NARRATIVE REPORT PAGE 1 OF 3 £?SUPP □ CORR □ DEL! 0i.rt oay shift platoon &adoei badge 2 incident j—J clh arrest r~\ unf PfllU class th incident NUUBER 08-22- THUR 02 04 3044 | status n cl* except r ,nact 1300-2 i 8265 i i i l i ii 1 ' 1 1 III LJ LJ ill . 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 02 03 ADDITIONAL INFO On 8/19/ , I, Det. (3Vn rvi-f A", was contacted by 04 Sub j ect/^jfcL-ci ~ n «*n 2- • s'ie verified that she had "tentative plans" to 05 meet Suspecy'xWs£j in Ann Arbor on 7/30/' . She related that they 06 had gone to Indiana with another friend, Eric ^(^(^, the previous 07 weekend (7/27-7/28) and, on the return trip, had discussed getting 08 back together on Tuesday evening. She said they planned the meeting 09 to prepare for an upcoming vacation. She said it was planned for 10 later in the evening because Suspect/^0^ &\ was busy doing field 11 research during the day. Subject/*~ Phr)^stated that the only 12 time she saw Suspect^f^QSCk \ • on 7/30/96 was after AJ<3£&f's' police 13 interview. Additionally, she said that, in the morning, Sub j ect/ *^d\{ (\£< had called asking for Suspect/. f\ 0£ (k\ and sounded 15 • ~ J upset. 16 Sub j ect/'JfyfjiiA ~\\>Y)£.related the following information 17 -.......---— f- " f--1-■- regarding Suspect/jNJqs£L / and Sub j ect^ fy£^"«n °) 's relationslliP • Sne 18 recalled that, the previous Tuesday (7/23/ ), Suspect^ j\jo£C?v) 19 "mentioned that things were winding down" in their relationship. She 20 added that, on the return trip from Indiana (7/28), Suspect./ f\oS>(>\ 21 1 was excited because she had met a new guy (^\)(J.V 0^1 and had discussed 22 breaking up with Sub j ect/f^^H f\(^ during their upcoming vacation. 23 Sub j ect/. 2s)dLc\ine said Suspect/ \\ QC,^\ was talking "like ^Hb/Q, 24 ..... I (Cl^vC^l fY^ was history" and it made no sense for her to attack 25 Victim/^jti(?£fV\(Xn ■ Note' she also related that, Suspect^/|\Zo£t>v( told 26 her, "she didn't think it would work out with^llty^ because-if she were _ 1 serious about a relationship- it would need to be monogamous" and "she 28 -^ was/is Victim/ tycJjQfQj)'' s lover At this time, attempts to contact Subject/ ^and Subject/ syQ^((c^ ■ for additional information have been unsuccessful STATUS/DISPOSITION Active NARRATIVE REPORT . PAGE ' OF ! S_supp □ corr □ dei DATE I DAY SHIFT PLATOON BADGE 1 RADGE 2 INCIDENT Q OLB ARflEST Q UHF PKU CLAM IR INCIDENT NUMBER 02 03 VICTIM POLYGRAPH On 8/20/ , at approximately 0900 hours. Victim j 04 ^MCXJ^^-H was 9:'-ven a polygraph examination, conducted by Det. Frank 05 ^)(l|SlA' a^ ^e Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department. Results from 06 the test were positive and Victim/Cj^^^^/^ deemed truthful. 07 STATUS/DISPOSITION Active 08 09 10 11 12 13 i 1 /■'■ .4 15 16 ( i 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 "<\ 27 28 m - —--A__ 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 NARRATIVE REPORT PAGE. supp □ cohr □ del DATE n&^Á,'.... OAT MD,k! SHIFT PI A TOON OH BAOGf 1 BADGE 2 INCIDENT r—J cm ARflEST Q UN F STATUS r—j OA EXCEPT Q INACT P«1m CLASS <" INCIDENT NUMBER RS-CONTACT SUSPSCT Several unsuccessful attempts were made to e-contact Suspect^ t\ QS(/\ for a follow-up interview. Subsequently, I, Det. <£yf ^(Lj , was contacted by an attorney, (TX= 751- ), who advised he was representing Suspect f\QS(KJ) • He stated that Suspect/ ^JoS^5 was not available and would make no further statements. Additionally, he indicated that she would surrender when/if a warrant is issued. Subj act/ 10 was re-conwaci.e( and recalled his last discussion with Suspect ^|(*)$aJ| ~ concerning their relationship. Ke said it occurred during an 5.C.A. camping event (previously noted-see interviews with suspect and victim). He related that Suspeci was crying and felt that he didn't really care about her. Subji said he reassured he: bu never gave her the impression that he wanted to get more serious. He said suspeci never gave him an ultimatum or told him that, if he wanted a serious relationship, he would have to pursue her. Subject/ i stated that he was "always clear tha came :irst, always would and nothing would change it" ._ Subjec L5 said he "did not want a serious relationship with (^(\(0\ and never led her to believe {he} did"._{Note: Subject/" j^-^ l"^yvV Subj ec had dated Victin/A/^Q-gjfy\(jfy and was her lover.} }ft\ \ 'j sub-!ect/|<^l'lv| was also NARRATIVE REPORT PAQEj2-OF 0 supp □ cop.r □ deli SHIFT PLATOON SAOGf I BADGE 2 INCIDENT r~J OJI ARREST STATUS [—] CLR EXCEPT □ INACT PRW CLASS Y R INCIDENT NUUBER contacted. Ke verified that, approximately a year ago, he had observed a couple knife/swords at Suspec s apartment - but "not a knife collection". He related that, at the time, Suspect fJó StkV lived in a different apartment and the weapons were hung on a wall as decoration. He said both weapons were actually "short swords", approximately 20" inches in total length. He related that both were "distinctively weapons" and did not look like tools. Ke indicated that both had 12-14" inch blades; but one curved, approx. 3"inches, from the handle and widened to a heavy "ax-like" end "used for a chopping motion". He recalled that both weapons/were very ornamental and neither had a completely wooden handle. > IJpte, neithe: described weapon matched the description or drawing provided by Victim/^l">0€,rV7(5Lr\. Subject ^£JJX| said that the victim and the suspect are both friends and he could not offer insight into the attack because he was "not taking sides" INTERVIEW SUBJECT/ '^(^N Additionally, contact was made with S-Libject/^rk*- He confirmed that he was with Suspect/ fy/t^i^i) on Monday, 7/29/ , until midnight. He said they met at an S.C.A. meeting and went to the "Riviera" cafe, afterward. Subject/ said they talked about their past weekend at Purdue and the new guy that Suspect ^OSfAj had met while discussed upcoming vacation plans and Suspect/*^, down there. They 's intentions to I ) 3 1 2 3 s 5 6 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ?« 27 28 NARRATIVE REPORT PAGE [Sf SUPP □ cohh □ delete oat MO,nJ SHIFT PLATOON BAOG£ 1 BADGE 2 INCIDENT fj cl* arrest Q UNF status fj cl« EXCEPT Q inact p«u out YR INCIDENT NUMBER -^^^^^^0^'' there. Additionally, lie said they "discussed ^j^-mrd— how shp didn't think it was going anywhere",-Subject/^^^said that Suspect had called Subject ^'yl'h'H^^ on Monday night, 7/29/ , because she wanted to tell him that she had met a new guy, r.e s aid Suspect ^}o<^&$ tried to arrange to see Sub j ect/f^-^-f^y-i/ on dr' Tuesday, 7/30/ because she "didn't want to do it over the telephone". Note, Subject/ P#aK. related that he is friends with IT. Subject fv^^JACj and Victim/^t>4t/V^(Xt^/ to°- Ke said that Vict <^ho~£ty\J5.A never specifically came up as a topic on Monday, 7/29/ Ke related that Suspect^ft O^fxi^ "had said she can't keep dati ting Cjt. '-WZ. because he has someone else and that's not what she wants". Subjeci ^Jt\C indicated that Suspect/^Q^Q^ had intentions to pursue a relationship with ") Oil" STATUS/DISPOSITION Active