pruh+znak_PF_13_gray5+fialovy_RGB PF_PPT_en English for Lawyers - Introduction JUDr. Tereza Kyselovská PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 JUDr. Tereza Kyselovská Syllabus 1.Introduction 2.Syllabus 3.Study materials 4.Credit test, attendance n PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Introduction nJUDr. Tereza Kyselovská nDepartment of Private and European Law, room no. 234 nConsultations – Tuesday 11.10 – 12.40 n JUDr. Tereza Kyselovská PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Introduction nOther languages – German, French, Spanish… nSeminars, visiting foreign professors nSocrates/Erasmus n nVirtuální jazyková studovna nPrávnická fakulta – Mezinárodní spolupráce nMasarykova univerzita n n JUDr. Tereza Kyselovská PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Syllabus n3.10. What is law, prescriptive and descriptive law, customs and laws n10.10., 17.10. Sources of modern law,common law systems, continental systems n24.10., 31.11. Civil and public law, main categories n7.11. – 14.11. Judicial institutions, English courts n21.11. – 28.11. Lawyers at work, education, range of work, legalese n5.12. Credit test n12.12. Evaluation of the semestr n JUDr. Tereza Kyselovská PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Study materials - compulsory nInteractive syllabi, study materials nTexts, Vocabulary, Tests, Scans – Law Today nChromá, Marta. New introduction to legal English. Volume I. Univerzita Karlova, 2007 nChromá, Marta. New introduction to legal English. Volume II. Univerzita Karlova, 2007 nChromá, Marta. English-Czech law dictionary. Leda, 1997. nChromá, Marta. Czech -English law dictionary. Leda, 2001. n JUDr. Tereza Kyselovská PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Study materials - optional nPowell, Richard. Law today. 1. ed. Harlow : Longman, 1993 nKrois-Lindner, Amy – Firth, Matt. Introduction to International Legal English. CUP, 2008. nBlack, Henry Campbell. Blackův právnický slovník. Praha : Victoria Publishing, 1993. n JUDr. Tereza Kyselovská PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Study materials nDictionaries nChromá. English-Czech law dictionary, Czech -English law dictionary nMacmillian. English Disctionar n nOnline dictionaries – interactive tool n JUDr. Tereza Kyselovská PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Credit test, attendance n5.12. 2011 1.10 translations Czech – English 2.10 translations English – Czech 3.3 definitions of legal terms 4.2 open questions 5. nAttendance –1 n JUDr. Tereza Kyselovská PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Optional nOptional points nPresentations n„homeworks“ JUDr. Tereza Kyselovská PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 What is law? n„If you like laws and sausages, you should never watch either one being made.“ Otto von Bismarck n n„The law is what it is – a majestic edifice, sheltering all of us, each stone of which rests on another.“ John Gallsworthy n n„Wherever the law ends, tyranny begins.“ n John Locke n JUDr. Tereza Kyselovská PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 What is law? n„There is no jewel in the world comparable to learning, no learning so excellent as knowledge of laws.“ sir Edward Coke n n„We must not make a scarecrow of the law. Setting it up to fear the birds of prey and let it keep one shape ‘till custom make it their perch and not their terror.“ n William Shakespeare n JUDr. Tereza Kyselovská PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 What is law? n„Let all the laws be clear, uniform and precise. To interpret laws is almost always to corrupt them.“ Voltaire n n„Morality cannot be lagislated but behavior can be regulated. Judicial decrees may not change the heart, but they can restrain the heartless.“ Martin Luther King n n“Law cannot persuade where it cannot punish.“ Thomas Fuller n JUDr. Tereza Kyselovská PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Law and Lawyers nWilliam Shakespeare, Henry VI, part 2: n„First thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.“ JUDr. Tereza Kyselovská PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Introduction to Legal English nWrite down any English word connected to law (e.g. legal, judge, attorney… ) and try to explain. nThink about: nLegal profession nLegal expressions, terms in general nDifferent types of law nFaculty, university n„Legal“ movies, series n n JUDr. Tereza Kyselovská PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Introduction to legal English Adjective + noun Noun + noun Adjective + noun Verb + noun Noun of noun … law law … legal … … law … of law Civil law Law enforcement Legal term Apply law Role of law Tereza Kyselovská 16 PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Homework nPowell. Law Today nIntroduction to legal English, 1 What is law?, pp. 6 -13 nChromá I– Unit 1 nInteractive tool – 1 What is law? – vocabulary, tests nFilling in n JUDr. Tereza Kyselovská