Petr Lavický 4. 5. 2010 Ò Ò ÒAppeal Ò ÒRevision Ò ÒCassation ÒA court considers ÉQuestions of law ÉQuestions of fact Ò ÒReplacement of the decision of the court below with the own decision of a court of appeal ÒA court considers ÉOnly questions of law ÉNot questions of fact Ò ÒA court of revision can replace the decision of the court below with its own ÒA cassation court considers ÉOnly questions of law ÉNot questions of fact ÒA defective decision ÉCould be quashed and the case remitted for the fresh decision ÉCannot be substituted by the decision of the cassation court ÒOrdinary recourse ÉAgainst decisions which are not in legal force Ò ÒExtraordinary recourse ÉAgainst decisions in legal force ÒAppeal („odvolání“) ÒFinal recourse („dovolání“) ÒAction for the reopening of the trial („žaloba na obnovu řízení“) ÒAction for nullity (žaloba pro zmatečnost“) ÒA form of recourse against first instance decision ÉJudgments – except so called petty cases (up to 10000 Kc) ÉOrders – more exceptions ÒTime limit – 15 days ÒReasons – questions of law, questions of fact ÒAppelate court is ÉCounty court, if the first instance court was the district court ÉSuperior court, if the first instance court was the county court ÒProceedings is divided between a court of first instance and appelate court ÒAppelate court can first instance decision ÉConfirm ÉReplace ÉQuash ÒA form of recourse against (second instance) appeal decision ÒAbout final recourse always decides the Supreme court of the Czech republic ÒAdmissibility ÉSeldom against procedural decisions ÉAgainst judgments ÐThat replaces first instance decision ÐThat confirms first instance decision, if there is a question of fundamental legal importance ÉValue of the case must be 50000 Kc or 100000 in business cases ÒSupreme courts decides usually without public hearing ÒCassation principle ÉOnly questions of law ÉSupreme court Ðcan quash the appelate decision Ðnot replace them ÒExtraordinary recourse against first or second instance decisions ÒReasons ÉNew fact or evidence, that wasn`t known in the original proceedings ÉIt is possible to realize evidence that couldn`t be realized in the original proceedings ÉIn both cases new fact or evidence must bring about better judgment for a party ÒExtraordinary recourse against first or second instance decisions ÒReasons – the heaviest errors of proceedings, f. e.: ÉAbsence of jurisdiction ÉAbsence of a capacity to be a party ÉBreach of a principle of res iudicata etc. Ò ÒProceeding according to the part V. Civil procedure code („CPC“) Ò ÒProceedings according the Code of administrative justice („CAJ“) ÒReview of decisions in private law cases ÉDecisions of the Czech telecommunication office in cases of paying fees for using telephones, cable TV etc. ÉDecisions concerning expropriation etc. ÒA civil court can`t quash the administrative decision ÒA court`s judgment replaces the administrative decision É ÒProtection of public rights ÒKinds of proceedings ÉActions against administrative decisions about public rights ÉProtection against the inaction of an administrative authority ÉProtection against an unlawful interference of an administrative authority Écompetence complaints ÉElection matters and matters of local referendum ÉMatters concerning political parties Ò ÒUse of public coercion to secure a claim from a execution title ÒEnforcement is regulated in ÉCPC – Part six ÐEnforcement is realized by civil courts ÉExecution order (law no. 120/2001) ÐEnforcement is ordered by a court and realized by a private executor ÒEnforceable court decisions granting a right, imposing an obligation or affecting property ÒEnforceable decisions by arbitrators and settlements approved by them ÒNotarial and executorial deeds with consent to enforceability drawn up in accordance with specific Acts ÒEnforceable decisions by public administrative authorities ÒDecisions by institutions of the European Communities; ÒOther titles whose judicial enforcement is permitted by law ÒAttachment of salary and other incomes ÒCompulsory debit ÒSale of movable and immovable assets ÒSale of a business ÒCreation of a judicial lien on immovable property Ò ÒEviction ÒSeizure of assets ÒDivision of common property ÒCompulsory performance of work and action Ò ÒBankruptcy ÉInability to make payment ÉOver-indebtedness É(more than 1 creditor in both cases) ÒInsolvency proceedings ÉIts aim is the best possible, equal satisfaction of the creditors Ò„Bankruptcy“ („konkurs“) ÒReorganization ÒDischarge form debts Ò