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PLATE TYPE CODES: PC: PASSENGER AUTO CO: COMMERCIAL Me: MOTORCYCLE TK: TRUCX MP: MOPED DL: DEALER VEHICLE TYPE CODES: PA: PASSENGER VA: VAN PU: PICKUP' CY: CYCLE MO: MOPED 8M: SNOWMOBILE OR: ATV ;J!l .?o-u ~ CASE NUMBER: _ORIGINAL ~p VICTIM DATA: INDIVIDUAL ___BUSINESS SOCIETY *OTHER: OFFENSE CODEs PERPETRATED AGAINST VICTIM:---- INJURY CODE: V/O REL.: I I LINKED TO SUSPECT#:: 123 ----------------------------------- SUBJECT DATA: WITNESS _COMPLAINANT ~HER SUSPECT UNKNOWN SUSPECT SUSPECT USED: A D C N NAME: f~~f~ I S~c)-\l I KtLt-\P-.RD ADDRESS: \(~T\""\E..\<..\t\..l\C:. ~L, I ·bN~ ~J<-~C~ STATE: \\AT ZIP: L\:t\Cf\ HOME TX:~_ __- -WORK TX: _ RACE/sEX: WI N\ DOB: \-d-S-q~ AGE: d-S- HGT/WGHT: I _ HAIR: ---- EYES:--- BUILD: --- CO~.PLEXION:------- OPS #:: ----------- STATE: BIRTH PLACE:------- SID #:: FBI#:: ------ H-os.? \l1'\ '- SE<:"Ll R IT~ ___ S.s.#:: ---------- DESCRIPTION: cJ-~ VICTIM DATA: INDIVIDUAL BUSINESS SOCIETY *OTHER: ------ OFFENSE CODEs PERPETRATED AGAINST VICTIM: INJURY CODE: ---- VIO REL.: I __I LINKED TO SUSPECT#: 123 SUBJECT DATA: WITNESS COMPLAINANT OTHER SUSPECT UNKNOWN SUSPECT SUSPECT USED: A C D N NAME : 1 1 _ ADDRESS : 1 _ STATE: ZIP: --- HOME TX : _ WORK TX: ------ RACE/SEX: __I_ DOB: _ AGE: _ HGT/WHGT: I ------ HAIR:---- EYES: _ BUILD: _ COMPLEXION: ------ OPS #: ----------- STATE: BIRTH PLACE: ------- S.S.#:: ---------- SID *:------- FBI#:: ------- DESCRIPTION: _ NARRATIVE REPORTpAG~oFl X){] supp 0 CORR o D 0... TE IDAY I$O;T r~~ooNI3~4 ~OOE 2 IINCIDENT 0 CU' ARREST o UNF I~wcuaa IVR IHCIDENT NUWBER 1... 08-12- MON I STATIJS 0 ell! EX~PT -(J INACT 1:°9-2, I 8265 I I I I I I I 1 I ' I , , I I I I I 02 03 NATURE Aggravated/Felonious Assault investigation 04 INFORMATION On 7/30/ I, Det. Err-I me-s ' was dispatched to a crime 05 scene at 39 Breckland Drive, Ann Arbor, Michigan, to assist Det. 06 sgt. j\/\[0 ~e.H with scene processing. Officer f 'sk , Det. Sgt. 07 Me f\e.J( and sgt. Ly+-e.r were on the scene upon my arrival. Officer 08 r:!sk completed interviews, attempted to contact neighbors and 09 canvassed the area for weapons. Det. Sgt. ' Me. Re.) { . , Sgt. L'1 +-e-v- and 10 I processed the scene with the victims' live-in boyfriend, 11 Subject/ \-c(eJ-l·n,3 " , present. 12 SCENE The scene was located at a condominium complex consisting of 13 four units per building. The incident occurred in the last unit on yygJhalr were In 0, .. the south end of the building. The unit had four points of entry; a 15 door attached to the garage, a side door at the extreme south end of 16 the building, a balcony with a sliding glass door and a basement patio 17 with a sliding glass door. All doors were secured with the exception 18 of the balcony door and the side door located on the end of the 19 building. Per Officer FISk:. :' s original report, and contact with the - 20 victim, the victim had escaped her attacker through the side door. ~~ '---"""" 21 Observations of the side door revealed a small amount of blood on the 22 exterior and a large amount of smeared blood on the interior, just -23 above the doorknob. 24 Inside the unit, clumps of blood soaked hair were lying on 25 the floor in the living room near the front door and small amounts of ,..~ an ad":oinin hallwa The same hallwa wall was smeared 27 with blood stains. The hallway led to a bedroom. On the bed, blood 28 NARRATIVE REPORT r PAG~ OF i/ XB supp 0 CORA 0 DEI,... rE IDAY IS~; r~~ooNI ;;4'4 IAOOE 2 IINCIOENT 0 ClR ARflE8T o UNF I~I'" CLA&a IYR I INCIDENT NUWBER lJ, 08-12- MON I ST.t.TUS 0 CLII EXCEPT EJ INACT 1,30~-~ I 8265 I I I I I , I I I I I I I t ! I! I I 02 03 stained blankets were piled at the end of the mattress and the lower 04 portion of the sheets were bloodstained. Carpet beside the bed, and 05 at the end of the bed, was heavily soiled with blood stains and more 06 strands of bloody hair were found. Checks of all rooms in the unit 07 revealed no signs of the weapons used. 08 PHOTOGRAPHS The scene was photographed by Det. Sgt. M<--RbLl. using 09 a Polaroid Spectra System instant camera. A total of nine pictures 10 were taken of the scene. 11 SEARCH/EVIDENCE A search of the apartment for weapons was 12 unsuccessful. I, Det. ~RIM~S', collected the hair samples and 13 preserved them as evidence in plain manila envelopes marked with the The hair appeared cut)(Noted time of collectiond t stlll fastened to Lhe lnterlor llnlng and a bottom sole. A small 1'+ a e an : 15 A handwritten letter from victim/S1I\o tL M(A y\ to Subject/ 16 ]-{ut,·r13 was discovered on the dining room table. The letter 17 complained of Subj ect, t\e..,+"I)~1 S relationship with Suspect/ 05ctl 18 It was taken as possible evidence. 19 All bedding was also retained, as were a pair of work boots 20 and a blue baseball cap, which were located on the bedroom floor. 21 Subj ect/, })e...+I·(1~ 1 indicated they were suspicious because they did not 22 belong to him or victim/ Sv\.Of-MllV\ . The baseball cap had LADDOK 23 printed in white letters on the crown. The boots were mens' , size 9 24 1/2 "Dickies". They were tan w/green lining and appeared/smelled 25 brand new. No tags wee attached but manufacturer's stickers were ,..- .. 27 amount of cut grass was clumped in the track of the bottom of the 28 NARRATIVE REPORT ~ PAG~ OF ~ XJ[] supp 0 CORA 0 DE ypp DATE IDAY Is~~ r~AiooNI ~~1 aAOOE 2 IINCIDENT 0 CUI ARAE8T o UNF I~tr.1 CL.A&S IYR 1 INCIDENT NUYBER .... 08-12-' ~O~ I STATUS 0 CLR EXCEPT o INACT 1,30P-f I 8265I I I I I I I I I I I I 02 03 riqht boot. 04 Items were photographed before collection and removal. I 05 transported and logged all items into the PTPD Property Room as 06 evidence. See attached property card. 07 WEAPON Unknown edged instrument 08 LATENT PRINTS None detected 09 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION While on scene, Subject/ l