ppt_CZ_uvod_final Internet and Free Speech (held on 2nd November 2010) MVV60K Media Law ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› Lecturer •Mgr. Jaromír Šavelka •Institute of Law and Technology •Faculty of Law •Masaryk University •Room no. s61 (office hours Tue 14:30 – 16:30) • •Email: jaromir.savelka@law.muni.cz Phone: +420 549 495 377 ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› OVERVIEW OF THE LECTURE •Internet and Free Speech ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› OVERVIEW OF THE LECTURE • •The Control over the Internet • •Free Speech issues arising on the Internet • ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› THE CONTROL OVER THE INTERNET •Internet and Free Speech ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› The Control over the Internet Overview •Introduction to the history and workings of the Internet • •„Golden Age“ of the Internet and its end (beginnings of the World Wide Web) • •„Silver Age“ of the Internet (beginnings of the Internet Regulation) • •Future –„Age of Steel“ at the Internet? ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› History of the Internet •„The applications of science have built man a well-supplied house, and are teaching him to live healthily therein. They have enabled him to throw masses of people against one another with cruel weapons. They may yet allow him truly to encompass the great record and to grow in the wisdom of race experience.“ • •VannevarBush, As WeMay Think (1945) ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› History of the Internet •First networks appear in the sixties of the 20th century –Experimental network in Great Britain (1968) –ARPANET in the USA (1969) •The development towards nowadays Internet follows –TCP/IP protocol (idea from 1973) –DNS (1984) –WWW (the proposal published in 1989) https://www.csc-ballston.com/baa/DARPA_Logo.jpg ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› History of the Internet •The Internet as we know it appears after 1993 –Graphical browser MOSAIC (1992) –Netscape Communications (1993) –Netscape Navigator (1994) – •Commercialization and wide introduction of the Internet –more then a billion of users (2006) http://freeallsoftwares.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Netscape-Navigator.jpg ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› Workings of the Internet •Global system of interconnected computer networks •TCP/IP, WWW, e-mail, DNS http://xspblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/jitcrunch.jpg ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› History of the Internet •„The golden age was first; when man, yet new, •no rule but uncorrupted reason knew, •and, with a native bent, did good pursue. •Unforced by punishment, unawed by fear, •his words were simple, and his soul sincere; •Needless was written law, where none oppressed; •The law of man was written in his breast!“ • •PubliusOvidius Naso, Metamorphoses ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› The Golden Age of the Internet • • • • • • •John Perry Barlow (USA) http://www.njla.org/conference/2007/johnbarlow.png ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› The Golden Age of the Internet •John Perry Barlow –An advocate of separate legal regime for the Internet –Has popularized Internet –A co-founder of Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) –Has initiated the opposition agains „Communications Decency Act“ –A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› The Golden Age of the Internet •„Communication Decency Act … • • • • • • •… is unconstitutional! http://law.marquette.edu/facultyblog/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/stevens1.jpg ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› The Golden Age of the Internet • Jon Postel • • • • • • • Vint Cerf http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/44/Jon_Postel.jpg/250px-Jon_Postel.jpg http://blogs.praized.com/seb/files/2007/10/vint-cerf-google.jpg ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› The Golden Age of the Internet •„Founding fathers“ of the Internet – Larry Roberts, Robert Kahn, Vint Cerf, Jon Postel, Dave Clark –Academic workers sponsored by the government – engineers that have been given a task to create Internet –Authors of TCP/IP, SMTP –The originality of the Internet lies in its open, minimalistic and neutral nature –Internet Enginneering Task Force (IETF) –Decisions based on consensus ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› The Golden Age of the Internet • • •At the end of the eighties it was widely believed that the Internet has got a potential to erase national borders and substantially weaken the position of national governments. http://www.sprava-it.com/images/www.jpg http://i.lidovky.cz/09/063/lngal/ANI2bfc4e_Internet_ilustracni_foto.jpg ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› History of the Internet •„Succeeding times a silver age behold, (…) •Then summer, autumn, winter did appear; •And spring was but a season of the year; (…) •And shivering mortals, into houses driven, (…) •And oxen laboured first beneath the yoke.“ • • •PubliusOvidius Naso, Metamorphoses ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› The Silver Age of the Internet •The key point regarding the control of Internet is the management of DNS Servers (Internet Naming and Numbering Authority; root authority) – – = http://www.google.cz/ – –A domain name can be of incredible value ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› The Silver Age of the Internet •Initially the management of DNS servers had been in the hands of the „founding fathers“ – Jon Postel •Since 1990 the authority is shared with Network Solutions Inc. (NSI) – it is necessary to pay for a domain name! •The Internet turns into something the „founding fathers“ have never wanted it to be => they struggle to regain full control ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› The Silver Age of the Internet •The leader of the efforts – Vint Cerf –Internet Society (ISOC) – –International Ad Hoc Committee (IAHC) – –General TopLevel Domain Memorandum of Understanding (gTLD-MoU) – „MoUvement“ – –International Council of Registrars (CORE) ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› The Silver Age of the Internet • • • • • • •Ira Magaziner http://www.oecd.org/vgn/images/portal/cit_731/39/53/41408451Ira%20Magaziner.jpg ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› The Silver Age of the Internet • •Ira Magaziner –Assembled a team of negotiators and persuaded Vinton Cerf to give up MoUvement – –Regularly visited IETF assemblies and eventually stopped MoUvement for good => CORE has not become the DNS authority ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› The Silver Age of the Internet •28th January1998 •Hello. •As the Internet develops there are transitions in the management arrangements. The time has come to také a small step in one of those transitions. At some point on down the road it will be appropriate for the Root domain to be edited and published directly by the IANA. •As a small step in this direction we would like to have the secondaries for the Root domain pull the Root zone (by zone transfer)directly from IANA’s own name server. •This is „DNSROOT.IANA.ORG“ with address •(…) • •-jon. ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› The Silver Age of the Internet •Ira Magaziner calls Postel and informs him about the illegality of the deed •Postel claims it is just a test •Within several days the authority is returned to the servers within the control of USA •Similar „test“ would be considered a crimminal offence in the future •Jon Postel dies within 9 months ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› The Silver Age of the Internet •Jon Postel •(„God of the Internet“) http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/archive/4/44/20060328141432!Jon_Postel.jpg http://images.usatoday.com/news/_photos/2005/11/15/postel-inside.jpg http://www.postel.org/remembrances/18postel.jpg http://news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia/195000/images/_196487_postel300.jpg ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› ICANN •Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers –New „root authority“ – –The control remained within the USA, but routine administrative tasks performed by ICANN – –Opposition from Europe => an authority to over trade mark disputes transfered to WIPO http://www.icann.org/images/icannlogo.jpg ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› ICANN • http://www.ntra.gov.eg/images/ICANN-Chart.jpg ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› ICANN •ICANN was able to accomplish for what it was initially set up: –Decentralization of domain names assignment – –Substantial reduction of registration fees – –An effective systém of trade mark disputes – –No disturbances regarding the Internet ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› ICANN •The actual control over the Internet belongs to USA • •UN struggles for the control, but unsuccessfully • •The importance of the Internet is growing ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› National Borders Penetrate into the Internet •Grounds for the Internet „divide“ –Languages –Geographical areas –Commerce – distribution of goods • •Geolocation –„Choose your country“ –Tracing packet – a list of computers visited on the way –99 % probability of correctness ppt_CZ_vnitrek_final ‹#› Presence and the Future •„Hard steel succeeded then; •And stubborn as the metal were the men. •Truth, modesty, and shame, the world forsook; •Fraud, avarice, and force, their places took. (…) •Then landmarks limited to each his right; •For all before was common as a light.“ • •PubliusOvidius Naso, Metamorphoses ppt_CZ_uvod_final Thank you for your attention! Time for your questions … (jaromir.savelka@law.muni.cz)