1 1 2011-10-10 1 PPT图片1 Chinese Promoting The Transformation Of S&T Achievements Law Song Wei songwei@ustc.edu.cn ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black ãScience and technology is the first productive force. ã ã Overview Of S&T Innovations And Achievements Independent innovation capability not only lies in the achievements in scientific research but also in the process of achievements transformation. p2011810_585390 ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black Conversion rate of S&T achievements 20% 5% 5% Commercialization rate of S&T achievements Transaction rate of patent The situation of China's S&T achievements 1 1 1 ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black Analyse the existing problems in China's S&T achievements transformation 3 Improper distribution of interests Goal oriented imbalance 1 1 2 Assessment not reasonable and scientific 1 1 Lack of consciousness of IP 4 1 ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black ãMany R&D institutions think highly of theories while neglect applications. ã 1 Goal oriented imbalance ãPapers and awards are preferred and numerous S&T research achievements have no application value. illustration_01 ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black ãThere is no perfect S&T achievements evaluation system in China. ã 2 Assessment not reasonable and scientific ãS&T research achievements are out of line with the needs of market. s072 ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black ãRules on benefit distribution are too general and lack operabilities. ã ãS&T institutions ignored the interests of transformers and managers so it leads to the inefficiency of S&T achievements transformations. 3 Improper distribution of interests 2289745_175452520757_2 ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black ãSome researchers are incapable of looking up and using patent documents so they did a lot of repeated works and wasted huge amount of money and time. ã 4 Lack of consciousness of IP ãBecause of the lack of consciousness of IP, 15% of Chinese brands have been registered abroad by foreign enterprises . 2009052017100848765 ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black Strengthen the IP protection during the process of S&T innovations and achievements transformation 1 2 3 4 Build service platform to boost S&T innovation Help enterprises establish R&D institutions Promote external S&T communication and cooperation Put policies into practice to stimulate independent innovation ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black 5 6 7 Administrate according to the law to create good atmosphere Formulate S&T innovation incentive policies Raise the awareness of IP protection ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black DO_circle001 1 Build service platform to boost S&T innovation Technology Center Promotion Center Research Center Serving product development、marketing、transformation、management and personnel training ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black DO_circle001 2 Help enterprises establish R&D institutions Promote enterprises S&T progress Provincial R&D center Experiment center Testing center ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black DO_circle001 3 Promote external S&T communication and cooperation light_shadow_m circuler_1 circuler_1 circuler_1 light_shadow_m Universities Research institutes Enterprises The goverment holds communication and cooperation activities to strengthen exchanges ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black ãSupport private S&T enterprises ã ãSet up innovation funds for small and medium-sized S&T enterprises DO_circle001 4 Put policies into practice to stimulate independent innovation 2009_12_14_11_00_29_625 ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black ãIntensify service and improve work efficiency ã ãIncrease IP protection efforts to protect the rights of enterprises and patentees DO_circle001 5 Administrate according to the law to create good atmosphere 4c87e3a1e243c567fa53bc109b3ec035 ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black DO_circle001 6 Formulate S&T innovation incentive policies circuler_1 Incensive policies Taxation preference Funds Drawback House Post Tax incentives ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black DO_circle001 7 Raise the awareness of IP protection a IP awareness of leaders b IP awareness of managers c IP awareness of researchers ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black ãThis law is enacted for the purpose of promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces, standardizing such transformation, hastening scientific and technological progress and facilitating economic and social development. Principle of the law of promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements The phrase "transformation of scientific and technological achievements" as used in this Law means the entire process of the follow-up tests, development, application and widespread use of the applicable scientific and technological achievements, made as a result of scientific research and technological development, through to the final creation of new products, new techniques, new materials and new industries -- all for the purpose of enhancing the productive forces. 2010919162136 ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black ãArticle 7 The State, by adopting appropriate policies and measures, promotes and encourages the use of advanced technology, techniques and equipment and continued improvement, restricted use and elimination of backward technology, techniques and equipment. ã ãArticle 8 When making arrangements for transformation of major scientific and technological achievements, the people's governments at various levels may have relevant departments to arrange for the transformation through public bidding. These departments shall provide the successful tender with the funds and other conditions that they decided to offer when making the bidding. untitled ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black 9,Holders of scientific and technological achievements may have their achievements transformed in the following ways: * 1. investing in the transformation themselves; * 2.transferring their achievements to another; * 3. allowing another to use their achievements; * 4.working together with another for the transformation with their achievements as the conditions for cooperation; * 5.investing with their achievements as trade-in, as converted shares or as proportions of contribution to the investment. ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black ãArticle 11 An enterprise shall, according to law, have the right to conduct transformation of scientific and technological achievements independently or jointly with domestic or foreign enterprises or institutions or other collaborators. ã ãAn enterprise may, through fair competition, undertake the projects, arranged by the government, for scientific and technological research and development or for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements independently or jointly with another. 200951515047176 06840bfcede543339ca356713411d75a ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black ãArticle 12 The State encourages research and development institutions, colleges and universities and other institutions to join efforts with manufacturers for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. ã ãResearch and development institutions, colleges and universities and other institutions may participate in the bidding or tendering conducted by relevant departments of the government or enterprises for transformation of scientific and technological achievements. 1101111105dfab063e75d6b319 8805462ada10ea4b86ad00d23cc1f321 The number of cooperation project of Industry, Education and Academy ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black 17,In places or agencies set up according to law for the exchange of technology, the following activities to promote transformation of scientific and technological achievements may be conducted: ã(4) providing other advisory services for transformation of scientific and technological achievements. (1) introducing or recommending scientific and technological achievements that are advanced, matured and applicable; (2) providing economic, technological, environmental and other information needed for transformation of scientific and technological achievements; (3) trading in technologies; ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black ãArticle 21 Of the funds the government allocates to scientific and technological undertakings, to investment in fixed assets and to technological updating, a certain proportion shall be used for transforming scientific and technological achievements. ã This proportion of government funds shall be chiefly used as initiation funds, discount loans, subsidy funds, risk investment and other funds for promoting transformation of scientific and technological achievements. ã ãArticle 22 The State adopts a preferential tax policy regarding transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council. 20041009X1 %B4%B4%D0%C2%BB%F9%BD%F0 ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black ãArticle 24 The State encourages establishment of funds or risk funds for transformation of scientific and technological achievements, such funds shall be raised by the State, local authorities, enterprises, institutions and other organizations and individuals and shall be used to aid transformation of such scientific and technological achievements as need substantial investment, involve considerable risks and promise high yields and to accelerate the application of major scientific and technological achievements in industrial production. ã Funds and risk funds for transformation of scientific and technological achievements shall be established and used in accordance with relevant regulations of the State. ã ã Article 25 The State promotes the establishment and expansion of scientific and technological information networks and the establishment of a data bank of scientific and technological achievements, both of which shall provide information services regarding such achievements throughout the country. ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black Legal responsibility ãArticle 32 Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of this Law, deliberately provides a false testing result or evaluation certificate after testing or evaluating a scientific or technological achievement shall be ordered to put it right and given a disciplinary warning, his illegal gains shall be confiscated, and the institution that arranged for the testing and the evaluation institution shall each be imposed with a fine. If the cases is serious, the business license and qualification certificate shall be revoked. If economic losses are caused to another, civil liability for compensation shall be borne in accordance with law. ãArticle 33 Employees of administrative departments for science and technology and other relevant departments of the people's governments at various levels who neglect their duties or practice irregularities for personal gain shall be given administrative sanctions; if the case constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with law. ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black Promote the transformation of S&T achievements Strengthen the innovative capability Boost the economy significantly 1 2 3 4c87e3a1e243c567fa53bc109b3ec035 公共事务学院模板-国际合作-页眉 PPT图片2 中国科学技术大学公共事务学院 @ 2011 28 28 公共事务学院模板-国际合作-封底