1 1 2011-10-10 1 PPT图片1 China’ s Science And Technology Policy Song Wei songwei@ustc.edu.cn ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black History of China’s S&T policies START 1949 1956 1956 1963 • Established the Chinese Academy of Sciences • • Established the China's state commission of science and technology •Set out long-range development plan of science and technology (1956-1967) •Established the national program planning for science and technology (1963-1972) At the beginning of the founding of PRC, the importance of S&T was realized by China’s central government. ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black The founding of The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) W020090915404200000498 109eb7ec7879407c63d09f63 ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black 1978 1983 1984 1993 •Hold the national science conference and passed the national program planning for science and technology development • • •Set out the science and technology development plan during the period of the seventh five-year plan • Issued The Law of the People's Republic of China on Science and Technology Progress •Established the long-term program planning for science and technology (1986-2000) • ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black “The development of science and technology must insist on the principle of be independent and self-made.” “We also need to learn the advanced science and technology from other countries.” 045 9787509302491 ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black 1997 1998 2006 2011 • Put forward the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education and the strategy of sustainable development • •Set out The National Medium- and Long-Term Program for Science and Technology Development (2006-2020) • Published The PRC 12th national economic and social development five year plan and write “change the development mode and create a new scientific development situation” in it. •Hold the national technology innovation conference • ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black “To speed up the development of strategic new industry is inevitable requirement for the construction of innovation-oriented country.” “Strengthen basic research and frontier research and further deepen the reform of the system of science and technology.” 0942303 W020091125478882695310 ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black 1 Guiding Principles & Development Goals & Overall Deployment Main Areas Frontier Technologies Basic Research 4 1 2 3 The National Medium- and Long-Term Program for Science and Technology Development (2006-2020) 170738_3640187 ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black Reform of the S&T System & the Construction of a National Innovation System Major Policies & Measures S&T Input and S&T Infrastructure Platforms Talented Workforce Buildup 8 5 6 7 “Implement this program seriously and create a new situation of the development of science and technology in China.” 100591006 ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black Guiding Principles Indigenous innovation enhancing original innovation, integrated innovation, and re-innovation based on assimilation and absorption of imported technology, in order improve our national innovation capability Leapfrogging in priority fields select and concentrate efforts in those key areas of relative strength and advantage linked to the national economy and people’s livelihood as well as national security, to strive for breakthroughs and realize leaping developments Enabling development attempt to strive for breakthroughs in key, enabling technologies that are urgently needed for the sustainable and coordinated economic and social development. Leading the future a vision in deploying for frontier technologies and basic research, which will, in turn, create new market demands and new industries expected to lead the future economic growth and social development ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black General Objectives noticeably enhance basic research noticeably improve frontier technology development ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black Development Goals ã ãBy 2020: ã the nation’s gross expenditures on R&D (GERD) are expected to rise to ã ã the rate of S&T contribution to the economy reaching ã ã dependence on imported technology reduced to ã ã the annual invention patents granted to Chinese nationals ã and the international citations of scientific papers moving into the 3% or above 60% or above 30% or below Top 5 countries ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black Overall Deployment ãIn the next 15 years, China’s S&T undertakings will be deployed as follows : 1 2 3 Implement some special major projects that are in line with national objectives, and will lead to the leaping development or fill up a blank Identify a number of priority areas, break through some major technological snags To respond to future challenges, advance deployment will be made for frontier technologies and basic research topics 4 Deepen the S&T system reform by perfecting relevant policies and measures, increasing S&T investment, strengthening the buildup of S&T talents ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black Main Areas ãMain areas refer to such industries and sectors that are both critical to economic and social development and national security and in dire need of S&T support Energy Water & Mineral Resources Environment Agriculture Manufacturing Transportation Information industry Health Urbanization & City Development Public Security National defense Service Industry ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black Frontier Technologies ãFrontier technologies are selected in accordance with the following principles : -1. representing the development direction of world high-tech frontiers - -2. having a pioneering role in shaping and developing new industries in the future - -3. being conducive to industrial technology upgrading and for realizing the leapfrogging development - -4. possessing a strong team of talented personnel and a sound R&D basis ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black Biotechnology Information Technology Advanced Manufacturing Technology Marine Technology Advanced Materials Technology Aerospace Technology Lasers Technology Advanced Energy Technology ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black Basic Research Disciplinary Development Frontier Scientific Issues Basic Research in Response to Major National Strategic Needs Major Scientific Research Programs 1.Basic disciplines 2.Cross and emerging disciplines 1.Quantitative study & systematic integration of life process 2.Condensed matters & novel effects 3.Matters’ deep inner structures & physical laws at cosmological scale 4.Core mathematics &its application in cross disciplines 5.Earth system process & associated resources, environment, & disaster effects 6.Chemical processes in creating & transforming new matters 7.Brain and cognitive sciences 8.Innovation in scientific experiments, observational methods, tech, & equipment 1.Protein studies 2.Quantum regulation studies 3.Nanometer studies 4.Growth and reproduction studies ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black Reform of the S&T System & the Construction of a National Innovation System promoting the full-fledged construction of a national innovation system with Chinese characteristics focusing on S&T resources distribution efficiency and comprehensive integration effecting a breakthrough in building an enterprise- centered technological innovation system featuring the integration of industry, academia, and research drastically enhance the nation’s indigenous innovation capability Guiding Thoughts ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black The S&T system reform will strive to accomplish the following major missions: Supporting & Encouraging Enterprises to Become the Main Player in Technological Innovation 1 2 3 4 Vigorously Pushing Forward the Construction of a National Innovation System with Chinese Characteristics Deepening Institutional Reform & establishing a Modern Research Institute System Advancing the S&T Management System Reform Picture1 Picture1 Picture1 Picture1 ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black Major Policies & Measures 1.Financial and Taxation Policies Encouraging Technological Innovation at the Enterprise Level 2. Strengthening assimilation and absorption of imported technologies, and re-innovation 3. Government Procurement Favoring Indigenous Innovation 4. Intellectual Property Rights Strategy and Technology Standards Strategy 5. Policies Encouraging Innovation Education for Experienced Workers ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black 6. Accelerating the Industrialization of High Technologies and the Diffusion of Advanced Appropriate Technologies 7. Perfecting the Mechanism for Combining Defense and Civilian Sectors, and Making Defense Part of the Civilian Sector 8. Expanding International and Regional S&T Cooperation and Exchanges 9. Improving Scientific and Cultural Literacy of the Entire Nation and Building a Social Environment Conducive to S&T innovation ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black S&T Input and S&T Infrastructure Platforms ã ãS&T input and basic facilities platforms constitute a material basis for S&T innovation, and an important prerequisite and a fundamental guarantee for sustainable S&T development. ã ãCompared with the developed and emerging industrialized nations, the nation’s total and intensity of S&T input remains insufficient, with irrational aspects in the investment structure, and a weak S&T infrastructure. ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black Drastically increasing its input in S&T activities and strengthening the construction basic S&T facilities : 1 2 Strengthening the Construction of S&T Infrastructure Platforms Establishing a Diversified, Multi-channel S&T Input System Readjusting & Optimizing Input Structures, & Raising the Cost-effectiveness of S&T Expenditures Establishing a Mechanism for Sharing S&T infrastructure Platforms 3 4 320093393432562 ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black Talented Workforce Buildup 2 3 4 5 1 S&T innovation is rooted in S&T personnel: 1.Accelerating the Nurturing of a Contingent of world caliber experts 2.Bring into Full Play the Important Role of Education in Cultivating Innovative Talents 3.Supporting Enterprises’ Efforts in Nurturing and Attracting S&T Talents 4.Intensifying Efforts in Attracting High Caliber Talents From Overseas 5.Creating a Culture Environment Conducive to the Nurturing of Innovative Talents ‹#› University of Science & Technology of China October 10, 2011 logo_new_black ãThe implementation of the outline of the National medium and long term S&T development plan calls for a strengthened leadership and coordination as it has a broad coverage, long time span, and demanding requirements. Effective measures shall be adopted to ensure the implementation of the missions defined in the Outline. 公共事务学院模板-国际合作-页眉 PPT图片2 中国科学技术大学公共事务学院 @ 2011 26 26 公共事务学院模板-国际合作-封底