$ 37.2 million in 2002. 1 to US$ 125.1 ne year. In the id not necessarily lead to a reduction in costs as many expenses remained fixed in dollars and local suppliers quickly adjusted their prices to compensate for the devaluation. an effect on the any cost structure. However, costs are unlikely to decrease in the same proportion, in part because some costs are kept in dollars and in part because financial costs must also be considered, not just operating costs. This issue has resulted in disagreement between the le for a capitalintensive infrastructure industry. TGN financed about one half of its investment by debt to be amortized over the life of the project. The total debt of TGN, both domestic and external, amounts to US$ 590 million, of which 93% corresponds to foreign loans and remains payable in dollars. Only 7% of TGN’s debt, that is the domestic portion, was pesified. As a result of the tariff freeze, TGN has defaulted on all its loans and has ceased to repay capital, paying approximately only one-third of the interest due. company were greatly diminished, a consequence to which a doll Hence the However, during the same period revenue decreased from US$ 253 in 200 million in 2002. The end result was that operating income fell by 52% in o Claimant’s view, the devaluation d 170. As a matter of principle, a devaluation of 300% must necessarily have comp parties. 171. The Claimant has explained that its financial costs are reasonab 51 172. The Claimant has also explained that higher debt resulted in lower capital costs and d ENARGAS to ebt to 54% equity in the estimates preparatory to the second w, which never took place.76 173. In the Respondent’s view, such financial decisions are attributable only to the es that TGN, in triment of other esos or even in dollars, which was later pesified. It follows, in the Respondent’s view, that the risk entailed in this decision cannot now be attributed to Argentina and that, in any event, such proportion ENARGAS. The Respondent at TGN increased its debt-equity ratio from approximately 0.50 in 1997 to over 1.00 in 2001; had TGN’s ratio been used in calculating tariffs, these would have been lower, not higher, because the rate of return required would also have been lower. n the domestic capital market ot have capacity to absorb large borrowing. Moreover, no one could have foreseen tha ming as all the guarantees offered pointed in the opposite direction. Thus, at the time it made sense to borrow in international markets thereby taking advantage of low interest rates. 175. As to the discussion about the debt-equity ratio, the Claimant also explains that a 62% debt to total capital is standard in the gas industry, and thus a 50% ratio as that of TGN is perfectly reasonable, particularly when taking into account the stability surrounding the approval of the project. Furthermore, it is explained that the initial tariffs were calculated by thus in maximum efficiency. This, in its view, was the very reason that le use TGN’s leverage of 46% d tariff revie company, as discussed above. In fact, the Government of Argentina believ relying on foreign debt, chose the worst of all financial options to the de alternatives, such as the use of its own capital or debt in Argentina, in p 77 of debt was unwise and the company was so warned by explains th 78 174. The Claimant believes differently. It could not borrow o as it did n t devaluation and decoupling of tariffs from dollars would be forthco 52 the Government on a 33:67 debt to equity ratio, allowing for a lower cost of capital and ding for the licenses. hat the company opted to distribute profits to shareholders instead of reinvesting it, and thus failed to increase its own capital contribution as opposed to having financed debt, the Claimant asserts that this patently erroneous as 70% of its profits were reinvested and merely US$ 168 mil 177. The Claimant is also of the view that debt restructuring as a mitigating alternative mentioned in Argentina’s argument is simply not possible because creditors are not in a ’ revenues. The difficulty experienced by the very nt of Argentina in restructuring its foreign debt proves in the Claimant’s view that the done by way of reorganization under the aegis of Argentine courts. 178 r financial costs result mandated ssential factor. 179. The Tribunal has no doubt that financial costs are included as an element of the calculation of tariffs. This is so, first, because no project of this magnitude could be carried out without its financing being calculated within the return necessary to make it viable. Second, the legal meaning of the Gas Law unequivocally leads to the same conclusion. Indeed, Article 38(a) of the Law provides that the service providers who operate economically and prudently shall have “the opportunity of obtaining an income sufficient to higher bid 176. A related point of contention is that while the Respondent argues t is simply lion paid in dividends, a figure representing only a 4% annual return. position at present to forecast companies Governme exercise was not easy to carry out, and even less so could this be . The conclusion of this discussion calls for a determination of whethe are a factor in the calculation of tariffs so as to reach the fair and reasonable by the Law. In Respondent’s view, it is not. In the Claimant’s view, it is an e 53 recover all reasonable operating costs applicable to the service, taxes, depreciation Article 2(4) of the e provides for the recovery of all reasonable costs “including the cost of capital.” 180. In the Tribunal’s view it is quite clear that “depreciation” or “amortización” refers, in particular, to the debt financing which is written off over the years. There is yet a another before the freeze ry agency, as well as all the , would have read the Law mistakenly. Neither is there any reason to believe that experienced companies would not have operated economically and prudently. tive of a fair and discussed above, ject, such frozen tariffs do not reflect the real costs of the operator. This is why financial costs were taken into account by ENARGAS both in the first and the second five-year tariff review, even if the never finalized. Presumably this was also reflected in the Government’s 2000 tari e included in the ssary step under the renogotiation process. 182. The effects of the devaluation have quite evidently given rise to profound adjustments in the economy of Argentina, but not all such effects have benefited the operator. Far from it: the combined effect of tariff freezes and devaluation, even if the latter resulted in a decrease of operating costs, led to the evaporation of operating income, prompted constant negative (“amortización” in Spanish) and a reasonable rate of return…”. So too Gas Decre reason supporting this conclusion. Debt was a part of the tariff as calculated and it is quite unlikely that the Government and the regulato companies 181. It follows that the freeze adopted cannot be reconciled with the objec reasonable tariff, not just because of the dollar connection and adjustment but also because, by not taking into account the financial reality of the pro latter was ff increases, which were subject to the court injunction, and might also b new increases that government officials have repeatedly assured are a nece 54 results in the balance sheet and caused the default mentioned. A tariff causing these results cannot be judged under any standard to be fair and reasonable. usted in dollars might be unrealistic in view of the changing economic realities that have been mentioned. But, even within the context of the Argentine legal framework and the License itself, there take these changes into account without abandoning the legal guarantees offered, as w 184. The Respondent has argued in addition that the tariffs were higher than normal because they took into account, from the outset, the risk of devaluation expressed in terms of er so as to allow ed Average Cost ebster consultant report commissioned by ENARGAS in order to make the first five-year review of tariffs had suggested a rate of return of 18.6% on the capital contributed by the company. This was hus reflecting, in 185. While this discussion is related more to the question of valuation of damages and the determination of the value of the company made by the Claimant’s financial experts, which will be examined separately, it nonetheless reveals an important feature of the tariff regime that, it is argued, did provide for protection against devaluation. While, in the Claimant’s view, this protection was a part of the legal promises and assurances given, it appears in the Respondent’s view that it was given by means of the financial mechanisms put in place, particularly the tariff. These arguments, it will be seen, have important legal implications. 183. The Tribunal cannot rule out the argument that a tariff kept and adj are ways to ill be discussed further below. the Argentine country-risk. To this end, the discount rate used was also high for a greater return to the company because of that risk (“WACC” or Weight of Capital), as was also the case with the interest rate. The Stone & W eventually established by the regulatory agency as a 16.07% rate of return, t the Respondent’s view, the effect of the higher country-risk. 55 186. It follows that the devaluation must not only be considered as a part of the broad eature applicable to that extent, it the devaluation indeed did have an adverse economic effect on the operator because, in conjunction with other measures, it resulted in a tariff that was not fair and reasonable. as created are at ther asserted that artificially low tariffs led to an increased demand and, as revenues are insufficient to make further investments in transportation and distribution, the energy market has collapsed and has required new and different arrangements, including the fiduciary fund mentioned above and im Bolivia at high costs.79 On this basis, the argument about subsidization of other sectors of the economy becomes convincing. 18. Investments and Exports 188 understanding of the investment program and its connection with the export market. 189. The Claimant asserts that three kinds of investment were made: US$ 40 million of mandatory investment, principally related to the improvement of safety and network integrity; US$ 12 million of non-mandatory investment destined for expansion; and US$ 29.5 million for projects aimed at strengthening efficiency. Not only were these goals achieved, the argument goes on, but TGN made investments exceeding US$ 1 billion that resulted in economic measures affecting the country as a whole but also as a specific f to the Claimant and having a direct impact on its operations. As such and falls under the Tribunal’s jurisdiction. The Tribunal has noted above that 187. Moreover, the Claimant also explains, the distortions this situation h the very heart of the crisis of the energy sector affecting Argentina. It is fur the portation of gas from . There is yet another element of the discussion relevant to the correct the cost structure and the implications of devaluation and pesification: 56 significant network expansion and distribution to many new users while keeping the gas price lowest in the world.80 ent targets were not met and that, as a consequence, the Claimant was fined repeatedly and the posting of security required. In Respondent’s view, most of the investments made were related to the were additional as envisaged in the License, the sole purpose of which was the supply of the dom stic market and not the international market. This point, however, is also disputed by the Claimant. rifications of the with the US PPI. ues, the Respondent explains, originate in exports and this, in its view, is an amount sufficient to cover all the costs of the Claimant, including those related to the domestic market and financial costs. Moreover, the Respondent has further asserted, 81 larification of the question became necessary when several Chilean importers of gas began making payments in pesified tariffs.82 A later request by the Chilean company Colbun, also an importer of gas, to the effect that export tariffs should not be kept in dollars or adjusted in accordance with the US PPI, was turned down by governmental decree in Argentina.83 193. The discussion does not end there since the Claimant explains that of the US$ 1 billion invested only US$ 271 million were related to export sales, which under the Gas Law, among the 190. The Respondent challenges these assertions and argues that investm expansion of transportation networks for export markets. These investments to what w e 191. Tariffs for the export market, as explained above, after the initial cla measures adopted, have been kept in US dollars and adjusted in accordance About a fourth of TGN’s reven that the export tariffs are “excessive.” 192. C 57 was to be carried out under terms similar to those governing the domestic business. rom this export d security, it is also argued, was raised in a context of political confrontation unrelated to the real facts. 194. But even when taking into account the positive influence of exports on the company’s s, the end result has been that overall revenues have been insufficient to cover operating and other costs and that this shortfall is shown in expert rep 195. The Tribunal is persuaded that the required investments were made and indeed compensated for er, the compensating effect of export revenues has not fully redressed a situation which carries the heavy burden of the measures in force affecting the domestic market. This situation amplifies the cross-subsidizing effects of the measures adopted in the Argentine economy. Duration of the License 196. The parties have also disputed another aspect relevant for the determination of rights and obligations under the contract: the duration of the License. 197. In the Claimant’s view, TGN is entitled to an extension of the license beyond the initial period of 35 years ending in 2027. This extension would, under the terms of the License, be for an additional ten years, ending in 2037. The Respondent believes, to the contrary, that the License does not entail a right of automatic renewal and is subject to According to the Claimant, Argentina derives many important benefits f activity. Finally, the question of fines an revenues, the Claimant argue orts which include export revenues. exceeded by far; it is also persuaded that the export markets have somewhat revenue shortfalls. Howev 19. 58 performance requirements that have not been met by the Claimant, as well as to other set forth in Clause 3.2 of the License. ditional ten-year extension, but that this right is subject to the compliance with performance requirements, and has to be requested by the licensee and approved by the Government. A discussion about ce requirements is unnecessary for the Tribunal to reach a conclusion on this aspect of t 199. Indeed, the License is very clear about the fact that this right is conditional and subject to a number of steps, both substantive and procedural, which might or might not take sh at present whether these conditions might be met, the Tribunal is persuaded by the Respondent’s argument to the effect that no damages should be be the year which the Tribunal will rely on for its determination of damages. of Legal and Contractual Obligations under Argentine Law 200 f applicable law it must now examine the effect of the measures with reference to Argentine law and the contracts involved in this dispute. 201. The fundamental legal principle guaranteeing the right to property is established in Article 17 of the Constitution which provides that “The right to property is inviolable and no inhabitant of the Nation can be deprived of it except by a judicial decision founded in the law.” conditions 198. The Tribunal notes that the License provides for the right to an ad performan he dispute. place. As it would be impossible to establi considered beyond the year 2027. This will therefore 20. Discussion . In view of the conclusions reached by the Tribunal on the question o 59 202. The exercise of this basic guarantee, like other fundamental rights enshrined in the ot be altered by eed, this Article and rights recognized in the preceding articles shall not be altered by the laws regulating their exercise.” arantees are not ublic interest is indeed but this does not contradict the central role of the right to property and the obligation to pay compensation in case of government interference with its exercise. example of the es the right of ty and economic interests, adequate and truthful information, freedom of choice and equitable and dignified treatment. This particular legitimate objective, pertains, however, to so-called third gen referring to new viewed as future aspirations rather than enforceab 205. The basic principle of Argentine law governing contracts and the ensuing obligations is contained in Article 1197 of the Civil Code which provides: “Conventions made in contracts constitute for the parties a rule that must be observed as the law.”85 Constitution, is regulated under the law, as indicated in Article 14, but cann that law, as expressly mandated by Article 28 of the Constitution. Ind mandates that “the principles, guarantees 203. The argument made by the Respondent to the effect that such gu absolute and are subject to the requirements of social needs and p correct,84 204. Article 42 of the Constitution has occasionally been invoked as an social needs restricting rights to property, in that this provision recogniz consumers and users of goods and services to the protection of health, safe eration rights and is embodied in a separate chapter of the Constitution rights. To this extent such rights should be le rights similar to fundamental constitutional rights. 60 206. This principle is in harmony with the rights protected under the Constitution. There is the writings of t of contracts as hat the State has the duty to intervene under the law stipulated in the contract so as to redress possible imbalances.87 Here again the law does not ignore social needs but makes them subject to ise conditions and requirements. Thus, the need to ensure stability remains a basic nd any departure therefrom must be in the form of a clearly established legal jus 207. These various points of view underlie the legal arguments made by the parties in this nder the law and een observed by he Respondent, however, is of the view that if the parties had wished to contract in dollars they could have done so explicitly under Article 1197 of the Civil Code, but they chose instead to contract by to the Convertibility Law.88 It is also argued that even if the Gas Decree and the Lic ntradict the Law ts, the economic conditions of the crisis necessarily resulted in the change of the terms of the contract. 208. The Tribunal must note in this respect that the fact that the Gas Law did not refer explicitly to the dollar-based tariff cannot be taken to mean that this standard was not a part of the legal and contractual commitments made to the investor. It was very much part of those undertakings as the legal and contractual framework of the privatization amply evidences. There is thus no contradiction between the law, the regulations and the contract indeed a long-standing tradition of Argentine court decisions and distinguished jurists highlighting the importance of the faithful enforcemen the expression of the will of the parties.86 There is also the view, however, t very prec concern a tification. dispute. The Claimant has argued that there are a number of rights, both u under the contract, with particular reference to the License, that have not b the Respondent and these legal obligations should be given full effect. T reference ense had referred to a dollar-related tariff, these instruments could not co which itself did not refer to this standard. In any event, the Respondent asser 61 and the latter could only be ignored had it constituted an undertaking prohibited by law, which is not the case here. tariffs in dollars is consistent with Article 619 of the Civil Code to the extent that it provides that the obligation to pay a sum in a particular currency is satisfied when payment is made in the stipulated currency at the time it becomes due. This article amended a prior reference to pay 210. The Tribunal has stated above, however, that parallel to legally enforceable obligations arising from the commitments and assurances that Argentina gave in the not be ignored. a deep crisis of an economic, social and political nature. The downturn in the economy commencing in 1999, the rising levels of poverty and the rapid turnover of politicians occupying the highest e, was a dramatic reality. Witness statements introduced by the Respondent both in writing and in the oral hea deplored by the Claimant. Needless to say, also the Tribunal has the greatest sympathy for the plight of the Argentine people under the circumstances and respects its efforts to overcome the situation. 212. The issue for the Tribunal to establish is whether, under Argentine law, there is any valid excuse for not complying with the terms of the contractual and legal arrangements Argentina had entered into. 209. Moreover, the fact that the regulations and the contract provided for ment in national currency. privatization process, there have been inescapable economic realities that can 211. There is broad agreement on the fact that Argentina was affected by offices in the nation, coupled with social upheaval and civil disobedienc ring were eloquent in this respect.89 These developments have been 62 213. The Argentine Government has invoked in the alternative the existence of a state of exemption from liability. The state of international law on this question will be examined separately. 214. Under domestic law, the state of necessity is not recognized by the Argentine Civil Code or the law generally.90 A number of court decisions, however, have from time to time relied on the state of economic emergency to the extent it had been declared by Congress, pro 215. In the context of the current Emergency Law, the Supreme Court, relying on the provisions of the Constitution, has emphasized, in addition to those requirements, that the restriction lt in a change of the subst Supreme Court decision r “…it is not useless to remind, as the Tribunal has done for long, that restrictions imposed by the State on the normal exercise of patrimonial rights edy and not a judicial decision o overcome the emergency are subject to a limit and this is its reasonableness, with the ensuing impossibility of altering or distorting the economic significance of the rights of individuals… and it is beyond doubt that to condition or limit those rights affects patrimonial intangibility and puts an obstacle to the purpose of consolidating justice.”92 necessity under international law as an vided it was temporary and reasonable.91 s imposed must be aimed at providing a solution and must not resu ance or the essence of a right acquired under a contract. The elies in part on the following statement: must be reasonable, limited in time, and constitute a rem mutation in the substance or essence of the right acquired by or contract… It follows that the mechanisms devised t 63 216. The Tribunal also notes that a decision of the Argentine Supreme Court held, in the Constitution anner.93 Based n of the Federal Court of Paraná. This decision, however, does not overrule other decisions of the Supreme Court and other tribunals in Argentina as it only applies to the case at hand. Moreover, the port to the Court on the fact that the measures were temporary and that the crisis was largely over, a consideration on which the Court also reli 217. In light of this discussion, the Tribunal is persuaded that the state of necessity under dom stic law does not offer an excuse if the result of the measures in question is to alter the sub ularly so if the 218. A second concept under which contractual rights might eventually be adjusted is that of unjust enrichment. Although not formally invoked by the Respondent in this dispute, it und sed tariff would ould have been excessive either in the domestic or the export markets. 219. A number of provisions of the Argentine Civil Code are inspired by the concept of unjust enrichment and it has often been applied by Argentine courts.96 However, given the difficulty in establishing who has gained and who has lost without legitimate cause, the application of the concept has been surrounded by uncertainty. respect of “pesification,” that this measure was compatible with Article 17 of and that Articles 617 and 619 of the Civil Code could not be read in a blind m on the Emergency Law and force majeure, the Court overturned a decisio Procurador General based his own re ed.94 Dissenting views were also expressed.95 e stance or the essence of contractually acquired rights. This is partic application of such measures extends beyond a strictly temporary period. erlies some of its arguments, particularly the argument that the dollar-ba result in unfairness and unreasonableness, or more importantly that tariffs w 64 220. In this particular instance, the application of the dollar standard at the time of the er, as discussed, e service suffers economy which thus become the real beneficiaries. Therefore, although the crisis and the measures taken brought about legal and economic uncertainties, the Tribunal cannot ignore contractual rights on echanism for the adjustment of contracts was introduced in the Argentine Civil Code with the inclusion of Article 1198. Under the terms of this Article, contracts must be done, interpreted and ave reasonably us as a result of ents, it could request the termination of the contract, except if that party was liable and remiss; the other party could then offer more equitable terms as a means to forestall termination. This mechanism has also given rise to important 97 eory of “imprévision” was thus expressly introduced into the Argentine Civil Code. The Respondent has relied on this theory in explaining the meaning of the Emergency Law and its reference to this particular Article.98 The purpose of this law, in the Respondent’s argument, is to rebalance the benefits of the parties against the backdrop of changing realities. 223. The Federal judge issuing the 2000 injunction had this mechanism in mind as well when she explained that “it could be that the balance of interests between the licensees and recession might, for example, have appeared as an unfair advantage. Howev the facts point in the opposite direction, namely to where the operator of th the entire burden of the situation and in fact subsidizes other sectors of the the basis of an alleged unjust enrichment. 221. This Tribunal wishes to add a further observation. In 1968 another m enforced in good faith in accordance with what the parties should h understood. If the burden of one party were to become excessively onero extraordinary and unforeseeable ev scholarly writings and court decisions. 222. The th 65 the consumers that was sought by the law broke down as a result of emerging economic l equation of the sumer must pay more for the same service even if the economy is evidencing negative figures…”99 224. The legal extent of this concept both in civil and administrative law was laid down by terestingly, also of this theory in irst identified in this decision, pointing out that the event in question had to be unforeseeable and external to the parties, exceed all reasonable expectations, and result in a profound unbalancing of the con e of the contract 225. The provisions of the Emergency Law, however, fail to meet certain essential conditions for the operation of the theory of “imprévision.” First, if the imbalance were g that the tariff s simultaneously ect the Claimant believes the risk of devaluation was indeed foreseen as it argues that express guarantees were offered to offset such risk. Second, the concept requires the aggrieved party to request the termination of the contract before a competent court, while in the present dispute the measure was unilaterally decided by one party. In addition, the views of the courts have been rather critical of the measures adopted as noted above. In essence, the pesification was imposed and the target of rebalancing and compensating differences in 180 days was not met. situations… It would seem possible to argue that the economic and financia contract would break when the con the French Conseil d’Etat in the landmark case “Gaz de Bordeaux,” which, in dealt with the gas industry.100 The general principles on the application administrative contracts, particularly those concerning concessions, were f tract. The redress also had to be temporary as otherwise the long-term lif would become unviable.101 foreseeable, the theory is not applicable. As explained above, in arguin included both the devaluation as well as the country risks, the Respondent i admitting that this risk was foreseeable and actually foreseen. In this resp 66 226. The approach taken by the French Conseil d’Etat, however, as will be explained, is most pertinent for the attribution of liability in the present case. s, such as force majeure, are not available in this case as the events discussed were foreseeable and foreseen. to general principles of law to find an answer as to how the contract in this case could be adjusted to new economic realities. The pertinent mechanisms are embodied in the law and the License itself. to the consumer n to three factors: first, the price of gas at the wellhead, that is at the point of injection into the transportation system; second, the transportation tariff; and third, the distribution tariff. The Tribunal notes that the first of these factors has already been 102 e f the currency used, the operator must obtain a reasonable return, as this is mandated under the law in conjunction with the concept of a fair and reasonable tariff. It is further explained that, in case of devaluation, the tariff should be reduced as a consequence of lower domestic prices, while, in case of revaluation of the peso, tariffs should increase as costs would also increase.103 231. To this end, the Law provided for the periodic revision of tariffs so as to reflect the changes in the value of goods and services related to the activities of the operator.104 As 227. The Tribunal must note that other traditional legal excuse 21. Adjustment Mechanisms under the License and the Law 228. The Tribunal, however, does not need to look in 229. The Gas Law provided for a mechanism in which the final price would be determined by refere ce successfully renegotiated and adjusted. 230. The Respondent explains in this connection that, irrespectiv o 67 explained by the Respondent, three adjustment mechanisms were devised to attain this result. the US PPI. The y (Factor X),105 e resulted in the decrease of tariffs if efficiency had increased. The third adjustment mechanism was to apply in connection with investment (Factor K),106 and was also applicable as from the first fivef tariffs so as to ise be financed by the tariffs in force. The Claimant believes in this connection that factors X and K could only be introduced in the context of five-year reviews and not in other instances. 107 uld undertake a alculation, also have different interpretations as to the extent of the five-year review. While, for the Claimant, adjustments would be basically automatic following the application of factors X and K,108 for the t, this review could be broader and include other elements relevant to tariff det ve an insurance y circumstances, irrespective of the prevailing economic conditions. 233. The Tribunal is of the view that Argentina’s interpretation of this issue is in part correct. While taking factors X and K into consideration, the review might be broader if justified by circumstances. Annex F of the Offer, for example, provides that future reviews of tariffs could include changes in the form of tariffs and the categories of consumers and services available.110 The first was the January and July adjustments of tariffs in accordance with second adjustment mechanism was to take account of increased efficienc which would apply as from the first five-year review and which could hav year review. This third adjustment mechanism could result in the increase o finance investments that could not otherw 232. In addition, the Law provided for a five-year review which wo comprehensive examination of the tariffs and the method used for their c taking into account as far as possible factors X and K. The parties Responden ermination.109 Otherwise, the Respondent asserts, the Claimant would ha policy or a super-right under the License that would ensure profits under an 68 234. This interpretation, however, does not mean that the tariff structure envisaged under uiding principles a reasonable rate ificant variations in the tariffs when applying factors X and K.111 In this sense, as argued by the Claimant, it is not a discretionary power. mmitment to the t would not be altered unless the written consent of the licensee was first obtained and that tariffs would not be frozen or subject to price controls. Otherwise compensation would be paid. 236 ew, scheduled to 237. The Gas Law also provides for an Extraordinary Review that can be initiated by the lice ed inadequate, justified.112 The ated tariffs.113 238. The Tribunal can therefore conclude that if a rebalance of the contractual commitments was required because of changing economic circumstances and their effect on costs and returns, the mechanisms to meet this objective were available under the law and the License. The necessary adjustments could be accommodated within the structure of the guarantees offered to the Claimant. This approach, in turn, would have made any unilateral determination by the Respondent unnecessary. The Claimant itself accepts that tariffs could the law and the License could be dismantled at will. On the contrary, the g would always have to prevail. Among such principles was the guarantee of of return; stability, coherence and foreseeability; and the need to avoid sign 235. It must also be kept in mind that the License expressly included a co effect that i . The first five-year review was completed in 1997 but the second revi take place in 2002, was never completed. nsees or ENARGAS so as to correct tariffs that might be deem discriminatory or preferential in circumstances which are both objective and effect of certain taxes can also result in a corresponding adjustment of the rel 69 be lowered within the regulatory framework to reflect the reduction in peso costs and thus s that the adjustment mechanism, under that scenario, would not have worked to its advantage.114 22. Attribution of Liability under Argentine Law ts made by the icense were not lso so under the applicable provisions of the Civil Code and administrative law. In the absence of any express and clear provision allowing one party to depart from solemn contractual obligations undertake Civil Code and the protec nably prevail as recalled o urt has held that “…when under a law in force an individual has fulfilled all the substantial acts and obligations and formal requirements provided to be entitled to a right, it is inadmissible 5 240. There is of course the question of the reality of the crisis that has been described. The Tribunal explained above that this reality cannot be ignored and it will not do so. The crisis, however, can only be taken into account as a matter of fact. And facts of course do not eliminate compliance with the law but do have a perceptible influence on the manner in which the law can be applied. also recognize 239. From the above discussion, it is clear that the legal commitmen Republic of Argentina to the Claimant under the applicable law and the L kept. This is so under the legal framework governing the gas sector but it is a n toward another party, the sanctity of contracts established in the tion of property mandated by the Argentine Constitution unquestio n more than one occasion by the Argentine Supreme Court. The Co must be held as acquired, and its modification by a later norm without infringement of the constitutional right to property.”11 This is the case in the context of this dispute. 70 241. In the case of Compagnie Générale d’éclairage de Bordeaux, also known as Gaz de 1916 which, in a e Great War the isaged under the concession contract for the provision of public gas lighting to the City of Bordeaux. The concession contract was held to govern the respective obligations of the parties until its by means of the e price in a manner favorable or unfavorable to the company and this was to be considered a normal business risk that each party was to have considered at the time of entering into legal obligations. eases that the adjustment envisaged viability of the contract w uired to provide the service in such abnormal conditions. The Conseil d’Etat accordingly held that “…just as the Company cannot argue that it should not be required to bear any mitted that such e contrary, it is fficulties, taking into account both the general interest…and the special conditions that do not allow the contract to operate normally…; to this end it is necessary to decide, on the one hand, that the Company is required to provide the concession service and, on the other hand, that during this period it must bear only that part of the adverse consequences that the reasonable interpretation of the contract allows…”116 Bordeaux, cited above, the French Conseil d’Etat had to decide a dispute in number of respects, was similar to the present one. As a consequence of th price of coal had more than tripled, amply surpassing the price originally env expiration, in particular the provision of a public service and its remuneration tariffs stipulated. Normal market conditions could move th 242. The economic impact of the war led to such price incr under the contract was clearly insufficient and the economic as profoundly affected. The company could not, therefore, be req increase in the price…it would be totally excessive if it is ad increases are to be considered a normal business risk; on th necessary to find a solution that puts an end to temporary di 71 243. On this basis, it was decided that the City of Bordeaux should pay compensation parties on the amount of ion, this was to be fixed by the judge to whom the case was remanded. 244. While in the instant dispute the conditions for the operation of the “théorie de l’imprévision” are not met, for the reasons already explained, the fact is that the Claimant ted by the crisis, unjustifiable that cularly so in light of the subsidization that the Claimant has in effect had to meet in respect of other businesses in Argentina, a burden which if necessary has to be born by the Government, at least in part. he duty to redress this abnormal situation, first, by putting an at by definition should be a temporary situation, a step that might be adequately taken in the context of the continuing negotiations between the parties, and next by paying compensation for the damage caused. 246. Similar to what was the case in Gaz de Bordeaux, since the parties have as yet been unable to ugh the process of contract renegotiation, compensation is to be fixed by a judge. As this Tribunal has no judge to whom the case could be remanded for that purpose, it will fix the compensation to that effect on its own authority. 23. Crisis Period Distinguished 247. The Argentine Government has argued that a distinction should be made between two sets of measures. On the one hand, the measures adopted in 2000, which specifically affected covering the remaining deficit and that, failing agreement of the compensat cannot ask to be entirely beyond the reach of the abnormal conditions promp as this would be unrealistic. However, at the same time, it would be wholly the Claimant be overburdened with all the costs of the crisis. This is parti 245. The Government has t end to wh reach an agreement thro 72 the gas industry. And on the second hand, those of general economic impact not directly text of the then le. Thus, it has ad very specific effects on the Claimant, effects which the Tribunal is bound to take into account separately from the wider effects or justification of those measures. ccount different re impact on the Claimant’s business, but this impact must to some extent be attributed to the business risk the Claimant took on when investing in Argentina, this being particularly the case as it related to tinued as usual. s in a reasonable t to an insurance policy against business risk, an outcome that, as the Respondent has rightly argued, would not be justified. On the other hand, a number of the measures adopted did indeed contribute to such hardship and the uished from the situation that has characterized the Argentine economy in the aftermath of the crisis, including the situation that prevails today. The Tribunal does not wish to imply that the crisis in Argentina is fully over, because aftershocks are still felt in the economy, particularly in the social sector, but the repercussions are no longer as intense or widespread. Considering the question of time necessary for recovery, an expert for the Respondent stated that past economic downturns have taken up to eight years to overcome.117 Be that as it may, the fact is that the Argentine economy has improved substantially in the past several months and it is related to the gas industry, which were adopted in 2001 – 2002 in the con unfolding crisis. This distinction of the origin of the measures is not feasib been shown that the general economic policy measures of 2001-2002 also h 248. The factual situation, however, allows the Tribunal to take into a situations present at distinct periods in time. The crisis had in itself a seve decrease in demand. Such effects cannot be ignored as if business had con Otherwise, both parties would not be sharing some of the costs of the crisi manner and the decision could eventually amoun burden of those ought not to be placed on the Claimant alone. 249. These events and effects, however, must be separated and disting 73 at present clearly heading towards recovery in the short to medium term. All relevant show unequivocally this to be the case.118 rs that sometime between late 2004 and early 2005 the crisis period came to an end. The Tribunal notes in this respect that the Emergency Law declared emergency until December 10, 2003 and that renegotiation was extended for an additional year.119 A further extension was enacted in 200 251. The Tribunal will take into account these different realities in reaching a determination on the appropriate compensation. However, it must first examine the extent of the ec e concerning the state of necessity under international law. 24. Has there been Expropriation of the Investment? ving established that the Respondent did not keep the commitments and obligations it h N, the question he Treaty to the investor. 253. The Claimant’s first major allegation in this respect is that there has been an expropriation in breach of the express provision of Article IV(1) of the Treaty. This Article provides as follows: “Investments shall not be expropriated or nationalized either directly or indirectly through measures tantamount to expropriation or nationalization indicators 250. In light of the economic information available, the Tribunal conside 4.120 prot tion granted under the Treaty and the issu 252. Ha ad undertaken under its own legislation, regulations and the Licence to TG is then what is the legal situation in terms of the protection granted by t 74 (‘expropriation’) except for a public purpose; in a non-discriminatory manner; nsation; and in process of law and the general principles of treatment provided for in Article II (2).” 254. The Claimant argues in this connection that expropriation need not be direct or result t if the result, as significant part, f not necessarily to the obvious benefit of the host State.”121 A wealth of cases and scholarly writings are invoked in support of this contention and of the argument that such an expropriation might be 122 ” in that it may unfold through a series of acts over a period of time. The State’s interference with assurances and undertakings offered to the investor, it is also argued, might result in the 124 tion, it is further ay compensation.125 The Claimant also argues that res adopted stemmed less from the prevailing economic conditions than from the political antagonism which the Government had developed towards foreign investors generally and towards some companies in particular whether because of electoral strategies or ideological connotations of successive governments. 256. The Claimant argues that the measures adopted by the Argentine Government during the period 2000-2002 resulted in indirect and creeping expropriation of acquired rights in the form of legal commitments, assurances and guarantees expressly offered to the investor. The upon payment of prompt, adequate and effective compe accordance with due in the transfer of title or physical possession but that it can also be indirec held by the Tribunal in Metalclad, is to deprive the owner “…in whole or in of the use or reasonably-to-be-expected economic benefit of property even i entirely independent of the State’s intention. 255. The Claimant further asserts that expropriation might be “creeping 123 breach of an acquired right. Not even the public purpose of an expropria asserted, can alter the legal obligation to p the measu 75 Claimant says that as a result, it can no longer rely on the basic conditions that were critical wiped out; and vestment. The 00, the date that the court injunction was issued and with it the beginning of a process that had the creeping effect described above. to oppose the ers to refute the Claimant’s arguments. It is first held that not only has there been no transfer of property of any kind but that none of the measures taken amount to an interference which could be he commitments d, even less so, ey qualify as an acquired right or constitute a legitimate expectation. This, in the Respondent’s view, is particularly so because the commitments invoked arise not from the Government’s undertakings, but from the Information Memorandum prepared by private and has full use of its property and there has been no redistribution of wealth of any kind nor has there been an intention to do so, unlike the situation characterizing all the decisions invoked by the Claimant;126 neither has the State derived any benefit from the measures taken, thus meeting the standard set in the Lauder v. Czech Republic case when denying the occurrence of expropriation.127 The Respondent, as noted, also argues that the measures adopted are temporary. for its decision to undertake the project; that the value of its assets has been that it cannot enjoy the economic benefits reasonably expected of the in specific date of the expropriation is, in the Claimant’s view, August 18, 20 257. The Argentine Government has not been short of arguments expropriation claim and has presented a wealth of relevant cases and writ compared to or result in an expropriation. It is also explained that none of t invoked by the investor have the meaning the investor assigns to them an could th consultants. 258. According to the Respondent, TGN has continued to operate normally 76 259. Emphasis is placed by the Respondent on the argument that neither has there been hese rights been mpany has been stated that all the specific criteria used to deny substantial deprivation in the Pope & Talbot v. Canada case are met in this case also: the investor is in control of the investment, the Government does not of the company ent of dividends has not been interfered with, the directors and ma pany are appointed by the company, and the investor has full ownership and control of the investment. by the parties on xpropriation has taken place. The issue for the Tribunal to determine is then whether the measures adopted constitute an indirect or regulatory expropriation. The answer is of course not quite simple for indeed the measures have had an important effect on the business of the Claimant. 261. The Tribunal in the Lauder case rightly explained that “The concept of indirect (or “de facto”, or “creeping”) expropriation is not clearly defined. Indirect expropriation or nationalization is a measure that does not involve an overt taking, but that effectively neutralized the enjoyment of the property.”129 262. The essential question is therefore to establish whether the enjoyment of the property has been effectively neutralized. The standard that a number of tribunals have applied in recent cases where indirect expropriation has been contended is that of substantial substantial deprivation of the fundamental rights of ownership nor have t rendered useless; to the contrary, the value of shares of a comparable co increasing since the crisis. In the Respondent’s discussion of the issue, it is manage the day-to-day operations of the company, no officers or employees is under arrest, the paym nagers of the com 128 260. The Tribunal has examined with great attention the views expounded this issue. Both parties are in agreement that no direct e 77 deprivation. In the Metalclad case the tribunal held that this kind of expropriation relates to iving the owner, nomic benefit of 0 Similarly, the Iran – United States Claims Tribunal has held that deprivation must affect “fundamental rights of ownership,”131 a criteria reaffirmed in the CME v. Czech Republic case.132 The test of interference with present uses and prevention of the realization of a reasonable return on inv 263. Substantial deprivation was addressed in detail by the tribunal in the Pope & Talbot case.134 The Government of Argentina has convincingly argued that the list of issues to be , as discussed in that case, is not present in the instant dispute. In fact, the Respondent has explained, the inv the day-to-day operations of the company; and the investor has full ownership and control of the investment. 264 spute and holds f protection laid eaty. 265. It remains necessary to examine the extent of the interference caused by the measures on the Claimant’s business operations under the other standards of the Treaty. This question will be addressed next by the Tribunal. incidental interference with the use of property which has “the effect of depr in whole or in significant part, of the use or reasonable-to-be-expected eco property even if not necessarily to the obvious benefit of the host State.”13 estments has also been discussed by the Respondent in this context.133 taken into account for reaching a determination on substantial deprivation estor is in control of the investment; the Government does not manage . The Tribunal is persuaded that this is indeed the case in this di therefore that the Government of Argentina has not breached the standard o down in Article IV(1) of the Tr 78 25. Has there been a Breach of Fair and Equitable Treatment? on provided to investors under the Treaty is that of f “Investment shall at all times be accorded fair and equitable treatment, shall enjoy full protection and security and shall in no case be accorded treatment hed the fair and equitable treatment standard and has not ensured full protection and security to the investment, particularly insofar as it has profoundly altered the stability and predictability of e investment environment, an assurance that was key to its decision to invest. The Claimant the significance of this pa here it was held that “[The Government] breached its obligation of fair and equitable treatment by e foreign investor 268. The Claimant also relies on the following finding of the tribunal in the Técnicas Medioambientales Tecmed, S.A. v. Mexico case to the effect that fair and equitable treatment: “…requires the Contracting Parties to provide to international investments treatment that does not affect the basic expectations that were taken into account by the foreign investor to make the investment…”136 266. The second substantive standard of protecti air and equitable treatment. Article II(2)(a) provides: less than that required by international law.” 267. Under this provision, the Claimant asserts that Argentina has breac th cites a number of distinguished writers and decisions pointing out rticular requirement, with particular reference to the CME case, w evisceration of the arrangements in reliance upon [which] th was induced to invest.”135 79 269. According to the Claimant’s argument, the uncertainty characterizing the period 2000 mantled all the hich the investment had been made, are the main events that the breach of this standard. 270. In the Respondent’s view, the standard of fair and equitable treatment is too vague to provides for a at the same time is with an international minimum standard. A deliberate intention to ignore an obligation or even bad faith would be required to breach the standard, the argument adds. in particular the “investor should not be dealt with in a manner that contravenes international law.”137 The Pope & Talbot case is also discussed by the Respondent in this context, explaining that in spite of the fact that it international law 272. Argentina believes that none of the measures adopted breaches the standard or for that matter international law as the legislative prerogatives of the State cannot be frozen in time and the Emergency Law is just one such exercise of its prerogative. In the Respondent’s view, stability does not mean immobilization and the measures adopted, particularly the “pesification”, were the solution necessary to prevent greater social damage and poverty. It is further argued that there is ample precedent upholding the legality of devaluation, both under domestic and international law, with particular reference to the situation in the United States – 2002 and the final determinations under the Emergency Law that dis arrangements in reliance on w resulted in allow for any clear identification of its meaning and, in any event, it only general and basic principle found in the law of the host State which compatible 271. The Respondent argues next that the standard is not different from the international minimum standard, citing to this effect a number of authors and cases and tribunal’s holding in the Robert Azinian and others v. Mexico case that an opted for a NAFTA standard additional to or higher than that of customary it still based its test on equity, justice and reasonableness.138 80 in the 1930s. It is also asserted that the Claimant has not proved any damage in connection under this item t in any way be assimilated to that corresponding to expropriation, as the Claimant requests. 273. The key issue that the Tribunal has to decide is whether the measures adopted in 2000 aking to provide most bilateral investment treaties, does not standard of fair and equitable treatment and to this extent Argentina’s concern about it being somewhat vague is not entirely without merit. objective of the s that fair and equitable treatment is desirable “to maintain a stable for investments and maximum effective use of economic resources.” There can be no doubt, therefore, that a stable legal and business environment is an essential element of fair and equitable treatment. nd alter the legal nd made. The discussion above, about the tariff regime and its relationship with a dollar standard and adjustment mechanisms unequivocally shows that these elements are no longer present in the regime governing the business operations of the Claimant. It has also been established that the guarantees given in this connection under the legal framework and its various components were crucial for the investment decision. with its allegation of breach of this standard and the compensation claimed canno – 2002 breached the standard of protection afforded by Argentina’s undert fair and equitable treatment. The Treaty, like define the 274. The Treaty Preamble makes it clear, however, that one principal protection envisaged i framework 275. The measures that are complained of did in fact entirely transform a and business environment under which the investment was decided a 81 276. In addition to the specific terms of the Treaty, the significant number of treaties, both y shows that fair bility and predictability. Many arbitral decisions and scholarly writings point in the same direction.139 277. It is not a question of whether the legal framework might need to be frozen as it can it a question of en specific commitments to the contrary have been made. The law of foreign investment and its protection has been developed with the specific objective of avoiding such adverse legal effects. 278. It in several ways failed to p M talclad’s business planning and investment. The totality of these circumstances demonstrate a lack of orderly process and timely disposition in relation to an investor of a Party acting in the expectation 140 279. So n this respect: “The foreign investor expects the host State to act in a consistent manner, free from ambiguity and totally transparently in its relations with the foreign investor, so that it may know beforehand any and all rules and regulations that will govern its investments, as well as the goals of the relevant policies and administrative practices or directives, to be able to plan its investment and comply with such regulations…”141 bilateral and multilateral, that have dealt with this standard also unequivocall and equitable treatment is inseparable from sta always evolve and be adapted to changing circumstances, but neither is whether the framework can be dispensed with altogether wh was held by the Tribunal in the Metalclad case that Mexico had rovide a “…predictable framework for e that it would be treated fairly and justly…” too the Tribunal in the Técnicas Medioambientales case has held i 82 280. The Tribunal believes this is an objective requirement unrelated to whether the the measures in intention and bad faith can aggravate the situation but are not an essential element of the standard. 281. The Tribunal, therefore, concludes against the background of the present dispute that the measures adopted resulted in the objective breach of the standard laid down in Article II(2 282. There is one additional aspect the Tribunal must examine having heard the arguments of the parties. That is whether the standard of fair and equitable treatment is separate and more expansive than that of customary international law, as held by the tribunal in Pope and Tal um standard, as 283. The Tribunal is mindful of the discussion prompted by these arguments, particularly with reference to the NAFTA Free Trade Commission’s Note of Interpretation identifying the fair al law.142 This tates Free Trade Agreement. 284. While the choice between requiring a higher treaty standard and that of equating it with the international minimum standard might have relevance in the context of some disputes, the Tribunal is not persuaded that it is relevant in this case. In fact, the Treaty standard of fair and equitable treatment and its connection with the required stability and predictability of the business environment, founded on solemn legal and contractual Respondent has had any deliberate intention or bad faith in adopting question. Of course, such )(a) of the Treaty. bot, or whether it is identical with the customary international law minim argued by Argentina. and equitable treatment standard with that of customary internation development has led to further treaty clarifications as in the Chile – United S 143 83 commitments, is not different from the international law minimum standard and its evolution under customary law. 26. Has there Been Arbitrariness and/or Discrimination? 285. Article II(2)(b) of the Treaty provides that ay impair by arbitrary or discriminatory measures the management, operation, maintenance, use, enjoyment, acquisition, 286. The Claimant invokes the test defined in the Pope and Talbot case, and asserts that law or surprise a sense of judicial propriety, it follows that there has been arbitrary treatment of the investor and hence the Tre the whole legal framework of the gas industry is contrary to any reasonable expectation. cause they result the test defined r public services relying on dollar-based tariffs, such as telephone companies, water distribution enterprises, banks, waterway transportation companies and other businesses, and significantly, the gas producers, have all been treated in a more favorable manner.145 It is also argued that discrimination does not relate exclusively to nationality and can result from the compulsory transfer of resources of one economic agent or sector to another, as has happened in the Argentine economy. “Neither Party shall in any w expansion, or disposal of investments.” because the measures adopted are opposed to the rule of aty standard has been breached. In the Claimant’s view, dismantling 287. The Claimant further asserts that such measures are discriminatory be in a dissimilar treatment of investors in similar situations, in accordance with in the Goetz v. Burundi case.144 In particular, the Claimant explains that othe 84 288. The Respondent rejects such considerations and argues that the measures adopted , following the nt in favor of a e t apply to other nationals in a similar situation. The Genin v. Estonia case is also invoked by the Respondent to the effect that discrimination and arbitrariness require bad faith or a willful dis 147 itrariness can in no case be used to describe legislation to carry out economic, social or political objectives.148 In any event, it is argued, the standard provides that discrimination is forbidden in respect of sim arly situated groups or categories of people, which is not the case in respect of the gas ind d on nationality, 290. The standard of protection against arbitrariness and discrimination is related to that of uitable treatment. Any measure that might involve arbitrariness or discrimination is next related to expansion, or disposal of the investment must be impaired by the measures adopted. 291. In the Lauder case, an equivalent provision of the pertinent investment treaty was explained in accordance with the definition of “arbitrary” in Black’s Law Dictionary, which states that an arbitrary decision is one “depending on individual discretion; … founded on prejudice or preference rather than on reason or fact.”149 were reasonable and proportional to the objective pursued. It is argued findings in the ELSI case, that discrimination requires intentional treatme national and to the detrim nt of a foreign investor, a treatment that does no 146 regard of due process of law. 289. The Respondent also asserts, following Professor Schachter, that arb il ustry. Neither, in the Respondent’s view, is there any discrimination base this being the only one envisaged by the prohibition under international law. fair and eq in itself contrary to fair and equitable treatment. The standard is impairment: the management, operation, maintenance, use, enjoyment, acquisition, 85 292. This Tribunal is not persuaded by the Claimant’s view about arbitrariness because and operation of of other matters, measures were adopted have been greatly limited. To the extent that such effects might endure, the test applied in the Lauder case becomes relevant and could result in a factor reinforcing the rela he Respondent’s argument about discrimination existing only in similarly situated groups or categories of people is correct, and no discrimination can be discerned in this respect. Admittedly, it is qui text of the gas 294. Be that as it may, the fact is that to the extent that the measures persisted beyond the crisis, the differentiation between various categories or groups of businesses becomes more fully concluded sinesses equally includes the gas producers, but not the transportation and distribution side of the industry. The gas producers have been allowed to proceed to a gradual tariff adjustment to be completed by mid-2005.150 The longer the differentiation is kept the more evident the issue becomes, thus eventually again reinforcing the related finding about the breach of fair and equitable treatment. 295. The Tribunal, therefore, cannot hold that arbitrariness and discrimination are present in the context of the crisis noted, and to the extent that some effects become evident they will there has been no impairment, for example, in respect of the management the investment. Admittedly, some adverse effects can be noted in respect such as the use, expansion or disposal of the investment, which since the ted finding of a breach of fair and equitable treatment. 293. The situation in respect of discrimination is somewhat similar. T te difficult to establish whether that similarity exists only in the con transportation and distribution industry or extends to other utilities as well. difficult to explain. Indeed, the Government of Argentina has success renegotiations and other arrangements with a number of industries and bu protected by guarantees of investment treaties. This 86 relate rather to the breach of fair and equitable treatment than to the breach of separate standards under the Treaty. 27. Has the Protection under the Umbrella Clause been Breached? 296. The Claimant invokes yet another ground on which the protection and guarantees of een breached by the Respondent, as under Article II(2)(c) of the Treaty vides that each party “shall observe any obligation it may have entered into with reg 297. The Claimant argues in this respect that all the commitments made by Argentina ether under the legislation in force or contractual arrangements, breached as a result of the measures adopted and particularly the dismantling of the brella clause of the Treaty has also been breached. der the law, and the Azinian case in respect of concessions contracts,151 and the Genin152 and SGS v. Pakistan cases in respect of Licenses, the Respondent argues that not all contract breaches amount to treaty breaches and hence cannot be protected under a clause of this kind. In any event, it is asserted that the Claimant can invoke no rights or commitments under the License as these concern only TGN. 299. The Tribunal will not discuss the jurisdictional aspects involved in the Respondent’s argument, as these were dealt with in the decision on jurisdiction. Regarding the merits of the argument, however, the Tribunal believes the Respondent is correct in arguing that not all the Treaty have b which pro ard to investments.” towards the investment, wh have been tariff regime and related matters. Therefore, the argument follows, the um 298. In the Respondent’s view, first of all no commitments were made un those that were made under the License were purely contractual. Following 153 87 contract breaches result in breaches of the Treaty. The standard of protection of the treaty obligations or a ial aspects of a ction is likely to be available when there is significant interference by governments or public agencies with the rights of the investor. ent decisions of t claims. This is particularly so in the Lauder v. Czech Republic, Genin v. Estonia, Aguas del Aconquija v. Argentina,154 Azurix v. Argentina,155 SGS v. Pakistan, SGS v. Philippines156 and Joy Mining v. Egypt cases,157 among others. In these decisions, commercial disputes arising from a contract hav ndards and their 301. None of the measures complained of in this case can be described as a commercial the interferences 302. While many, if not all, such interferences are closely related to other standards of protection under the Treaty, there are in particular two stabilization clauses contained in the License that have significant effect when it comes to the protection extended to them under the umbrella clause. The first is the obligation undertaken not to freeze the tariff regime or subject it to price controls.158 The second is the obligation not to alter the basic rules governing the License without TGN’s written consent.159 will be engaged only when there is a specific breach of treaty rights and violation of contract rights protected under the treaty. Purely commerc contract might not be protected by the treaty in some situations, but the prote 300. This discussion has been, to an important extent, clarified in rec arbitral tribunals having o deal with the issue of contract and treaty e been distinguished from disputes arising from the breach of treaty sta respective causes of action. question as they are all related to government decisions that have resulted in and breaches noted. 88 303. The Tribunal must therefore conclude that the obligation under the umbrella clause of extent that legal ent have been breached and have resulted in the violation of the standards of protection under the Treaty. D. in the event the the Respondent rom liability in light of the existence of a state of necessity or state of emergency.160 Force majeure, emergency and other terms have also been used by the Respondent in this context. political crisis e and on the belief that the very existence of the Argentine State was threatened by the events that began to unfold in 2000. The Respondent asserts in this respect that economic interest qualifies as an essential interest of the State when threatened by grave ergency Law was enacted with the sole purpose of bringing under control the chaotic situation that would have followed the economic and social collapse that Argentina was facing. State of necessity based on this crisis would exclude, in the Respondent’s argument, any wrongfulness of the measures adopted by the government and in particular would rule out compensation. Article II(2)(c) of the Treaty has not been observed by the Respondent to the and contractual obligations pertinent to the investm State of Necessity Contended in the Alternative 304. The Government of Argentina has contended in the alternative that Tribunal should come to the conclusion that there was a breach of the Treaty should be exempted f 305. This contention is founded on the severe economic, social and described abov and imminent peril. 306. It is argued that the Em 89 307. In support of its argument the Respondent invokes first the existence of the state of the decisions of ity and the state me Court, with particular reference to its temporary nature and the requirement not to upset the rights acquired by contract or judicial decision. These issues will not be discussed here again. tention the existence of a state of necessity under both customary international law and the provisions of the Treaty. In so doing, the Respondent has raised one fundamental issue in international law. der Customary 309. The Respondent has mainly based its argument on this question on the ruling of the International Court of Justice in the Gabcíkovo-Nagymaros case which held that the state of wrongfulness of 310. The French Company of Venezuelan Railroads case is invoked so as to justify that the government’s duty was to itself when its “own preservation is paramount.”162 Further support is found in the Dickson Car Wheel Co. case where it was decided that the “foreigner, residing in a country which by reasons of natural, social or international calamities is obliged to adopt these measures, must suffer the natural detriment to his affairs without any remedy, since Governments …are not insurers against every event.”163 necessity under Argentine law and its acceptance under the Constitution and courts. The Tribunal has already discussed the meaning of the state of necess of emergency under Argentine law and its interpretation by the Supre 308. The Respondent has also invoked in support of its con 28. The Respondent’s View of the State of Necessity un International Law necessity is recognized by customary international law for “precluding the an act not in conformity with an international obligation.”161 90 311. In addition to the discussion of these and other cases, the Government of Argentina eadership of the rd. In particular les on International Responsibility.164 The specific terms of Article 25 will be discussed further below. ve and imminent of the state of necessity in a substantive way. This situation, it is argued, was prompted for the most part by exogenous factors. It is further asserted that the measures adopted, particularly the safeguarding the ducing the measures, the Respondent argues, the essential interests of another State that was a beneficiary of the obligation breached or, for that matter, those of the international community as a whole were not affected and foreign investors were also not treated in a discriminatory manner. ry International 313. The Claimant first argues in connection with the state of necessity that the Respondent has not met the heavy burden of proof required by the International Court of Justice in the Gabcíkovo-Nagymaros case. The Claimant notes that the Court made reference to the work and views of the International Law Commission insofar the latter explained that “…the state of necessity can only be invoked under certain strictly defined conditions which must be also relies on the work of the International Law Commission under the l Special Rapporteurs F. V. García-Amador, Roberto Ago and James Crawfo the Respondent argues that it meets the criteria set out in Article 25 of the Artic 312. In the Respondent’s view the Argentine State was not only facing gra peril affecting an essential interest, but it did not contribute to the creation pesification of contractual relations, were the only measures capable of essential economic interests affected. By intro 29. The Claimant’s View of the State of Necessity Under Customa Law 91 cumulatively satisfied; and the State concerned is not the sole judge of whether those have been met… …Those conditions reflect customary international law.” 165 plied with the conditions set down for the operation of state of necessity under Article 25 of the Articles on State Responsibility. In the Claimant’s view, severe as the crisis was, it did not involve nt State did not of the causes underlying the crisis were endogenous. Moreover, it is asserted that the Respondent has not shown that the measures adopted were the only means available to overcome the crisis. nder Customary 315. The Tribunal, like the parties themselves, considers that Article 25 of the Articles on State Responsibility adequately reflect the state of customary international law on the f necessity. This Article, in turn, is based on a number of relevant historical cases dis ary,166 with particular reference to the Caroline,167 the Russian Indemni the GabcíkovoNagymaros cases. 316. Article 25 reads as follows: “1. Necessity may not be invoked by a State as a ground for precluding the wrongfulness of an act not in conformity with an international obligation of that State unless the act: conditions 314. The Claimant asserts next that neither has the Respondent com “grave” or “imminent” peril nor has it been established that the Responde contribute to the emergency as most 30. The Tribunal’s Findings in Respect of the State of Necessity u International Law question o cussed in the Comment ty,168 Société Commerciale de Belgique,169 the Torrey Canyon170 and 92 (a) is the only way for the State to safeguard an essential interest against a e State or States rds which the obligation exists, or of the international community as a whole; 2. In any case, necessity may not be invoked by a State as a ground for lness if: n excludes the possibility of invoking necessity; or (b) the State has contributed to the situation of necessity.” ngfulness under at this ground is buse. The very opening of the Article to the effect that necessity “may not be invoked” unless strict conditions are met, is indicative of this restrictive approach of international law. Case law, actice and scholarly writings amply support this restrictive approach to the operation ty.171 The reason is not difficult to understand. If strict and demanding conditions are ity to elude its international obligations. This would certainly be contrary to the stability and predictability of the law. 318. The Tribunal must now undertake the very difficult task of finding whether the Argentine crisis meets the requirements of Article 25, a task not rendered easier by the wide variety of views expressed on the matter and their heavy politicization. Again here the Tribunal is not called upon to pass judgment on the measures adopted in that connection but grave and imminent peril; and (b) does not seriously impair an essential interest of th towa precluding wrongfu (a) the international obligation in questio 317. While the existence of necessity as a ground for precluding wro international law is no longer disputed, there is also consensus to the effect th an exceptional one and has to be addressed in a prudent manner to avoid a state pr of necessi not required or are loosely applied, any State could invoke necess 93 simply to establish whether the breach of the Treaty provisions discussed is devoid of legal ces by the preclusion of wrongfulness. erest of the State was involved in the matter. Again here the issue is to determine the gravity of the crisis. The need to prevent a major breakdown, with all its social and political implications, might have ration of the state of necessity e been triggered. In addition, the plea must under the specific circumstances of eac 320. In the instant case, the Respondent and leading economists are of the view that the owever, tend to d severe and the not tenable. However, neither could it be held that wrongfulness should be precluded as a matter of course under the circumstances. As is many times the case in international affairs and international law, situations of this kind are ollows that the relative effect that can be reasonably attributed to the crisis does not allow for a finding on preclusion of wrongfulness. The Respondent’s perception of extreme adverse effects, however, is understandable, and in that light the plea of necessity or emergency cannot be considered as an abuse of rights as the Claimant has argued. 322. The Tribunal turns next to the question whether there was in this case a grave and imminent peril. Here again the Tribunal is persuaded that the situation was difficult enough to justify the government taking action to prevent a worsening of the situation and the danger consequen 319. A first question the Tribunal must address is whether an essential int entailed an essential interest of the State in which case the ope might hav h case meet the legal requirements set out by customary international law. crisis was of catastrophic proportions; other equally distinguished views, h qualify this statement. The Tribunal is convinced that the crisis was indee argument that nothing important happened is not given in black and white but in many shades of grey. 321. It f 94 of total economic collapse. But neither does the relative effect of the crisis allow here for a terms of preclusion of wrongfulness. e “only way” for the State to safeguard its interests. This is indeed debatable. The views of the parties and distinguished economists are wide apart on this matter, ranging from the support of those arization of the stries and many ision beyond the scope of the Tribunal’s task, which is to establish whether there was only one way or various ways and thus whether the requirements for the preclusion of wrongfulness have or have not s comment to the effect that the plea of necessity is “excluded if there are other (otherwise lawful) means available, even if they may be more costly or less convenient,” is persuasive in assisting this Tribunal in concluding that the 172 irement that the measures adopted do not seriously impair an essential interest of the State or States towards which the obligation exists, or of the international community as a whole. As the specific obligations towards another State are embodied in the Treaty, this question will be examined in the context of the applicable treaty provisions. It does not appear, however, that the essential interest of the international community as a whole was affected in any relevant way, nor that a peremptory norm of international law might have been compromised, a situation governed by Article 26 of the Articles. finding in 323. A different issue, however, is whether the measures adopted were th measures to the discussion of a variety of alternatives, including doll economy, granting of direct subsidies to the affected population or indu others. Which of these policy alternatives would have been better is a dec been met. 324. The International Law Commission’ measures adopted were not the only steps available. 325. A different condition for the admission of necessity relates to the requ 95 326. In addition to the basic conditions set out under paragraph 1 of Article 25, there are As noted in the f the text means that each of these limits must be considered over and above the conditions of paragraph 1.173 327. The first such limit arises when the international obligation excludes necessity, a ma ntributed to the situation of necessity. The Commentary clarifies that this contribution must be “sufficiently substantial and not merely incidental or peripheral”. In spite of the view of the parties r exogenous, the d that similar to what is the case in most crises of this kind the d both ways and include a number of domestic as well as international dimensions. This is the unavoidable consequence of the operation of a global economy where domestic and international factors interact. ntina has or has stances of the present dispute, must conclude that this was the case. The crisis was not of the making of one particular administration and found its roots in the earlier crisis of the 1980s and evolving governmental policies of the 1990s that reached a zenith in 2002 and thereafter. Therefore, the Tribunal observes that government policies and their shortcomings significantly two other limits to the operation of necessity arising from paragraph 2. Commentary, the use of the expression “in any case” in the opening o tter which again will be considered in the context of the Treaty. 328. The second limit is the requirement for the State not to have co claiming that all factors contributing to the crisis were either endogenous o Tribunal is again persuade roots exten 329. The issue, however, is whether the contribution to the crisis by Arge not been sufficiently substantial. The Tribunal, when reviewing the circum 96 contributed to the crisis and the emergency and while exogenous factors did fuel additional difficulties they do not exempt the Respondent from its responsibility in the matter. ke into account. The International Court of Justice has in the Gabcíkovo-Nagymaros case convincingly referred to the International Law Commission’s view that all the conditions governing nec 174 ally present here and there but when the various elements, conditions and limits are examined as a whole it cannot be concluded that all such elements meet the cumulative test. This in itself leads to the it ements of necessity under customary international law have not been fully met so as to preclude the wrongfulness of the acts. 31. The Emergency Clause of the Treaty 332. Th ary international law as the r. Article XI of the Treaty “This Treaty shall not preclude the application by either Party of measures necessary for the maintenance of public order, the fulfillment of its obligations with respect to the maintenance or restoration of international peace or security, or the protection of its own essential security interests.” 330. There is yet another important element which the Tribunal must ta essity must be “cumulatively” satisfied. 331. In the present case there are, as concluded, elements of necessity parti inev able conclusion that the requir e discussion on necessity and emergency is not confined to custom re are also specific provisions of the Treaty dealing with this matte provides: 97 333. Article IV(3) of the Treaty reads as follows: ffer losses in the flict, revolution, or other similar events shall be accorded treatment by such other Party no less favorable than that accorded to its own nationals or companies or to nationals or companies of any third country, whichever is the more favorable treatment, as regards any 334. The meaning and extent of these clauses has prompted an important debate between the parties and the legal experts requested by them to discuss the issue, namely Dean AnneJosé E. Alvarez. 335 Th rties and the experts on this matter, beginning with those of the Claimant. Claimant’s View of the Treaty’s Emergency Clauses 336 w and specific exceptions to liability that do not allow the Respondent to invoke the operation of the state of necessity or emergency. 337. The Claimant asserts first that under Article 25(2) of the Articles on State Responsibility necessity may not be invoked if the international obligation in question excludes the possibility of invoking necessity. This, in the Claimant’s view, is the case here as the object and purpose of the Treaty, which is to provide protection to investors in “Nationals or companies of either Party whose investments su territory of the other Party owing to war or other armed con state of national emergency, insurrection, civil disturbance measures it adopts in relation to such losses.” Marie Slaughter and Professor . e Tribunal will now consider the views of the pa 32. The . The Claimant argues that the Treaty clauses provide very narro 98 circumstances of economic difficulty, exclude reliance on such difficulties for nonlaimant argues, ) and Article X the Respondent has the duty to observe obligations entered into with regard to investments. 338. The Claimant invokes in support of its views the Himpurna case where force majeure d the contractual Socobelge,176 on i tribunal relied in part, is also invoked by the Claimant as an example of contract enforcement in spite of an economic crisis. To the same effect the Claimant invokes the Martini case.177 y the Claimant, this clause is not self-judging, and therefore requires the Tribunal and not the Respondent to decide when or to what extent essential security interests were at stake. The Claimant makes the further point ion should be provided expressly. Provisions of this kind include Article XXI of the GATT as well as provisions in the ssia178 and with Bahrain. It is further affirmed, that this requirement was also the conclusion of the International Court of Justice in the Nicaragua case,180 and the Oil Platforms case.181 340. The Claimant argues next that economic crises do not fall within the concept of “essential security interests,” which is limited to war, natural disaster and other situations threatening the existence of the State. In its view, this is also the meaning of Article 25 of the performance of the obligations established under the Treaty. Moreover, the C both under the Treaty umbrella clause embodied in Article II(2)(c was not accepted as precluding the wrongfulness of acts of devaluation an obligations were upheld even in circumstances of economic adversity.175 which the H mpurna 339. In connection with the specific clause of Article XI of the Treat following the expert opinion of Professor José E. Alvarez, argues first that that if the State were to have discretion in this regard, such discret bilateral investment treaties concluded by the United States with Ru 179 99 Articles on State Responsibility, the interpretation given to Article XXI of the GATT and the scope of the Russian Indemnity case. cle XI does not exempt the Respondent from liability as this provision does not allow for the denial of benefits under the Treaty. 3) of the Treaty to investors but rather to reinforce such obligations, and cannot be read to include economic emergency. The ICSID cases American Manufacturing v. Zaire182 and AAPL v. Sri Lanka183 are invoked as clude economic difficulties the Claimant would still be entitled to full protection under the most favored nation clause (MFNC) of both Articles II(1) and IV(3) of the Treaty, and certainly nothing the treatment local investors or those from other countries have received from the Respondent. The MFNC is also invoked in support of the argument that other bilateral investmen tain provisions similar to Article XI and thus the Claimant is entitled to the better treatment resulting from the absence of such exceptions. 33. The Respondent’s View of the Treaty’s Emergency Clauses 344. Articles IV(3) and XI of the Treaty provide, in the Respondent’s view, for the lex specialis governing emergency situations which the Government has implemented in order to 341. A third argument made by the Claimant is that, in any event, Arti 342. The Claimant discusses in this context the meaning of Article IV( which, it is argued, is not intended to reduce the obligations of the host state precedents supporting this interpretation. 343. It is further argued in this regard that even if the Article were to in less than t treaties concluded by the Respondent do not con 100 maintain public order, protect its essential security interests and reestablish its connections stem, all with a view to granting investors treatment not ble than that granted to nationals. 345. The Respondent argues first that the object and purpose of the Treaty do not exclude the operation of necessity or emergency, which are expressly provided for in periods of distress. To this effect, the Respondent further argues, the decisions invoked by the Claimant in s 346. The Respondent particularly rejects the reliance by the Claimant on the tribunal’s decision in the Himpurna case. The Claimant invoked that decision to draw a comparison ld that necessity s undertaken by contract and treaty. The present dispute, the Respondent argues, has emerged under circumstances very different from those that prevailed in Indonesia and the Himpurna case in no way contradicts the position taken by Argentina in light of extraordinary circumstances. in the 1930s as se. This decision was also invoked by the Claimant to show that the obligations under a contract were upheld in spite of financial hardship, in the case of Greece. The Respondent believes the Argentine crisis to have been much worse and deeper and that force majeure as discussed in that case was held to be beyond the powers of the Permanent Court of International Justice. 348. As to the Martini case, invoked by the Claimant as an example of state of necessity not having been accepted as an excuse and of contractual commitments having been strictly with the international economic sy less favora upport of its views are not relevant to the present case. with the Indonesian crisis and to show that the tribunal in that case had he was excluded by specific commitment 347. The Respondent also rejects the relevance of the situation of Greece taken into account in the decision in the Socobelge ca 101 enforced, the Respondent does not consider it relevant to the present case as it did not deal with a case of institutional abnormality. e Respondent on December 15, 2003 and June 23, 2004, elaborate on the meaning and the coverage of the relevant Treaty articles. It is first asserted in this respect that Article XI of the Treaty needs to b nt treaties it has been apparent, in the expert’s view, that this country desired to safeguard certain sovereign interests by means of “non-precluded measures” such as those of Article XI. This trend was that similar provisions of another treaty could not be understood to be self-judging. At the time the Treaty was signed w videnced by the treaties negotiated with other countries and debates in the United States Congress. gentina should be accorded the benefit of a similar understanding when invoking necessity and emergency. The self e understood as precluding their submission to arbitration as the Tribunal must determine whether Article XI applies and whether measures taken thereunder comply with the requirements of good faith. 352. The expert’s opinions also emphasize that security interests include economic security, particularly in the context of a crisis as severe as that of Argentina, and that, as in many instances of force majeure, the State should be released from treaty obligations. It is 349. The expert opinions of Dean Anne Marie Slaughter, introduced by th e interpreted broadly and this in fact was the intention of the parties. 350. Since the very outset of the United States’ model bilateral investme strengthened after the decision in the Nicaragua case which held ith Argentina, it is further argued, this trend had become manifest as e 351. On the basis of the principle of reciprocity, it is explained next, Ar -judging character of these provisions, in the expert’s view, should not b 102 held, moreover, that the Claimant has not been treated differently from nationals or other investors under Article IV(3) of the Treaty. 34. The Tribunal’s Findings in Respect of the Treaty’s Clauses on Emergency 353. The first issue the Tribunal must determine is whether the object and purpose of the precisely in the for situations of those cases, as rightly explained in the Commentary to Article 25 of the Articles on State Responsibility, the plea of necessity is excluded by the very object and purpose of the treaty.184 e of rse measures by the Government. The question is, however, how grave these economic difficulties might be. A severe crisis cannot necessarily be equated with a situation of total collapse. And in the is plainly clear that the Treaty will prevail lea of necessity. However, if such difficulties, without being catastrophic in and of the disruption and disintegration of society, or are likely to lead to a total breakdown of the economy, emergency and necessity might acquire a different meaning. 355. As stated above, the Tribunal is convinced that the Argentine crisis was severe but did not result in total economic and social collapse. When the Argentine crisis is compared to other contemporary crises affecting countries in different regions of the world it may be noted that such other crises have not led to the derogation of international contractual or treaty Treaty exclude necessity. There are of course treaties designed to be applied case of necessity or emergency, such as those setting out humanitarian rules armed conflict. In 354. The Treaty in this case is clearly designed to protect investments at a tim economic difficulties or other circumstances leading to the adoption of adve absence of such profoundly serious conditions it over any p mselves, nevertheless invite catastrophic conditions in terms of 103 obligations. Renegotiation, adaptation and postponement have occurred but the essence of tional obligations has been kept intact. characterized as catastrophic and while there was therefore not a situation of force majeure that left no other option open, neither can it be held that the crisis was of no consequence and that business suggest. Just as red, there were is. And while not excusing liability or precluding wrongfulness from the legal point of view they ought nevertheless to be considered by the Tribunal when determining compensation. in the context of es not seriously impair an essential interest of the State or States towards which the obligation exists. If the Treaty was made to protect investors it must be assumed that this is an important interest of cularly at a time 358. However, be that as it may, the fact is that this particular kind of treaty is also of interest to investors as they are specific beneficiaries and for investors the matter is indeed essential. For the purpose of this case, and looking at the Treaty just in the context of its States parties, the Tribunal concludes that it does not appear that an essential interest of the State to which the obligation exists has been impaired, nor have those of the international community as a whole. Accordingly, the plea of necessity would not be precluded on this count. the interna 356. As explained above, while the crisis in and of itself might not be could have continued as usual, as some of the Claimant’s arguments seem to the Tribunal concluded when the situation under domestic law was conside certain consequences stemming from the cris 357. A second issue the Tribunal must determine is whether, as discussed Article 25 of the Articles on State Responsibility, the act in question do the States parties. Whether it is an essential interest is difficult to say, parti when this interest appears occasionally to be dwindling. 104 359. The third issue the Tribunal must determine is whether Article XI of the Treaty can be y as an essential es or difficulties xt of customary international law or the object and purpose of the Treaty that could on its own exclude major economic crises from the scope of Article XI. ty, such as this, f both parties. If the concept of essential security interests were to be limited to immediate political and national security concerns, particularly of an international character, and were to exclude other interests, for example, major economic emergencies, it could well result in an unb tirely consistent . 361. Again, the issue is then to establish how grave an economic crisis must be so as to a fies the reference to maintenance or restoration of international peace and security as related to obligations under the Charter of the United Nations. Similarly, the letter of submission of the Treaty to Congress in Argentina and the Report of the pertinent Congressional Committee, refer in particular to situations of war, armed conflict or disturbance.185 However, this cannot be read as excluding altogether other qualifying situations. interpreted in such a way as to provide that it includes economic emergenc security interest. While the text of the Article does not refer to economic cris of that particular kind, as concluded above, there is nothing in the conte 360. It must also be kept in mind that the scope of a given bilateral trea should normally be understood and interpreted as attending to the concerns o alanced understanding of Article XI. Such an approach would not be en with the rules governing the interpretation of treaties qualify as an essential security interest, a matter discussed above. 362. It is true that Paragraph 6 of the Protocol ttached to the Treaty quali 105 363. Since the Security Council assumes to be many times the law unto itself,186 and since ot inconceivable nomic crisis as a te measures to deal with a given situation. This would indeed allow for a broad interpretation of Article XI. has, to a limited ers, for example, e 1991 Gulf War and other instances.187 In such cases, it is explained, there could be a treaty breach under the authority of the Security Council. However, this sort of situation does not have to do with the the reference to the United Nations in the Treaty Protocol, such clause should not be considered as selfjudging to the extent that the issue relates to the maintenance or restoration of international ce and security, involving a broader understanding of the concept as opposed to a nation’s ity interest. The latter would in her view allow for self-judging insofar as the sec tional peace and security. The question of the self-judging character of these provisions will be discussed next. 366. The fourth issue the Tribunal must determine is whether the rule of Article XI of the Treaty is self-judging, that is if the State adopting the measures in question is the sole arbiter of the scope and application of that rule, or whether the invocation of necessity, emergency or other essential security interests is subject to some form of judicial review. there is no specific mechanism for judicial review under the Charter, it is n that in some circumstances this body might wish to qualify a situation of eco threat to international peace and security and adopt appropria 364. As explained by Professor Alvarez, in practice the Security Council extent, adopted decisions connecting economic measures with security matt in the formulation of the sanctions program enacted as a consequence of th present case. 365. It is also important to note that in Dean Slaughter’s understanding of pea own secur urity interest is not a part of the maintenance or restoration of interna 188 106 367. As discussed above, three positions have emerged in this context. There is first that udging. There is d to what extent of extraordinary measures. And third, there is the position expressed by Dean Slaughter to the effect that the Tribunal must determine whether Article XI is applicable particularly with a view to esta 189 n Slaughter, the position of the United States has been evolving towards the support of self-judging clauses insofar as security interests are affected. This policy emerged after the Nicaragua decision, Russia bilateral nges it was also of which is debated by the experts. The GATT self-judging clause was also mentioned above. Other treaties have not included a self-judging clause but this again is debated by the experts, and in any event nt treaty. r a variety of interpretations but does not clearly support the conclusion that all such clauses are selfjudging. The record shows that during the discussion of the first round of bilateral investment treaties in 1986 a proposal to allow for the termination of treaties in light of security needs was not accepted, although this discussion apparently did not address specifically the question of self-judging clauses. The expert discussion of the Exon-Florio law has also generated much debate on its meaning.190 of the Claimant, supporting the argument that such a clause cannot be self-j next that of the Respondent, who believes that it is free to determine when an necessity, emergency or the threat to its security interests need the adoption blishing whether this has been done in good faith. 368. The Tribunal notes in this connection that, as explained by Dea which will be discussed below, and was expressly included in the U.S. – investment treaty, which has incidentally not been ratified. With some cha included in the U.S. – Bahrain investment treaty, the precise meaning such policy would also be reflected in the 2004 U.S. Model bilateral investme 369. The discussion of these treaties in the U.S. Congress allows fo 107 370. The Tribunal is convinced that when States intend to create for themselves a right to non-compliance f the GATT and of this approach. The first does not preclude measures adopted by a party “which it considers necessary” for the protection of its security interests. So too, the U.S. – Russia treaty expressly confirms in a P ect of this issue, twice in connection with the Nicaragua case and again in the Oil Platforms case noted above. Referring to the 1956 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between the United States and elf provides for t by no means removes the interpretation and application of that article from the jurisdiction of the Court… The text of Article XXI of the Treaty does not employ the of the General , contemplating ement, stipulates that the Agreement is not to be construed to prevent any contracting party from taking any action ‘which it considers necessary for the protection of its essential security interests’, in such fields as nuclear fission, arms, etc. The 1956 Treaty, on the contrary, speaks simply of ‘necessary’ measures, not of those considered by a party to be such.”191 determine unilaterally the legitimacy of extraordinary measures importing with obligations assumed in a treaty, they do so expressly. The examples o bilateral investment treaty provisions offered above are eloquent examples rotocol that the non-precluded measures clause is self-judging. 371. The International Court of Justice has also taken a clear stand in resp Nicaragua, the Court held: “Article XXI defines the instances in which the Treaty its exceptions to the generality of its other provisions, but i wording which was already to be found in Article XXI Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. This provision of GATT exceptions to the normal implementation of the General Agre 108 372. As explained above, in the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros case the International Court of , notes the strict onal law and that “the State concerned is not the sole judge of whether those conditions have been met.”192 373. In light of this discussion, the Tribunal concludes first that the clause of Article XI of of what a State res it considers gitimacy of such measures is challenged before an international tribunal, it is not for the State in question but for the international jurisdiction to determine whether the plea of necessity may exclude ess. It must also be noted that clauses dealing with investments and commerce do not would normally 374. The Tribunal must conclude next that this judicial review is not limited to an n of whether the plea has been invoked or the measures have been taken in good fait of necessity or and the treaty provisions and whether it thus is or is not able to preclude wrongfulness. 375. The Tribunal must still consider the question of the meaning and extent of Treaty Article IV(3) in light of the discussion noted above. The plain meaning of the Article is to provide a floor treatment for the investor in the context of the measures adopted in respect of the losses suffered in the emergency, not different from that applied to nationals or other foreign investors. The Article does not derogate from the Treaty rights but rather ensures Justice, referring to the work and views of the International Law Commission and cumulative conditions of necessity under internati the Treaty is not a self-judging clause. Quite evidently, in the context believes to be an emergency, it will most certainly adopt the measu appropriate without requesting the views of any court.193 However, if the le wrongfuln generally affect security as much as military events do and, therefore, fall outside the scope of such dramatic events. examinatio h. It is a substantive review that must examine whether the state emergency meets the conditions laid down by customary international law 109 that any measures directed at offsetting or minimizing losses will be applied in a nontory manner. that the measures adopted by the Respondent have not adversely discriminated against the Claimant. by the Claimant to that of Article case. Thus, had other Article XI type clauses envisioned in those treaties a treatment more favorable to the investor, the argument about the operation of the MFNC might have been made. However, bsence of such provision in other treaties does not lend support to this argument, wh y argued by the 378. The Tribunal must finally conclude in this section that the umbrella clauses invoked by the Claimant do not add anything different to the overall Treaty obligations which the Res 35. Temporary Nature of Necessity 379. The Tribunal is also mindful that Article 27 of the Articles on State Responsibility provides that the invocation of a circumstance precluding wrongfulness is without prejudice to “(a) compliance with the obligation in question, if and to the extent that the circumstance precluding wrongfulness no longer exists.” discrimina 376. As noted above, the Tribunal is satisfied 377. Although the MFNC contained in the Treaty has also been invoked because other treaties done by Argentina do not contain a provision similar XI, the Tribunal is not convinced that the clause has any role to play in this the mere a ich would in any event fail under the ejusdem generis rule, as rightl Respondent. pondent must meet if the plea of necessity fails. 110 380. The temporary nature of necessity is thus expressly recognized and finds support in ion the Rainbow ational Court of so n “as the state of necessity ceases to exist, the duty to comply with treaty obligations revives.”195 s statements did over a period of es Lenicov and Doctor Folgar, who explained how the crisis was subsiding by the end of 2002.196 This was also the view of the Argentine Supreme Court and the Procurador General noted above. It 382. Even if the plea of necessity were accepted, compliance with the obligation would reemerge as soon as the circumstance precluding wrongfulness no longer existed, which is the case at present. 383. Article 27 also expressly provides that any circumstance precluding wrongfulness is without prejudice to “(b) the question of compensation for any material loss caused by the act in question”. Again this conclusion finds support in the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros case, where the Court noted that “Hungary expressly acknowledged that, in any event, such a state of necessity would not exempt it from its duty to compensate its partner.”197 the decisions of courts and tribunals. The Commentary cites in this connect Warrior194 and Gabcikovo-Nagymaros cases. In this last case the Intern Justice held that as o 381. This does not appear to be contested by the parties as various witnes in fact clearly establish that the crisis had been evolving toward normalcy time. The Claimant invokes to this effect the statements of Ambassador Rem may be observed that this positive trend continued to evolve thereafter. 36. Necessity and Compensation 111 384. This criterion was also the basis for the decisions in earlier cases, such as the 198 ian Minorities in 200 In these cases t of damages appears to have been broader than that of material loss in Article 27. 385. The Respondent has argued in this connection that the Compagnie Générale de , and is therefore Marketing, Inc. n ries caused as a result of social and economic forces beyond the power of the State to control through due diligence are “not attributable to the state for purposes of its responding for damages.”201 does not exempt d suspension of benefits, and Argentina is still therefore obliged to provide compensation for the permanent losses [...]”.202 It recalls that the Treaty shows a difference between clauses that (a) “do not y to deny treaty respectively. 387. Because the Argentine crisis, as explained above, gradually subsided, the Claimant asserts that “[e]ven assuming that at the beginning of 2002 Argentina was experiencing an emergency of the sort covered by Article XI, Argentina has not demonstrated that the crisis persists today. Argentina’s measures promise to remain in effect indefinitely, and [...the Respondent] must therefore compensate CMS for the harm it has suffered, regardless of the applicability of Article XI.”203 Compagnie Générale de l’Orinocco case and the Properties of the Bulgar Greece case199 invoked by the Claimant, or the Orr & Laubenheimer case. the concep l’Orinocco dealt with a totally different set of issues, all involving illicit acts not relevant to the present case. The Respondent further invokes the Gould case, where the Iran-United States Tribunal held that i ju 386. The Claimant, however, contends that “[i]n any event, Article XI Argentina from liability,” since it “provides only a temporary and limite preclude or do not impede certain measures”, (b) “permit a Party clearl benefits”, or (c) “permit treaty termination”—Articles XI, I (2) and XIV (2), 112 388. The Claimant’s reasoning in this respect is supported by Article 27 and the decisions lity of domestic of an act, but it to be sacrificed. Still more stringent are the requirements of emergency under Argentine case law as discussed above. if the measures in Article XI of the Treaty, and that the norm which prescribes that the Parties shall avoid uneven treatment of investors does not otherwise establish a duty to compensate even if the investor 205 opriate rule of international law on this issue. The Respondent’s argument is tantamount to the assertion that a Party to this kind of treaty, or its subjects, are supposed to bear entirely the cost of the the meaning of 391. The Tribunal’s conclusion is further reaffirmed by the record. At the hearing the Tribunal put the question whether there are any circumstances in which an investor would be entitled to compensation in spite of the eventual application of Article XI and the plea of necessity.206 392. The answer to this question by the Respondent’s expert clarifies the issue from the point of view of both its temporary nature and the duty to provide compensation: while it is noted above, as well as by the principle acknowledged even in the genera legal systems: the plea of state of necessity may preclude the wrongfulness does not exclude the duty to compensate the owner of the right which had 389. The Respondent contends to the contrary that no compensation is due in question were undertaken in a state of necessity, under the rule contained 204 had been submitted to unfair or unequal treatment. 390. The Tribunal is satisfied that Article 27 establishes the appr plea of the essential interests of the other Party. This is, however, not international law or the principles governing most domestic legal systems. 113 difficult to reach a determination as long as the crisis is unfolding, it is possible to envisage a rnment for the luding that any to compensation is strictly temporary, and that this right is not extinguished by the crisis events.207 ordeaux case, the International Law Commission’s Commentary to Article 27 suggests that the States concerned should agree on the 394. It is quite evident then that in the absence of agreement between the parties the duty unal in these circumstances is to determine the compensation due. This the Tribunal will do next. E. Remedies the Respondent without prompt, adequate and effective compensation and that the situation in which the investor would have a claim against the gove compliance with its obligations once the crisis was over; thereby conc suspension of the right 393. The Tribunal also notes that, as in the Gaz de B possibility and extent of compensation payable in a given case.208 of the Trib 37. The Parties’ Submissions 395. The Claimant has argued that its investment has been expropriated by Respondent has also violated the standards of treatment set out in Article II of the Treaty. The Claimant requests the Tribunal to grant full compensation for these breaches in terms of recovering the fair market value of the investment calculated immediately before the date of expropriation, with interest paid at the rate of six-month certificates of deposit in the United States, compounded semi-annually. The Claimant also undertakes to relinquish title to its shares to the Government of Argentina upon payment of compensation. 114 396. To this end, the Claimant asserts that the fair market value is the price of an asset in a oing concern” is F) is favored, in ration. It is also asserted that the relevant date of valuation in this case is August 17, 2000. Relying on the Report prepared by its expert, the Claimant submits that the fair market value at that date is 261.1 million in the event that the Government of Argentina decides to take title to res in TGN, or US$ 243.6 million in the event that title to the share remains with CMS.209 397. The Respondent objects to the dates and estimates used by the Claimant because it has chosen the worst moments of the crisis to undertake the downside valuation and has not taken The Respondent ed and that the come and costs denominated in US dollars will not change. The Respondent also argues that the rate of exchange used between Argentine pesos and U.S. dollars in the valuation process is too high. bt restructuring, 398. The Respondent also asserts that the DCF method is not appropriate and that it has resulted in gross overvaluation of the shares. In the Respondent’s view, the discount rate used in the pesification scenario is also grossly exaggerated. The Respondent argues that a more accurate method is the stock exchange valuation of shares of similarly situated companies. It also asserts that what CMS paid for its shares in 1995 and 1999 was overvalued hypothetical market, which in the case of an income-producing asset or “g also the measure of future prospects. The discounted cash flow method (DC the Claimant’s view, in both international finance and international arbit US$ CMS’ sha into account the sharp decline of all the economic indicators for that period. objects in particular to the assumption that no renegotiation will succe emergency will continue until 2037, as well as to the assumption that in Other issues raised by the Respondent have been examined above, such as de export tariffs and the duration of the license. 115 by 50% and 26.53% respectively at the date of valuation chosen.210 As noted above, the Respondent has not submitted its own valuation. 38. The Standards of Reparation under International Law 399. It is broadly accepted in international law that there are three main standards of for injury: restitution, compensation and satisfaction.211 As this is not a case of rep 400. Restitution is the standard used to reestablish the situation which existed before the wrongful act was committed,212 provided this is not materially impossible and does not result in a burd anent Court of Internatio corresponding to the value which a restitution in kind would bear; the award, if need be, of damages for loss sustained which would not be covered by restitution in kind should serve to to international 401. Compensation is designed to cover any “financially assessable damage including loss of profits insofar as it is established.”214 Quite naturally compensation is only called for when the damage is not made good by restitution.215 The decision in Lusitania, another landmark case, held that “the fundamental concept of ‘damages’ is…reparation for a loss suffered; a judicially ascertained compensation for wrong. The remedy should be commensurate with the loss, so that the injured party may be made whole.”216 reparation aration due to an injured State, satisfaction can be ruled out at the outset. en out of proportion as compared to compensation. The Perm nal Justice concluded in the landmark Chorzow Factory case that “restitution in kind, or, if this is not possible, payment of a sum or payment in place of it—such are the principles which determine the amount of compensation due for an act contrary law.”213 116 402. The loss suffered by the claimant is the general standard commonly used in e, loss of profits the parties have stances, various methods have been used by tribunals to determine the compensation which should be paid but the general concept upon which commercial valuation of assets is based is that of “fair market v which reads as follows: property would change hands between a hypothetical willing and able buyer and a hypothetical willing and able seller, acting at arms length in an open and or sell and when 403. In the case of a business asset which is quoted on a public market, that process can be a fairly easy one, since the price of the shares is determined under conditions meeting the in question are lish fair market . (1) The “asset value” or the “replacement cost” approach which evaluates the assets on the basis of their “break-up” or their replacement cost; (2) the “comparable transaction” approach which reviews comparable transactions in similar circumstances; (3) the “option” approach which studies the alternative uses which could be made of the assets in question, and their costs and benefits; (4) the “discounted cash flow” (“DCF”) approach under which the valuation of the assets is arrived at by determining the present value of future predicted cash flows, international law in respect of injury to property, including often capital valu and expenses.217 The methods to provide compensation, a number of which discussed, are not unknown in international law. Depending on the circum alue.” That concept has an internationally recognized definition “the price, expressed in terms of cash equivalents, at which unrestricted market, when neither is under compulsion to buy both have reasonable knowledge of the relevant facts.”218 above mentioned definition. However, it happens frequently that the assets not publicly traded and it is then necessary to find other methods to estab value. Four ways have generally been relied upon to arrive at such value 117 discounted at a rate which reflects various categories of risk and uncertainty.219 The Tribunal ine later which method it has chosen and why. tives, provided it is strictly related to reparation and not used as a tool to award punitive damages or to achieve other ends.220 405. The Tribunal will now consider these various options in the light of the present dispute. 39. Restitution by Means of Negotiation arty whole as it ct. In a situation such as that characterizing this dispute and the complex issues associated with the crisis in Argentina, it would be utterly unrealistic for the Tribunal to order the Respondent to turn bac ere adopted, nor this Award, the eparation. 407. Just as an acceptable rebalancing of the contracts has been achieved by means of negotiation between the interested parties in other sectors of the Argentine economy, the parties are free to further pursue the possibility of reaching an agreement in the context of this dispute. As long as the parties were to agree to new terms governing their relations, this would be considered as a form of restitution as both sides to the equation would have will determ 404. Decisions concerning interest also cover a broad spectrum of alterna 406. Restitution is by far the most reliable choice to make the injured p aims at the reestablishment of the situation existing prior to the wrongful a k to the regulatory framework existing before the emergency measures w has this been requested. However, as the Tribunal has repeatedly stated in crisis cannot be ignored and it has specific consequences on the question of r 118 accepted that a rebalancing had been achieved. This was in fact the first major step for the settlement of the dispute in the Gaz de Bordeaux case. 40. Compensation 408. The Tribunal, however, cannot leave matters pending until an agreed settlement is r strictly in the hands of the parties and its outcome is uncertain. In the absence of such agreed form of restitution, the Tribunal must accordingly determine the amo o 41. The Applicable Standard of compensation ldman v. Mexico case, the Tribunal is faced with a situation where, absent expropriation under Article IV, the Treaty offers no guidance as to the appropriate measure of damages or compensation relating to fair and equitable treatment and other breaches of the standards laid down in Art aties and other retion to identify the standard best attending to the nature of the breaches found. 410. Unlike the circumstances in the Feldman case, however, the Tribunal is persuaded that the cumulative nature of the breaches discussed here is best dealt with by resorting to the standard of fair market value. While this standard figures prominently in respect of expropriation, it is not excluded that it might also be appropriate for breaches different from expropriation if their effect results in important long-term losses. Moreover, precisely reached; this is a matte unt f compensation due. 409. A first question the Tribunal needs to address is that of the standard applicable in the circumstances of this dispute. As was the situation in the Fe 221 icle II. This is a problem common to most bilateral investment tre agreements such as NAFTA. The Tribunal must accordingly exercise its disc 119 because this is not a case of expropriation, the Claimant has offered to transfer its shares in TGN to the Argentine Republic, and the Tribunal will address this question in due course. 42. The Valuation Method to be Used 411. The Tribunal has concluded that the discounted cash flow method it the one that sho xchange or any other public market. The Respondent has argued that, in order to estimate the value of TGN, reference should have been made to TGS, another natural gas transporter, and three other e. However, as entina is not the oreover, as noted also by Mr. Bello, there were significant differences between TGN and those companies regarding asset levels, business segments, financing policy, and other issues. In the circumstances, the Tribunal has 413 t circumstances. CMS is a minority shareholder in TGN which is an ongoing company with a record showing profits. 414. As to the comparable transaction approach, the Tribunal has not been provided with any significant evidence of such transactions and it would be a most speculative enterprise to try and determine the compensation due to CMS on that basis. uld be retained in the present instance. 412. First of all, the shares of TGN are not publicly traded on a stock e natural gas distributors which were listed on the Argentine stock exchang noted by Mr. Bello, “(…) market capitalization in illiquid markets as Arg most adequate method to value companies (…)”.222 M come to the conclusion that this approach would not be appropriate. . As to the asset value approach, it would be inappropriate in the presen 120 415. As to the option valuation method, it does not appear to be of any help in this case. fficult to imagine what uses or options there could be for gas transmission lines other than to transport gas. 416. This leaves the Tribunal with the DCF method and it has no hesitation in endorsing it as the one which is the most appropriate in this case. TGN was and is a going concern; DCF tribunals, as an priate method for valuing business assets; as a matter of fact, it was used by ENARGAS in its 1996/7 tariff review. Finally, there is adequate data to make a rational DCF valuation of TGN. lso notes that in spite of the disagreement between the parties as to the appropriate application of the valuation method, experts from both sides have shared the view that F in this case for determining losses that extend through a prolonged period of time.223 43. The Valuation of Damages In this task, the Tribunal was greatly helped by the submissions and the testimonies of the experts produced by the Parties in this case. As will be seen below, the Tribunal however is of the view that certain assumptions and arguments of those experts require some adjustments. In its study of those submissions and testimonies, the Tribunal was ably assisted by its own experts, Professors Jacques Fortin and Alix Mandron of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales de Montreal. The Parties were informed of their appointment and given an opportunity to TGN is a gas transportation company and it is very di techniques have been universally adopted, including by numerous arbitral appro 417. The Tribunal a DC was the proper method 418. This leaves the Tribunal with the assessment of the damages claimed. 121 comment on their analysis of the parties’ expert submissions. Those comments were the by the Tribunal. The Tribunal wishes to express its gratitude to all the experts for their contribution. 419. In arriving at its own estimates of the value loss suffered by the Claimant, the Tribunal will discuss a number of points mentioned in the experts’ reports which it questions. a case involving der to arrive at a ould have been like had TGN’s license and regulatory environment remained unchanged but also to foresee what the future holds for TGN under the new (and not completely known) regulatory e uncertainty surrounding Argentina’s future economic health, the exchange rate with the US dollar, the evolution of production costs, required future investments for the ma ctors to be taken into account. ch estimates need not be arbitrary or analogous to a shot in the dark; with the appropriate methodology and the use of reasonable alternative sets of hypotheses, it is possible to arrive at figures which represent a range of values which can be rationally justified, even though there is general agreement that their accurateness can only be fully assessed some 22 years later. subject of careful review The word “estimates” is quite appropriate in trying to establish value loss in a license valid until 2027. This task is all the more challenging in that, in or value loss, it is necessary to evaluate not only what the years 2000 to 2027 w environment. Th intenance of the pipeline system’s efficiency and security are only some of the fa 420. This being said, su 122 44. Methodology Used st ne before the Tribunal is the discounted cash flow methodology and the Tribunal shares that conclusion. expert to have so, he used the of an unchanged regulatory environment. From this basis, he produced two scenarios, one for the “no regulatory change” context (or “without pesification,” as the Tribunal will describe it) and the the “new regulatory context” (or “with pesification”). The use of a company’s inte ble as a starting 423. However, the Tribunal will wish to revisit some the more crucial assumptions contained in those scenarios, some of which were questioned in Mr. Bello’s report. But before doing so, the Tribunal will address a preliminary issue raised by Mr. Bello concerning the capital structure of TGN and the opportunity for debt renegotiation. 45. Optimal Capital Structure and Debt Renegotiation 424. Mr. Bello has argued, both in his report and in his oral testimony, that an excessive level of debt was partly responsible for the precipitous drop in TGN’s value, that TGN would not have defaulted on its obligations had it been less indebted and, finally, that the probable 421. As already stated, all the experts consulted on this matter agree that the be methodology to be used in a case like the o 422. As far as the parties are concerned, Mr. Wood-Collins is the only estimated the value loss suffered by CMS on its TGN’s shares. In doing forecasted figures prepared by TGN for internal use in 2000, in the context other for rnal forecast prepared in the normal course of business is quite accepta point in the valuation of a company. The Tribunal sees no reason to reject it. 123 terms of an agreement with the lenders should be considered to compute the true value of CMS’s share in TGN. the degree of indebtedness affected the size of the equity value loss; and (2) whether the issue of renegotiation needs to be considered in order to assess the equity value loss. The answer of the ad maintained a much lower debt ratio than the 50.3% it had in 2000, its shares would have lost the same value because of Argentina’s decision (in absolute terms, not in relative terms), except under es, in extremely igher, with a highly leveraged capital structure. It can easily be demonstrated that, in that case, the shareholders of such a company may suffer smaller absolute losses in adverse times (compared with the shareholders of a less leveraged company), because of their limited liability. m at hand is not the percentage loss but the absolute value loss suffered by the Claimant as a shareholder, the issue of TGN’s “excessive” leverage does not need to be considered. There is no firm ground to believe that the absolute change in value of those shares would have been smaller had TGN opted for less debt in its capital structure before 2000, quite the contrary. 428. Moreover, the evidence put before the Tribunal does not indicate that TGN’s debt/equity ratio was significantly different from the one commonly found in pipeline companies; the Tribunal sees no reason why it should be questioning the TGN decisions 425. Mr. Bello’s argument raises two questions: (1) whether or not Tribunal to those two questions is in the negative. 426. As to the first question, the Tribunal believes that, even if TGN h extremely adverse circumstances. In fact, contrary to what Mr. Bello assum adverse situations, the absolute value loss is smaller, not h 427. Since the proble 124 taken in this regard in the normal course of business. For the purpose of its analysis, the Tribunal will endorse the 50% debt/equity ratio adopted by Mr. Wood-Collins in his scenario. iew that it can be ignored in the present case because, whichever way one looks at the future, shareholders will bear the consequences of the current default, except in the most improbable circumstances Tribunal cannot trary, in the real e expense of the shareholders. Moreover, since the Claimant has offered to transfer its shares in TGN to the Respondent, upon payment of compensation, the Respondent would stand to benefit after the transfer of shares if, as argued by the Respondent, a favorable renegotiation were eventually to be concluded. s securities on a fore interest and l (the “WACC”) and add the discounted cash flows to the firm to establish its value; then, the value of debt is subtracted and the residual value is the value of equity (“the indirect equity value”). Alternatively, one can compute first the cash flows to equity (cash flows from operations, minus interest and debt repayments), discount them at the cost of equity (“COE”) and add the discounted cash flows to equity to establish the value of equity (“the direct equity value”); then, one adds the value of debt to establish the value of the firm. The Tribunal has been 429. As to the question of debt renegotiation, the Tribunal is also of the v where the creditors would renounce repayments that had come due. The envisage such gross inefficiency or irrationality in the market. On the con world, creditors would require to be paid first, one way or the other, at th 46. Computing the Value of Equity 430. There are two recognized ways of computing the value of a firm and it DCF basis. One can start computations with the cash flows to the firm be debt repayments, discount such flows at the weighted average cost of capita 125 advised that, by and large, analysts have tended to favor the first method. This is the a circular way. e then adds them C”); the sum of these discounted cash flows represents the value of the firm, from which the value of the debt is subtracted to arrive at the present value of equity. In fact, Mr. Wood-Collins goes from equ the view of its own experts that having computed the cash flows to equity, Mr. Wood-Collins needed then only to discount them at the cost of equity (“COE”) to obtain the present value of TGN’s equity. purely academic under the second one, because the WACC implicitly assumes that shareholders and creditors will receive a proportional share (according to the weights included in the WACC) of the firm’s cash flows. Such appears to be the case when cash flows to the firm are larger than, or equal to what the cre Wood-Collins in where the Tribunal has calculated, on the basis of Mr. Wood-Collins’ hypotheses, a net difference of some USD$40 million between the two methods. 433. In making its own calculations, the Tribunal will use the second method (the direct equity value). approach taken by Mr. Wood-Collins but he appears to have applied it in Having computed the cash flows to equity and the cash flows to creditors, h up and discounts them at the weighted average cost of capital (the “WAC ity to debt to the firm and then back to equity. 431. The Tribunal does not see the need for this detour and shares 432. The distinction between the two methods of computing value is not a matter. In general, under the first method, the computed value is larger than ditors are due and such was the result of the calculations made by Mr. this case, 126 47. The Tribunal’s Evaluation of Damages by the Claimant remains a valid one. However, as will be seen, the Tribunal will apply a number of changes to his assumptions. ing the figures f its experts, has built its own model; it then tested its model by applying the same hypotheses as the ones embedded in Mr. Wood-Collins’ forecasts of equity cash flows. The Tribunal obtained ess d he applied the 436. From that model, the Tribunal tested a number of scenarios by changing different variables; the Tribunal focused on the most important determinants of value (as well as the s of variables to rate results were ke a reduction of the discount rate under the “with pesification” scenario, produced a rather small decrease in value loss, if Mr. Wood-Collins’ revenue forecast were maintained at the pessimistic level he has selected. However, as soon as modest rates of sales growth and an upward tariff revision every five years were assumed, the value loss was significantly decreased. 434. Notwithstanding the reservations expressed above, the Tribunal is of the view that the general approach of Mr. Wood-Collins to the evaluation of damages suffered 435. Since the Tribunal was not provided with the algorithms sustain contained in the TGN forecast prepared in 2000, the Tribunal, with the help o entially the same results as Mr. Wood-Collins would have obtained, ha direct equity valuation method to his own data. main sources of uncertainty). Not surprisingly, depending on the choice which changes were made and the size of such changes, significantly dispa reached. Some, li 127 437. However, all other things being equal, assumptions about ENARGAS’ tariff decisions nd operations and maintenance costs under the “no pesification” case have an even larger impact. 438. Under the “no pesification” case, the crucial factors would have been ENARGAS’ decisions about tariff revisions and investments. Under that scenario, the question is: “Would ithin reasonable ould ENARGAS raise tariffs to provide shareholders with a positive return?” To a large extent, the estimate of valu ss . 48. The Modifications to Mr. Wood-Collins’ Assumptions i) The Duration of the Contract 439. For the reasons previously mentioned, the Tribunal has eliminated the ten year pot 2037. In the Tribunal’s calculations, the License expires in 2 by some US$ 10 ii) The Reference Years for Valuation 440. Mr. Wood-Collins computes the changes in share value between August 2000 and May 2002 (in his first report) and December 2003 (in his second report). The Tribunal has concluded that, it would be more logical and mathematically correct to assess the value lost by shares as of a single date. Moreover, as a consequence of this decision, the large discrepancy noted between the TGN and Wood-Collins forecasted (US$ 73 million) and the and about additional investments a ENARGAS have lowered tariffs to keep the rate of return on equity w bounds?” In contrast, in the “pesification” case, the question is: “W e lo depends on the answer to these two questions ential extension of the License to 027. Under the Tribunal’s assumptions, this decision leads to a reduction million of the value loss suffered by CMS. 128 actual (US$ 36 million) capital expenditures for 2001 (a proportional discrepancy for 2002, as the reference nd “justify” the the “theoretical” investments is compensated by the boost caused by a long series of “theoretical” (boosted) revenues. ied upon for the , 2000, the day before the Argentine court action referred to above was taken. In order to arrive at the value at that date under the pesification scenario, the Tribunal has used Mr. Wood-Collins’ forecast for 2000-2002 under the without pesification scenario and subtracted the amount resulting from as it appears in the relevant TGN Annual Reports & Acc iii) The Demand for Gas and Revenues sed the issue of ollins. 443. Under the no pesification scenario, Mr. Wood-Collins assumes that the major economic crisis suffered by Argentina would have had no negative impact on the demand for gas transported by TGN and that there would be a 2.5% yearly increase until 2007 (a combination of increased volume, until the pipeline is fully utilized, and indexation to PPI) and then a regular 1.5% increase in prices (PPI adjustment) every year until the end of the license. 2003 and 2004 would be likely) becomes a non-issue; in using August 2000 point, all the investments budgeted are assumed to have taken place a revenues forecast for all the years up to 2027. The negative drag crated by 441. The Tribunal has concluded, in this regard, that the date to be rel computation of values (with and without pesification) will be August 17 the non-indexation under PPI, ounts, non-indexation being the sole factor at play during that period. 442. In discussing the demand for gas, the Tribunal has only addres domestic sales. The export sales have been kept as forecasted by Mr. Wood-C 129 444. The Tribunal believes it would be inappropriate to assume that the demand for gas economic crisis. or-pay basis, its into account the magnitude of the crisis faced by Argentina, it would be highly unrealistic to assume that some adjustments to those ship-or-pay contracts would not have been made between the parties sult would have ripled, with the dy, in its 2001 Annual Report & Accounts, TGN mentions that “The year 2001 was strongly influenced by Argentina’s economic crisis which drove the company’s production decrease and the a stagnation of .5% respectively ting only 22% of the gas transported by TGN, the overall decline in domestic demand would have been around would have remained stable, had the tariffs been set in US dollars despite the CMS has argued that since at least some of its contracts were on shiprevenues would not have been affected by a reduction in demand; but, taking concerned. In any event, if such adjustments had not been made, the net re meant that the peso price of transportation would have more than t consequential impact on the final consumer’s bills and use of gas. Alrea postponement of investment in different industry sectors which resulted in consumption. Industrial and residential consumption decreased by 5% and 1 as compared with the prior year.” (p.32). Residential consumption represen 224 4%. This was for 2001, the year during which the Argentine GDP declined by 4.4 225 etween 2000 and f an increase in 445. It is difficult to believe that, with a tripling of the gas transportation costs under the no pesification scenario, there would not have been a further reduction in demand and/or a significant rise in delinquent accounts, with its consequent impact upon TGN’s cash flows. To figure a more precise impact of such a situation upon the volume of gas transported by TGN, and on its revenues, studies of the Argentine elasticity of demand with respect to gas prices would be needed. No such study has been produced. % and while the application of the PPI was suspended. It is true that, b 2001, the sales revenues remained stable but this was probably the result o export revenues. The GDP declined a further 10.9% in 2002. 130 revenues would ould reflect the 2002 (-10.9%), somewhat mitigated by the maintenance of the non-pesification of export revenues which continued in addition to be adjusted to the PPI. On the other hand, in 2003 and 2004, the 226 ld be normal that idential demand apacity of some 19% (6% original surplus capacity existing in 2001 plus 13% additional capacity created by the reduced demand between 2002 – 2004). The Tribunal is of the view that a gradual l capacity would ed an increase in 05, 6% in each of 2006, 2007and 2008, 4.5% in 2009, 3.5% in 2010 and 3% in 2011. This would allow for the full recuperation of the excess capacity in the gas transportation system of TGN. Thereafter, the sales would only increase by 1.5% each year revenues until 2027. The Tribunal does not find this assumption realistic. While the price for gas would probably not have been adjusted during the crisis and the first few years following it, it is reasonable to assume that, with pesification, there would have been a gradual absorption of most of the surplus capacity in TGN’s pipeline system. The Tribunal has therefore provided for a 1% yearly increase in sales revenues between 2003 and 2008 inclusive. Then, it is also fair to assume that, taking into account the rate of inflation in Argentina, ENARGAS would have allowed some adjustment to the tariff. The Tribunal 446. The Tribunal has concluded that it is reasonable to assume that sales have decreased by 5% in each of 2002 and 2003 and by 1% in 2004. This w delayed impact of the decline of the Argentine GDP in 2001(-4.4%) and Argentine GDP rose significantly, by 8.8% and 7.8% respectively. It wou that turnaround would manifest itself in an increase in the industrial and res for gas. Moreover, there would have been, by the end of 2004, an excess c increase in demand over the following years would have taken place until ful have been achieved in TGN’s pipelines. The Tribunal has therefore forecast sales of 3% in 20 under the PPI formula. 447. Then, under the pesification regime, Mr. Wood-Collins has assumed 0% increase in 131 notes that, although Argentina has known a decline to 4.4% of its rate of inflation in 2004, it 227 hile it is to be hoped that the declining trend will continue, there is obviously no guarantee to that effect. 448. In this regard, the Tribunal has introduced in its scenario, from 2008, a very moderate yearly increase of 1.5% in the tariff. o exchange rate to the US dollar of 3.59. This was indeed the rate prevalent at the time he did his first valuation in 2002, but there has been since then an appreciable improvement in the peso rate. moved between 2.90 and 2.97. In these circumstances, the Tribunal has concluded that it would be appropriate to fix an exchange rate of 2.97 as fairly rep alue of the peso could be expected to be in a stabilizing or a rea 450 Under the pesification scenario, Mr. Wood-Collins has assumed an equity discount rate of 45.04% when valuing from May 2002 to the end of 2037 and of 41.05% when valuing from January 1, 2004 to the end of 2037. Under the no pesification scenario, a discount rate of 13.45% was used. The Tribunal finds the first rate excessive and the second too low. 451. Under the first scenario, Mr. Wood-Collins bases his figures on the cost of defaulted securities in May 2002 and in December 2003. Because of that default, their value was low compared with their nominal value, yielding therefore a very high rate of discount. But had rates of 25.9% in 2002 and 13.4% in 2003. W iv) The Exchange Rate 449. Under the pesification scenario, Mr. Wood-Collins has assumed a pes For the last year, it has resentative of what the v sonably stable environment. v) The Equity Discount Rate . 132 proceeding this way is implicitly assuming that TGN will, until 2027, repeatedly live through that measure is ating into much negative impact upon cash flow, current and future, but some kind of normalcy should rule in the future. Already, there are encouraging signs in that regard in the Argentine economy. 452 Under the circumstances, the Tribunal has concluded that an equity discount rate of 18% 453. Under the second scenario, the Tribunal estimates that the proposed discount rate of ate of 5.94%, a country-risk premium of 5.21% based on the country-risk premium of TGN’s debt over the US Treasury rate and a 2.296% equity risk premium (market equity risk premium of 5.6% llins has in fact on TGN’s debt. olders, it is well recognized that shareholders bear a significantly larger risk, because their claims are residual. Mr. Wood-Collins argues that ENARGAS in its 1997 tariff review had settled on a cost of equity very close to the one computed by him. It is quite understandable that, in setting the equity country risk, a State regulatory agency would adopt a conservative approach; first of all, such an agency would wish to project a positive image of that country as a foreign investment venue and, secondly, the higher the cost of equity it would set, the higher the tariff would be. The Tribunal also notes that the equity rate of return adopted by ENARGAS shocks of the same magnitude as the pesification shock. The impact of already impounded in the cash flows being valued, pesified tariffs transl lower dollar cash flows. That negative event has taken place and has had its . would be a reasonable assumption under the pesification scenario. 13.45% should be increased to 14.5%. 454. To arrive at the first figure, Mr. Wood-Collins used a “risk-free” r multiplied by TGN’s beta factor of 0.41). It appears that Mr. Wood-Co equated the country risk premium on equity and the country risk premium While it is true that the risk borne by shareholders is also borne by debth 133 in the 1996-1997 tariff review was 16%228 and that, for the 2002 review which was never com leted, a rate of 15% was envisaged by ENARGAS.229 evidence on the economic and political performance of Argentina and the above facts, the cost of the equity investment made by the Claimant should be increased from 13.45% to 14.5%. rage yearly rate of revenue increase of 2.5% up to 2007 and of 1.5% thereafter. However, this leads to very high rates of return gradually increasing from about 20% in 2012 to close to 100% in 2027. r lower rates of rtain amount of ive that it could have tolerated the kind of escalation described above, without making downward adjustments to the tariff on the occasion of its Five Year Reviews starting in 2013. Therefore, the Tri ach of the tariff ity which amply 457. Under the pesification scenario, Mr. Wood-Collins assumes that there will be no increase in tariffs for the whole duration of the License. The Tribunal considers this hypothesis unrealistic. It has received evidence that Argentina has already offered to TGN a 7% tariff increase, albeit accompanied by some conditions that have been turned down by TGN. With the disappearance of the US PPI adjustment, it would be strange to say the least p 455. The Tribunal is of the view that, taking into account the historical vi) The Tariff Adjustments 456. Under the no pesification scenario, Mr. Wood-Collins assumes an ave The Claimant argues that those rates of return would allow a catch-up fo return in earlier years. While the Tribunal is willing to concede that a ce recuperation might have been allowed by ENARGAS, it is difficult to conce bunal has decided to introduce a 5% decrease in tariffs at the time of e reviews in 2013, 2018 and 2023. This still leaves growth in the return on equ covers the catch-up mentioned by the Claimant. 134 that TGN would be left in a situation where, as forecasted by Mr. Wood-Collins, its domestic scenario, TGN’s f May 22, 2002) fficult to believe that TGN would not have been able to convince ENARGAS that this was an unacceptable situation and that some increase in the tariff was required on the occasion of its Five Year llocated a yearly n. The Tribunal ncludes that, starting in 2008, a 5% increase on the occasion of each Five Year Review should be assumed, in order to advance the moment when TGN could again be equity pos 458 In its report, Mr. Wood-Collins projects the following percentages to sales for O&M: 10.20% to the end of 2004, 9.40% to the end of 2014, 8.40% to the end of 2020 and 7% to the end of 2037. The Tribunal considers those projections too conservative for three reasons. ieved during the 460. Secondly during a period of steep decline in sales, it would be unrealistic to expect that there would not be an appreciable increase in the proportion of O&M to sales. There is significant amount of rigidity in this type of expenditures in a regulated industry where the maintenance of safety has to be paramount. sales revenue would remain completely flat for the next 22 years; under that equity remains negative until 2023 (according to Mr. Wood-Collins’ report o or until 2019 (according to his March 19, 2004, report). Here again, it is di Reviews. The Tribunal has already indicated that, in its forecast, it has a increase of 1.5% in the tariff from 2008 to take account of Argentine inflatio also co itive. vii) Operations and Maintenance Expenditures (“O&M”) . 459. To begin with, they are significantly below the levels which were ach years previous to 2002. 135 461. Thirdly, even when growth in sales has returned, the requirements for safety do not ase and with aging equipment, maintenance expenditures will tend to rise rather than decline. 462. However, noting the fact that sales are expected to increase over the years after 2005, the Tribunal is willing to recognize that there would be a certain decline in the percentage of d by Mr. Woodly, the Tribunal has adopted the following percentages for O&M in its scenario: 11.5% to the end of 2004, 11.00% to the end of 2014, 10.00% to the end of 2020 and 8% to the end of 2027. 463 A number of other factors were part of Mr. Wood-Collins scenario and the Tribunal sees no valid reason to modify those. We refer, in particular, to US$ export sales, tax rate, depreciation, interest tax rate, target debt ratio and additional capital expenditures. equested an order that “Argentina compensate CMS in the amount of $261.1 million in the event that (…) Argentina determines to take CMS’s shares in TGN or $243.6 million in the event that title to the shares remain remains with CMS,”230 which attributes a value of US$17.5 million to those shares. This last amount represents the value of those shares on May 29, 2002. decre O&M but it is not ready to endorse as steep a decline as the one envisage Collins. Consequent viii) Other Hypotheses . ix) Value of the Shares 464. The Claimant has r 136 465. Asking for the value of the shares remitted to the Government of Argentina is a ready to transfer to the Respondent the title to those shares, which it has indicated willingness to do. 466. The question remains whether the amount claimed for the value of the shares is the correct one. On the basis of the scenario relied upon by the Tribunal, as described above, the he Tribunal has that value, one uld otherwise be doubly compensated. According to the 2001 TGN Annual Report & Accounts (pp. 48 and 51), TGN made two dividend distributions of US$9 million each after that date. On the basis nt did receive a total of US$5,295,600. This leaves a net value of US$2,148,100 for CMS’ shares in TGN on August 17, 2000, as equity holder in TGN should also be deducted from the residual value just mentioned. 467. As the dividends paid were deducted from the shares value, in order to avoid double counting, the counter point that interest from August 17, 2000 should be paid equally holds and the Tribunal will so order. 49. Amount of Compensation for Damages and Value of the Shares 468. After the modifications mentioned above, the Tribunal arrives at a DCF loss valuation of US$133.2 million for the Claimant, on August 17, 2000, representing the compensation owed in that regard by the Respondent to the Claimant at that date. legitimate claim, so long as CMS is value of the shares is significantly lower than the one claimed by CMS. T arrived at a value of US$7,443,700, on August 17, 2000. In addition, from has to deduct any dividend received by CMS after August 17, 2000, as it wo of a 29.42% share ownership in the company, the Claima 2000. Additional amounts, if any, received by CMS since August 17, 137 the Respondent e additional sum eceived by CMS as dividends, which would have been received by it in its capacity of shareholder should be deducted from the price to be paid by Argentina, when it exercises its right to buy those would be appropriate to leave that option open-ended; it therefore rules that the Government of Argentina will have a tim it of one year from the date of this Award to purchase CMS’ shares in TGN. 50. Interest 470 The Claimant has requested that the interest should be set at the average rate applicable to U.S. six-month certificates of deposit, compounded semi-annually starting on August 18, 2000. ore appropriate extending from August 18, 2000, to 60 days after the date of this decion or the date of effective payment if before. For this period the interest rate shall be 2.51% which corresponds to the annualized average rate for the U.S. Treasury Bills as reported by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.231 Thereafter, the interest shall be the arithmetic average of the six-month U.S. Treasury Bills’ rates observed on the afore-mentioned date and every six months thereafter, compounded semi-annually. That amount shall be calculated from the same source as the 469. Moreover, the Tribunal concludes that the Claimant must transfer to the ownership of its shares in TGN, upon payment by the Respondent of th of US$2,148,100. Additional amounts, if any, to the US$5,295,600 already r shares. On the other hand, the Tribunal does not consider that it e lim . 471. The Tribunal is of the opinion that the U.S. Treasury Bills rate is m under the circumstances and that the interest should be simple for the period 138 one mentioned above. Interest shall apply to both the value loss suffered by CMS and the residual value of its shares. Costs of the Proceedings 472. Each party shall bear the expenses incurred by it in connection with the present arbitration. The arbitration costs, including the fees of the members of the Tribunal, shall be borne in equal shares by the parties. 51. 139 NOW THEREFORE THE ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL DECIDES AND AWARDS AS FOLLOWS 1. air and equitable treatment guaranteed in Article II (2) (a) of the Treaty and to observe the obligations entered into with regard to the investment guaranteed in Article II (2) (c) of the 2. The Respondent shall pay the Claimant compensation in the amount of US$133.2 million. 3. mant shall transfer to the Respondent the ownership of its shares in TGN upon payment by the shall have up to one year after the date this Award is dispatched to the parties to accept such transfer. 4. ized average rate t 18, 2000 to 60 efore, applicable to both the value loss suffered by the Claimant and the residual value of its shares established in 2 and 3 above. However, the interest on the residual value of the shares shall cease to run upon written notice by Argentina to the Claimant that it will not exercise its option to buy the Claimant’s shares in TGN. After the date indicated above, the rate shall be the arithmetic average of the six-month U.S. Treasury Bills rates observed on the afore-mentioned date and every six months thereafter, compounded semi-annually. The Respondent breached its obligations to accord the investor the f Treaty. Upon payment of the compensation decided in this Award, the Clai Respondent of the additional sum of US$2,148,100. The Respondent The Respondent shall pay the Claimant simple interest at the annual of 2.51% of the United States Treasury Bills for the period Augus days after the date of this Award, or the date of effective payment if b 140 5. Each party shall pay one half of the arbitration costs and bear its own legal costs. 6. All other claims are herewith dismissed. The Arbitral Tribunal d)(signe Marc Lalonde, Arbitrator Date: 15/04/05 (signed) Francisco Rezek, Arbitrator Date: 25/04/05 (signed) Francisco Orrego Vicuña, President Date: 20/04/05 141 NOTES 1 Treaty between the United States of America and the Argentine Republic Concerning the Reciprocal 20, 1994. Hereafter ot constituted within 90 days after the notice of Council shall, at the fter consulting both parties as far as possible, appoint the arbitrator or arbitrators r to be the President of the Tribunal. ision of the Tribunal on Objections to Jurisdiction, tate. of 1992 on the Privatization of the Gas Sector (Gas Law). TGN and other companies. a Licitación Pública Internacional para la Privatización de Gas del zation of Gas del Estado, prepared by N. M. Rothschild & Sons Ltd. r 18, 1992 (License). mbular paragraph 5. uary 14, 2002. meonoff, August 13, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 5, at 1010-1011; Written Witness eonoff, annexed to Argentina Rejoinder; Alegato Final de la República Argentina, e to the Spanish text. llins, August 16, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 6, at 1336. elar de Irigoyen, August 11, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 3, at 604-605. ara. 464, 465, with reference to CMS Reply, para. 353. All citations to the Claimant’s swer, paras. 100-110. te No. 1906, April 27, 1999, and note No. 3735, September 3, 1999. swer, para. 298. ol. 4, at 797-800. r Horacio Daniel Rosatti, August 20, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 10, at 2254. as Decree, Article 41. . 18.2. 36 Statement of Mr. Thomas L. Miller, August 10, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 2, at 438-442; Written Witness Statements of Mr. Thomas L. Miller were prepared on June 10, 2002 and March 16, 2004. 37 Decree No. 669/2000, August 4, 2000, with particular reference to Preambular paragraph 5. 38 CMS Reply, at 58. 39 Gas Law, Article 2, Article 38 (a), as discussed in Argentina’s Answer, at 56. 40 Argentina Rejoinder, at 5-6. 41 With reference to Miguel S. Marienhoff: Tratado de Derecho Administrativo Encouragement and Protection of Investment, November 14, 1991, in force from October cited as the U.S.-Argentina BIT or the Treaty. 2 Under Article 38 of the ICSID Convention, if the Tribunal is n registration of the request has been dispatched, the Chairman of ICSID’s Administrative request of either party, and a not yet appointed and designate an arbitrato 3 CMS Gas Transmission Co. v. Republic of Argentina, Dec July 17, 2003, 42 ILM 788 (2003). 4 Law No. 23.696 of 1989 on the Reform of the S 5 Law No. 23.928 of 1991 on Convertibility. 6 Law No. 24.076 7 Decree No. 1738/92 on the Implementation of the Gas Law (Gas Decree). 8 Decree No. 1189/92 establishing 9 Pliego de Bases y Condiciones, Llamado Estado, July 17, 1992. 10 Information Memorandum on the Privati and Goldman, Sachs & Co., Sept 11 ember 1992. Decree No. 2255/92, December 2, 1992. 12 Decree No. 2457/92, Decembe 13 Offering Memorandum of July 7, 1995. 14 ENARGAS Resolution No. 1471, January 10, 2000. 15 o PreaDecree No. 669/2000, August 4, 2000, with particular reference t 16 Decree No. 1570/01, December 3, 2001. 17 Law No. 25.561, January 6, 2002 (Emergency Law). 18 Decree No. 293/02, Febr 19 Statement by Dr. Jorge G. Si Statement of Dr. Jorge G. Sim September 20, 2004, at 8. All citations to the Argentine Memorials ar 20 Statement by Mr. John Wood-Co 21 Statement by Mr. Bernardo V 22 Argentina Rejoinder, p Memorials are to the English text. 23 Argentina Rejoinder, para. 393. 24 Argentina Rejoinder, para. 394. 25 Argentina An 26 ENARGAS no 27 TGN Investment Prospectus, July 7, 1995. 28 Cited in Argentina Answer, para. 287. 29 Argentina An 30 Statement of Dr. Cristian Folgar, August 12, 2004, Hearing, V 31 Statement by Ministe 32 Statement of Dr. Fabian Bello, August 19, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 9, at 1999-2004. 33 See in particular G 34 License, Para. 9.2. 35 License, Para , Vol. II, 1993, Chapter IV; Argentine Supreme Court, Raúl Fernández c/ Poder Ejecutivo Nacional, Fallos 322:3008 (1999). 42 Gas Law, Article 38 (d). 43 Argentina, Post-hearing brief, at 14-15; Witness Written Statement of Dr. Christian Folgar, at 7-9, annexed to Argentina Rejoinder. 142 90-1692; Argentina, e Remes Lenicov, ejoinder. xtent of the crisis, ugust 9, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 1, at 233-234, 302; Argentina Post-hearing Draft bill submitted to the Argentine Congress on August 24, 2004, Witness Statement 42. 2004; Statement by Dr. Bernardo Velar de Irigoyen, August 11, 2004, repared on June 13, ring, Vol. 3, at 649- 12, 2003. etter of January 22, 2003 to UNIREN. y, at 60, with reference to ocialist Republic of ward of June 27, 1990, 6 ICSID Rev. —FILJ 526 (1991); 30 ILM 577 44 Expert Statement of Professor Nouriel Roubini, August 18, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 8, at 16 Post-hearing brief, at 16-17. 45 Argentina Rejoinder, at 199, with reference to the Written Witness Statement of Dr. Jorg para. 30, annexed to the R 46 Written Witness Statement of Dr. Jorge Remes Lenicov, explaining the nature and e annexed to Argentina Rejoinder. 47 Argentina Opening Statement, A brief, August 20, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 10, at 2328-2329. 48 Public Utilities National Regulatory Act, as cited by the CMS Post-hearing brief, at 6-7. 49 Statement of Dr. Eduardo Ratti, August 13, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 5, at 1155-1156; Written of Dr. Eduardo Ratti, annexed to Argentina Rejoinder. 50 Nota UNIREN No. 258/04, July 2, 2004. 51 Statement by Dr. Jorge G. Simeonoff, August 13, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 5, at 1036-10 52 o UNIREN, July 19,TGN, letter t Hearing, Vol. 3, at 544-547; Written Witness Statements of Dr. Velar de Irigoyen were p 2002 and March 16, 2004; Statement by Dr. Francisco A. Mezzadri, August 11, 2004, Hea 650; Written Witness Statements were prepared by Dr. Mezzadri on June 4, 2002 and March 53 TGN, l 54 CMS Reply, at 59. 55 CMS Repl Asian Agricultural Products Limited v. Democratic S Sri Lanka (Case No. ARB/87/3), Final A (1991); Int'l Arb. Rep., No. 5, at Sec. A (May 1991); 4 ICSID Rep. 246 (1997), and other ICSID cases at dioambientales Tecmed, S.A. v. United Mexican States (Case No. ARB(AF)/00/2) (Tecmed), h.pdf footnote 277. 56 Técnicas Me Award of May 29, 2003, ; 43 ILM 133 hos fundamentales”, (2004), para 56. 57 Argentine Constitution, Articles 27, and 75 (22). 58 Guillermo Barrera Buteler: “La dignidad de la persona humana como fuente de los derec Derecho Constitucional, Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2004, d others v. United Republic of Cameroon and Société Camerounaise des 5, 2 ICSID Rep. 95 oration and others v. Republic of Indonesia (Case No. ARB/81/1), ad hoc 1993), at 515; and emi: “The Meaning of ‘and’ in Article 42(1), SID Choice of Law 143-156, at 146-147. 59 KlöcknerIndustrie-Anlagen GmbH an Engrais (Case No. ARB/81/2), ad hoc Committee Decision on Annulment of May 3, 198 (1994), para. 69; AMCO Asia Corp Committee Decision on the Application for Annulment of May 16, 1986, 1 ICSIDRep. 509 ( discussion of both cases by Emmanuel Gaillard and Yas Banifat Second Sentence, of the Washington Convention: The Role of International Law in the IC Process”, 18 ICSID Review—FILJ 375 (2003), at 389-393. 60 W. M. Reisman: “The Regime for Lacunae in the ICSID Choice of Law Provision and —FILJ 362 (2000) the Question of Its Threshold”, 15 ICSID Review . 61 Wena Hotels Limited v. Arab Republic of Egypt, ad hoc Committee Decision on Applicati Februa on for Annulment of ry 5, 2002, 41 ILM 933 (2002), at 941. ol. 1, at 301-302; also Argentina Post-hearing brief, , Decision in Ekmekdjián v. Sofovich, July 7, 1992. ase No. ARB/01/8), Decision of the Tribunal on (Case No. ARB/01/8), Decision of the Tribunal on Objections to Jurisdiction, July 17, 2003, 42 ILM 788 (2003), para. 33. 66 Argentina Rejoinder, at 21, para. 70. 67 Statement of Dr. Christian Folgar, August 12, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 4, at 744-745; also Argentina post-hearing brief, at 2. 68 CMS Opening Statement, August 9, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 1, at 20-24. 69 Committee on the Privatization of Gas del Estado. Minutes of the meeting held on October 2, 1992, Section 2; also CMS post-hearing brief, at 2-3. 70 Decree No. 2457/92, Basic Rules Governing the License, Clause 9.8. 71 Decree No. 669/2000, approving Act No. 2 on the July 2000 postponement. 72 Rosalyn Higgins: “The Taking of Property by the State: Recent Developments in International Law”, Recueil 62 Argentina Opening Statement, August 9, 2004, Hearing, V at 24. 63 Argentine Supreme Court 64 CMS Gas Transmission Company v. Argentine Republic (C Objections to Jurisdiction, July 17, 2003, 42 ILM 788 (2003), paras. 25-32. 65 CMS Gas Transmission Company v. Argentine Republic des Cours de l’Académie de Droit International, Vol. 176, 1982-III, 259. 143 otes a Section to -hearing brief, at 2-4, with reference to the Statement by Dr. Patricio Carlos Perkins, August , August 11, 2004, 2. 81-1684; Argentina, ation of the cost of -year review, November 13, 2001, Annex I. ert Statement by Dr. August 19, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 9, at 1958-1967; Written Expert Report of Dr. Fabian Bello, 66-68. Expert Statement by Dr. Fabian Bello, August 19, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 9, at 1964’s S. A., Complaint introduced before ENARGAS 25, 2003, rejecting the complaint. Colbun later ejected by the competent Appeals Court on September 4) and Metrogas (Morandé to TGN, letter of July s. 73 Argentina Answer, at 44, with reference to TGN’s Public Offer of July, 1995, which dev Convertibility and exchange rate risks. 74 Argentina Post 10, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 2, at 396; and the Statement of Dr. Bernardo Velar de Irigoyen Hearing, Vol. 3, at 55 75 Expert Statement of Professor Nouriel Roubini, August 18, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 8, at 16 Post-hearing brief, at 5. 76 CMS Post-hearing brief, at 5, with reference to ENARGAS Note 5498 and the calcul capital for the second five 77 Statement of Dr. Christian Folgar, August 12, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 4, at 748-757; Exp Fabian Bello, annexed to Argentina Rejoinder. 78 Argentina Reply, at 1967. 79 CMS Reply, at 7. 80 Statement by Dr. Francisco A. Mezzadri, August 11, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 3, at 654-660. 81 Argentina Answer, at 250. 82 CMS Memorial, at 53. 83 Argentina Rejoinder, at 89, 140, with reference to Colbun on February 5, 2003; and ENARGAS Decree No. 2812, March requested judicial intervention and protective measures, r 22, 2003. Both Colbun (Courbis to TGN, letter of June 29, 200 14, 2004) complained about the terms and conditions of the supply of gas to those companie 84 Argentine Supreme Court, Ercolano c. Lanteri, Fallo 136:161 (1922). 85 Argentine Civil Code, Article 1197. 86 Guillermo A. Borda: Tratado de Derecho Civil, 1971; Obligaciones, 1989. 87 Rubén S. Stiglitz: Contratos Civiles y Comerciales, 1998, at 503-505. 88 Argentina Opening Statement, August 9, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 1, at 210-219. 2004, Hearing, Vol. 5, at 1189 et seq.; and Written mpacto Social de la hile, Paraguay and ent of Dr. Christian ent of Mrs. Angela Cristina Calvo, annexed to isis Argentina”, June 2004, 89 Statement by Dr. Carmelo Angulo Barturen, August 13, Witness Statement of June 24, 2004, attached to Argentina Rejoinder; Vivian Foster: “I Crisis Argentina en los Sectores de Infraestructura”, World Bank Office for Argentina, C Uruguay, Documento de Trabajo No. 5/03, April 2003, Annex V to Written Witness Statem Folgar, annexed to Argentina Rejoinder; Written Witness Statem Argentina Rejoinder; Expert publication of Equis, Investigación Social: “La Cr annexed to Argentina Rejoinder. 90 Rubén H. Compagnucci de Caso: Manual de Obligaciones, 1997, at 209. 91 Rubén S. Stiglitz: Contratos Civiles y Comerciales, 1998, at 28-30. 92 Argentine Supreme Court, Judgment in the case “Provincia de San Luis c. P. E. N. –Ley 25561, Dto. 1570/01 do Nacional y otros curador General, October 22, 2004, in de Caso: Manual de Obligaciones y 214/02 s/ amparo)”, March 5, 2003. Translation by the Tribunal. 93 Argentine Supreme Court, Judgment in the case “Bustos, Alberto Roque y otros c/Esta s/amparo”, October 26, 2004, in 94 Report of the Pro 95 Dissenting Opinion of Supreme Court Judge Carlos S. Fyat. 96 Rubén H. Compagnucci , 1997, at 82. by Dr. Eduardo Ratti, August 13, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 5, at 1139-1144. to Article 11 of the Emergency Law and its connection to Article of August 18, 2000, as cited in Argentine Answer, at 86-87. Translation by the Tribunal. 100 Conseil d’Etat, Compagnie Générale d’Eclairage de Bordeaux, Rec. 125, concl. Chardenet, 30 Mars 1916, in M. Long, P. Weil et al. Les Grands Arrêts de la Jurisprudence Administrative 97 Witness Statement 98 Argentine Answer, at 241, with reference 1198 of the Civil Code. 99 Court Injunction , 2003, at 188-189 (hereinafter Gaz de Bordeaux). 101 CMS Memorial, at 53. 102 Agreement between the Secretary of Energy and the gas producers signed on April 2, 2004, and Resolution 208/2004 related thereto. 103 Argentina Answer, at 60. 104 Gas Law, Article 41. 105 Gas Decree, Article 41; Clause of the License. 106 Gas Decree, Article 41 (2); Clause of the License. 107 Gas Law, Article 42. 144 Hearing, Vol. 2, at 3; Written Witness Statement of Dr. Patricio Carlos Perkins of March 12, 2004. nd five-year review uly 17, 1992, Annex F, 1.3; Consultants Report concerning RQT II, March 8, 2001; , at 68. rticle 47. 0, 2004, Hearing, gentine Supreme 561, Dto. 1570/01 y 214/02 s/ amparo)”, , Hearing, Vol. 8, at 1777; see generally the ommission for Latin America and the Caribbean, “Preliminary Overview of the ber 17, 2004. , 40 ILM 55 (2001), t, McCarthy, Stratton v. TAMS-AFFA Consulting Engineers of Iran, 6 CTR 219 (1984-II). 108 CMS Reply at 22; Witness Statement of Dr. Patricio Carlos Perkins, August 10, 2004, 342-34 109 Argentina Answer, at 69-73, with reference to the preparatory documents of the seco (RQT II). 110 Public Offer of J Argentina Answer 111 CMS Reply, at 23. 112 Gas Law, A 113 Gas Law, Article 41. 114 CMS Post-hearing brief, at 3; Witness Statement of Dr. Patricio Carlos Perkins, August 1 Vol. 2, at 342-343. 115 Argentine Supreme Court, Fallos 296:737; 299:379; 303:1877; 307:305, as cited in Ar Court, Judgment in the case “Provincia de San Luis c. P. E. N. – Ley 25 March 5, 2003. Translation by the Tribunal. 116 Gaz de Bordeaux, at 188-189. Translation by the Tribunal. 117 ugust 18, 2004Expert Statement of Professor Nouriel Roubini, A Written Expert Report of Professor Nouriel Roubini, annexed to Argentina Rejoinder. 118 United Nations Economic C Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean”, Doc. LC/G.2265-P/I, December 2004. 119 Law No. 25.790, Boletín Oficial, October 22, 2003; Argentina Answer, at 199. 120 Law No. 25.972, approved by Congress on Decem 121 Metalclad Corporation v. United Mexican States (Case No. ARB(AF)/97/1 (Metalclad) para. 103; CMS Memorial, at 71-72. 122 i. e. Tippetts, Abbet See also generally UNCTAD: Taking of Property, 2000. 123 i. e. Compañía del Desarrollo de Santa Elena S. A. v. Republic of Costa Rica (Case No Award of February 17, 2000, 15 ICSID Review—FILJ 169 (20 . ARB/96/1), Final 00). 124 i. e. CME Czech Republic B.V. (The Netherlands) v. Czech Republic (CME), Partial Award of September 13, invoked by the Claimant. Republic (Lauder), UNCITRAL Final Award of September 3, 2001, 2001, as published in . 125 i. e. Santa Elena, para. 68. 126 Argentina Answer, at 179, with reference to the table of cases 127 Ronald S. Lauder v. Czech , para. 203; S. D. Myers, Inc. v. Government of Canada, Partial Award of November 13, 2000,>, para. 280. June 26, 2000, as para. 100; Argentina 128 Pope & Talbot Inc. v. Government of Canada (Pope & Talbot), Interim Award of published in , Answer, at 205-208. 129 Lauder, , para. 200. R 219 (1984-II), at 4 (1978); Argentina , paras. 96, 102. nerally OECD: Fair 130 Metalclad, 40 ILM 55 (2001), para. 103. 131 Tippetts, Abbett, McCarthy, Stratton v. TAMS-AFFA Consulting Engineers of Iran, 6 CT 225; see also Phelps Dodge Corp. v. Islamic Republic of Iran, 10 CTR 121 (1986-I). 132 CME, , para. 688. 133 U.S. Supreme Court, Penn Central Transportation Co. v. New York City, 438 U.S. 10 Rejoinder, at 182. 134 Pope & Talbot, 135 CME, , para. 611. See also ge and Equitable Treatment Standard in International Investment Law, September 2004. 2003, ; 43 ILM 133 (2004), para. 154. 137 Robert Azinian and others v. United Mexican States (Case No. ARB(AF)/97/2) (Azinian), Award of November 1, 1999,14 ICSID Review—FILJ 538 (1999); 39 ILM 537 (2000); 121 I.L.R. 2 (2002); 5 ICSID Rep. 272 (2002); American Manufacturing & Trading, Inc. v. Democratic Republic of the Congo (Case No. ARB/93/1), Award of February 21, 1997, 36 ILM 1534 (1997); 12 Int'l Arb. Rep., No. 4, at Sec. A (Apr. 1997); 5 ICSID Rep. 14 (2002), Argentina Answer, at 225-227. 138 Argentina Answer, at 226. 139 Alex Genin and others v. Republic of Estonia (Case No. ARB/99/2) (Genin), Award of June 25, 2001, 17 ICSID Rev.—FILJ 395 (2002); P. Juillard: “L’évolution des sources du droit des investissements”, Recueil des Cours de l’Académie de Droit International, Vol. 250, 1994. 140 Metalclad, 40 ILM 55 (2001), para. 99. 145 114 Tecmed, ; 43 ILM 154. 133 (2004), para. retation of NAFTA Article 1105(1), July 21, 2001,< States Free Trade Agreement of June 6, 2003, ad_file1_4004.pdf f Burundi, Award embodying the parties' settlement agreement of 142 NAFTA Free Trade Commission, Interp>. 143 Chile-United , Article 10.4.2. 144 Antoine Goetz and others v. Republic o February 10, 1999, 15 ICSID Review—FILJ 457 (2000). 145 In respect of the renegotiation with gas producers see the Witness Statement of Dr. Bernardo Velar de ning Elettronica Sicula, International Court of Justice, Judgment of July 20, 1989, ICJ Reports er, at 257. Irigoyen, August 11, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 3, at 524-525. 146 Case Concer 1989, 15. 147 Genin, Argentina Answer, at 255. Also Myers, Argentina Answ 148 Oscar Schachter: International Law in Theory and Practice, 1991, at 313, Argentina Answ 149 er, at 259. ; Witness Statement Azinian, 14 ICSID Review—FILJ 538 (1999); 39 ILM 537 (2000); 121 I.L.R. 2 (2002); 5 ICSID Rep. 272 é Générale de Surveillance S.A. v. Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Case No. ARB/01/13) (SGS v. J 301 (2003) Lauder, para. 221. 150 Witness Statement of Dr. Christian Folgar, August 12, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 4, at 765-769 of Dr. Bernardo Velar de Irigoyen, August 11, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 3, at 524-525. 151 (2002); Argentina Answer, at 225. 152 Genin, 17 ICSID Rev.—FILJ 395 (2002); Argentina Answer, at 223-224. 153 SGS Sociét Pakistan), Decision on Objections to Jurisdiction, August 6, 2003, 18 ICSID Review—FIL , para. Vivendi Universal v. Argentine Republic (ICSID Case No. 35. 154 Compañía de Aguas del Aconquija S.A. and ARB/97/3), Award of November 21, 2000, 16 ICSID Review—FILJ 641 (2001), 641. 155 Azurix Corp. v. Argentine Republic (Case No. ARB/01/12), Decision on Jurisdiction of December 8, 2003, 43 ILM 262 (2004). . v. Republic of the Philippines (Case No. ARB/02/6) (SGS v. sdiction, January 29, 2004, Mining), Award on gust 6, 2004,. ational Court of Justice, Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project, ICJ Reports 1997, 7, para. 51. ly 31, 1905, UNRIAA, Vol. X, at 353. pondent also cites in this -United States Claims Tribunal Reports, Vol. ty of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, UNGA Resolution 56/83, January 28, 2002. rs. 51-52. ponsibility 156 SGS Société Générale de Surveillance S.A Phillipines), Decision of the Tribunal on Objections to Juri . 157 Joy Mining Machinery Limited v. Arab Republic of Egypt (Case No. ARB/03/11) (Joy Jurisdiction, Au 158 License, Clause 9.8. 159 License, Clause 18.2. 160 Argentina Answer, p. 585; Argentina Rejoinder, p. 833. 161 Intern 162 French Company of Venezuelan Railroads, Ju 163 Dickson Car Wheel Co., July 1931, UNRIAA, Vol. IV, p. 670-682. The Res connection the Sea-Land Service Inc. v. Iran, June 20, 1984, Iran IV, p. 149-175. 164 Responsibili 165 Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project, pa 166 James Crawford: The International Law Commission’s Articles on State Res , 2002, at 178 et seq. ssed in Crawford, at ternational Justice, Société Commerciale de Belgique, 1939, Series A/B, No. 78. 171 Eric Wyler: L’Illicite et la Condition des Persones Privées 167 The Caroline incident of 1837 and related diplomatic correspondence of 1842, as discu 179-180. 168 Russian Indemnity case, UNRIAA, Vol. XI, 431 (1912). 169 Permanent Court of In 170 The Torrey Canyon, Cmnd. 3246, 1967. , 1995, at 192 et seq. 172 Crawford, at 184. 173 Crawford, at 185. 174 Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project, pars. 51-52. 175 Himpurna California Energy Ltd. v. P.T., May 4, 1999, as cited in Claimant’s Reply, note 403. 176 Permanent Court of Internacional Justice, Société Comérciale de Belgique v. Greece, 1939, Ser. A/B, No. 78, pars. 167-174. 177 The Martini case, as cited in Claimant’s Reply, at 102-103. 178 U. S.- Russia Investment Treaty, June 17, 1992, Para. 8 of the Protocol, as cited in Claimant’s Reply, note 442. The treaty is not in force. 179 U. S.-Bahrain Investment Treaty, September 19, 1999, as cited in Claimant’s Reply, note 443. 146 Justice, ies in and Against risdiction and Admissibility, il Platforms, Merits, November 6, 2003, para. 43. anufacturing and Trade Inc. v. Zaire, ICSID Case No. ARB/93/1, February 21, 1997. anuary 24, 1992, in mittees of Foreign nsay it, threats to international vans: “When is it Right to Fight?”, 180 International Court of Case Concerning Military and Paramilitary Activit Nicaragua, (Merits), ICJ Reports, 1986, at 14, paras. 222, 282; also decision on Ju ICJ Reports, 1984, at 392, para. 83. 181 International Court of Justice, Case Concerning O 182 American M 183 AAPL v. Sri Lanka, ICSID Case No. ARB/87/3, June 27, 1990. 184 Crawford, at 185. 185 Letter from the President of Argentina to Congress submitting the text of the Treaty, J Cámara de Diputados, Reunión No. 70, April 30, 1992, at 6722-6723; Report of the Com Affairs and Worship and Economy, ibid. 186 As discussed by an experienced diplomat, “With no higher authority to gai peace and security are what the Security Council says they are”; Gareth E Survival, Vol. 46 (3), 2004, 59-82, at 69. 187 Statement by Professor José E. Alvarez, Hearing, Vol. 7, August 17, 2004, at 1633-1637. 188 Statement by Professor Anne Marie Slaughter, Hearing, Vol. 8, August 18, 2004, at 1947-1949. . ent to the 1988 Trade Act, 50 USC app. para. 2170, (Supp. 1989). See generally the particular reference olitical Protectionism and United States lorio”, Virginia Journal of International 189 Statement by Professor Anne Marie Slaughter, Hearing, Vol. 8, August 18, 2004, at 1844 190 Exon-Florio Amendm discussion in Hearing, Vol. 7, August 17, 2004, and Hearing, Vol. 8, August 18, 2004, with to the discussion by the parties and experts of José E. Alvarez: “P International Investment Obligations in Conflict: The Hazards of Exon-F Law, Vol. 30, 1989, 1. ference to the International Law Commission’s work is to 191 Nicaragua, 1986, para. 222. 192 Gabcikovo-Nagymaros, pars. 51-52. The re International Law Commission, Yearbook, 1980, Vol. II (Part Two), at 34-52, para. 36. 193 International Law Commission, Yearbook, 1980, Vol. II (Part Two), at 34-52, para. 36. 194 Rainbow Warrior, RIAA, Vol. XX, 1990, 217, at 251-252, para. 75; Crawford at 189. brief, at 11. aras. 152-153; Crawford, at 190. nocco, 1905, UNRIAA, Vol. X, 184. es in Greece, Yearbook of the International Law Commission 195 Crawford, at 189. 196 Claimant’s post-hearing 197 Gabcikovo-Nagymaros, p 198 e l’OriCompagnie Générale d 199 Properties of the Bulgarian Minoriti , 1980, Claimant’s Reply, note 494. nheimer, June 16, 1900, RSA, Vol. XV, 37, at 40, as cited in Wyler, at 193-194. , as cited in Argentina Reply, note 702. entina Rejoinder, paras. 960 et seq. ing, August 18, 2004, Vol. 8, at 1940-1941. ent by Ms. Lucy Reed, 20 August, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 10, at 2211. ins Report, June 11, , January 28, 2002, Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, UNGA Resolution 56/83, January 28, 2002, manent Court of International Justice, Chorzow Factory case, Merits, 1928, Series A No. 17, at 47; and comments by F. V. García-Amador: The Changing Law of International Claims Vol. II (Part Two), 34, para. 13, as cited in 200 Orr & Laube 201 Gould Marketing, Inc., Iran-U. S. C. T. Reports, Vol. 3, 147 202 Claimant’s Rejoinder, para. 304. 203 Claimant’s Rejoinder, para. 307. 204 Arg 205 Argentina Rejoinder, para. 981. 206 Hear 207 Hearing, August 18, 2004, Vol. 8, at 1941-1942. 208 Crawford, at 190. 209 Statem 210 See generally the Report of Mr. Fabián Bello on TGN’s indebtedness and the Word-Coll 2004. 211 Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, UNGA Resolution 56/83 Article 34. 212 Article 35. 213 Per , Vol. II, 1984, at 578-580. 214 Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, UNGA Resolution 56/83, January 28, 2002, Article 36.2. 215 Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, UNGA Resolution 56/83, January 28, 2002, Article 36.1. 216 Lusitania, RIAA, Vol. VII, 1923, p. 32, at 39, emphasis in original; and comments by James Crawford: The International Law Commission’s Articles on State Responsibility, 2002, at 178 et seq. 217 James Crawford: The International Law Commission’s Articles on State Responsibility, 2002, at 225, para. 21. 218 International Glossary of Business Valuation Terms, American Society of Appraisers, ASA website, June 6, 2001, p.4 147 odaran, “Investment Valuation”, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2002, pp.946-949.219 Dam /83, January 28, 2002, 2003) 220 Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, UNGA Resolution 56 Article 38. 221 Marvin Feldman v. Mexico, Award of December 16, 2002, 18 ICSID Review—FILJ 488 ( , par. 194. cal approach for the ello also states: “In most adequate ones ash flow method, which is the method used by Mr. Wood-Collins because that method is 9, at 1969. Dr. Bello, however, d; expert report of Dr. Fabián 222 Expert Report of Dr. Fabian Bello, June 11, 2004, at 24. 223 Mr. John Wood-Collins states: “DCF valuation, by contrast, is an appropriate and practi valuation of CMS's interest in TGN”, Valuation Report of 17 June 2002, p.5; Dr. Fabian B order to value a company, there’s different mechanisms that can be used. I consider that the are those that use the c the most effective one, the discounted method”, 19 August, 2004, Hearing, Vol. questions the way Mr. Wood-Collins has proceeded in applying the DCF metho Bello, June 11, 2004, par. 94. 224 Statement of Mr. Nigel Blackaby, August 20, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 10, at 2183. rt, March 2005, p. 7, . 7, . 7, . 228 Rebuttal Statement of witness for CMS Mr. T. Miller, March 16, 2004, p.5. 229 Statement by Ms. Lucy Reed, August 9, 2004, Hearing, Volume 1, at 28. 230 Statement by Ms. Lucy Reed, 20 August, 2004, Hearing, Vol. 10, at 2211. 231 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Series “6 month t. Bill, Secondary Market Rates, Weekly.” 225 The Economist Intelligence Unit, Argentina Country Repo 226 The Economist Intelligence Unit, Argentina Country Report, March 2005, p. 227 The Economist Intelligence Unit, Argentina Country Report, March 2005, p.