NARRATIVE REPORT _ PAGEJLOFJL x^D supp □ coRfl □ u1 OtE OAT shift PLATOON BAOGfl eadqe 2 INCIOEKT j—j CLB ARSE5T q unf PRIU OJUM tr INCIDENT NUUBEfl 08-1,2- ffl 02 04 3044 | , _ »tatu« d „ *c~. -d .nact 1300-2 | 8265 ^ ^ 02 03 drove to the Mich. State Univ. intramural center to exercise. She 04 recalled that a bar code computer check of her ID card was made prior 05 to entering the facility. Suspect/N^^l stated that she was jogging 06 at the facility from 10:00 AM to 10:40 AM. Suspect/ f^p^i stated 07 that, after working out, she drove to the Mich. State Univ. Dept of 08 Public Safety to clear up a parking ticket she had received. She 09 indicated that she was issued a temporary parking permit and 10 remembered being helped by a Hispanic female clerk. Suspect/ flOiO-} 11 said that she left the Police Department at approximately 10:50 AM and 12 then drove to the Plant and Soil Science building where she has a 13 lab. At the lab, she met with her faculty advisor, Karen Vtalky* and 14 discussed the morning's collection. Suspect/fi0$&\ stated that she 15 worked until 12:00 PM and then went home. Suspect/^^J recalled 16 that, upon arriving home, she had received a telephone message from 17 her roommate, Jean p^^jQffy who was staying with a boyfriend in Ann 18 Arbor. suspect/ f^OSCX,^ said- she called Subject jj^y^fS but the call was 19 interrupted by subject/ VjdtCy via call waiting. She stated that 20 Subj ect/\^o((£_y told her the Dewitt Police Department needed her to 21 contact them. Suspect/ Mo<$^j said she completed the telephone 22 conversation with fctejfo who told her that Subject/j^CY'lf^ had 23 called looking for her (^Q&AJ .) . Suspect/ J^dSCkj 4lso said that 24 Subject/ kpf? told her Victim/Shh( said she met with 18 Subject/K&-hfV3 on a regular basis and that their relationship was 19 primarily sexual. She stated she did not want a serious relationship 20 with Subject/ an(i that he was committed to Victim/ 21 ^\a.f\ Suspect/MtV^I said that Subject/^efliT^ only filled 22 a sexual need at this point in her life because she was sick of being 23 alone. she said she had been to Vict±mAl£W0-C(v\(kr)'S' and 24 25 26 NARRATIVE REPORT page_J£ofJL *d supp □ corr □ i 01 DATE DAY SHIFT PLATOON BADGE 1 *ADO£ 2 INCIOEKT Q Cm ARREST Q UNF phih CLASS TB IMClDENT NLtUBEH 08-12-9 MON 02 04 3044 | statu* n mexcs„ n ,kact 1300-2 [ 8265 1 1 ' T I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III . 1 1 1 1 1 1 02 03 04 Subject/ \Cctif\^s^ house on many occasions and she would spend 05 nights or week-ends. Suspect/Ho5^( stated that she had no conflict 06 with Victim/S>ho-£jWLY\ °ver her relationship with Subject/ 07 ^Ct^'fY^ ' However> £"n& admitted that she had talked to Subject/ 08 j^£J^>^ about becoming his primary girlfriend and related that 09 their relationship had gotten stronger. Suspect/ ]Ho<^J[ said she 10 cared about him but could tell he would never leave Victim/^a^ft^ftjfy. 11 Suspect/ Mo$<^.\ stated that she had no idea why Victim/ 12 §>£l6&fY>G-0 would accuse her of the stabbing. She said Victim/ 14 '~>\~)OemA^ had a historY of mental problems and was dependant on Subject/^ J-^f-iir^ ■; but she had never presented herself as a threat to 15 Victim/Sla^e/vi^n's" relationship with Subject/ j^eHVfe ■ Suspect/ 16 m^^J stated, "If she said I did this she is lying". She recalled 17 that several weeks earlier, at a medieval camping event, Victim/ 18 ^hO&rv-VA^ was uPset because Subject/ K^J-vrYj . was supposed to sleep 19 in her tent but, instead, fell asleep with Suspect/ HC/yCL 1 • She said 20 the camping event was the last time she had seen Victim/^\y)t4~Y)0J) and 21 thinks Victim/^V^CfHOOf) may have been irritated by the incident. 22 However, Suspect/NoS*M said she could never hurt Victim/<^^^/Y\^ 23 and explained that she had been raped, understood that type of violent 24 situation and could never hurt anyone. 25 Suspect/MO5flJ was unable to provide other possible suspects. She speculated that Victim/ S^QeSV^A "did it to herself" 27 and blamed her (N-QSClA) because she was "jealous of or threatened by" NARRATIVE REPORT , PAGE_SOF_X *3 supp □ corr □ o 01 DATE OAT SHIFT PLATOON °,8-,12; , , ,mo]m q2 04 aADOf 1 tADQE 2 INCIOENT fj CLB ARflEST Q UN f PRIM CLAM YR INCIDENT NLHJ8ER 3^04(4 | , , STATU* CLW EXCEPT p.NACT 1,30,0-2 ' I ,8265, , 02 03 <3T,ep0r-T-/|4.6<;^.l i s rpl at-innship with Subipct/ ^£^^4 04 Suspect/:MO5^4 stated that she was not trying to steal 05 Sub\&&k/ |<£-lHr>4 away because he loves Victim/ Shodmn'- Sne said- 06 J J , she doesn't know why Sub j ect/"*\cf i f\£\ , sleeps with her but thinks he 07 has a fear of commitment. Suspect/ H o$(\[ ■ admitted that she loves 08 StUbjet^f/ T^cl-irv^ t)Ut knows their relationship is not permanent. She 09 indicated she was "Just looking for a fling and had no delusions that 10 he was going to be with me". 11 Suspect/' H^S^i admitted that she planned to be in Ann Arbor 12 on 7/30/ . She said she had planned to leave East Lansing after 14 work, at approx. 5:00 PM. but stated that she had no plans to see Subject/ Kl\-\OC\ Or Victim/ Shoe-rmH during the trip. She admitted > 15 that she had called on Monday, 7-29- , to ask Subject/ J^cfj'nq 1 if 16 he wanted to get together; but he could not because of prior 17 commitments. She stated that, during the trip, she had planned to 18 visit with other friends in the area; Melody ^o^n -p||f)6 until 8:00 19 PM and then Subject/ ftVdrS for dinner- Suspect/ /n|05A(" stated that, 20 until her arrival at ; ,'PD, she had not been in the Ann Arbor area or 21 near Victim/.'^l-noeno&ry1 s condominium on 7-30- i. Also, 22 Suspect/1 f\|#$d\ stated she had no key to the condominium and related 23 that she had no further knowledge of the attack on Victim/ • 24 25 27 NARRATIVE REPORT page_3_0F-5_ supp □ corr □ o U 1 oau oat sHifr platoon haog£ i iaqoe 2 incident r-j cui arhest rj unf pkiu clam ya incident number 08-12-- | | Mon 02 04 3044, | , , □ cl« except ,q inact 1300,-2 | 82 iii ill iii 02 03 NATURE Aggravated/Felonious Assault investigation 04 INTERVIEW W/VICTIM ^)V\{)t. (TA &X\. At 1800 hours on 7/30/ I, Del. 05 GrifVieS.-, interviewed Victim/^YfttWXft 1 at the Univ. of Michigan 06 Hospital, Trauma Burn Center, in room 5109 where she was kept for 07 recovery after surgery. Victim/ ^\ourA&y\ was awake and alert. Her 08 wounds were covered by a neck collar and were not visible. Medical 09 records were not available at this time. 10 Victim/ ^hoe,VY\0if\ was able to recall the incident without 11 difficulty. She stated that she was asleep on her stomach in bed, 12 felt "scratching" on her neck and realized that someone was attacking 3 14 15 her. Victim/ £ylp££j.q\ay\ stated that she wrestled around and realized that her attacker was ^fliro( f4(^£l\ i she stated that Suspect/ ftdSflJ had "a little sickle" and was slashing at her face, throat and neck. 16 She said she pushed Suspect/J h]o$A.| 's hands away and is positive that 17 it was Suspect/ fsjfiStfd . because she "looked right into her face". 18 Victim/ 'ShDtm^r) described Suspect//^09x| 1 s appearance stating; she 19 wore jeans, a plain dark navy .or burgundy sweat shirt, yellow leather 20 work gloves and wore her hair in a pony tail. Victim^ ty\0(>.ty\OJ) 21 stated that she begged Suspect/$|o$A.i . not to kill her and 22 Suspect/^O^li stopped the attack for a second, stated "Okay", and 23 then began to attack her again. victim/'^hOfcWfl^ stated that she 24 recognized SuspectItio^A^^s voice and.''her smell. Victim/^hoewvfir, 25 stated that she got to her feet and fought with Suspect/ ^06M-. She said that she managed to get the knife away and ran for the previously 27 noted side door. Victim/$hc£m&A stated that Suspect.ff^D^\ tried > NARRATIVE REPORT PAGE_2 OF 6 JCTI supp □ corr □ d 01 DATE I dat shift platoon baooei BADGE 2 incident [-] cl8 ARSEST r—] UNF prim OAM y h incident nuu3er 08-12-' MON 02 04 3044 I status n cm except n1300-2 ! I 8265 11111 iii i i i i 1 i i l-j t_i iii i 1 i i i i i 02 03 to block the door, holdina it shut with her bodv and began to hit 04 Victim/ iSkO-t-mGl^ in the head with something. She said she later 05 realized that she had been hit with "a long pipe wrench with a red 06 handle". Victim/ ShO-L-MCK/) stated that she struggled with Suspect/ 07 (vIOSAJL and was able to get the door open. She said that she was able 08 to get outside and began screaming for help. She recalled that she 09 kept running and went to a neighbor's house because the garage door 10 was open. 11 Victim/^h/lLiai^A did not recall seeing Suspecty^0£>(M' *•1 s 12 vehicle in the area when she ran outside. Victim/ ^oOno/l ■' stated 't 14 that she never passed out and was conscious the entire time. Victim/ ^V)o LVVKfkA did not know what happened to the knife she had 15 pulled away from Suspect/HO^df .. Victim/ ^W^tfAjRj\ indicated that 16 she did not use the knife against Suspect/ K()S^ while they fought 17 against the door. She said she did not wish to hurt Suspect/ r\0$A\ ■ 18 and was only trying to get away. She did recall that, when she ran 19 into the living room, the side door was open a crack. 20 Victim/f^04fV\0yR indicated that it is not unusual for that door to be 21 left unlocked and believed Suspect/ ^0^(k\ had entered through it. 22 Asked if her attacker was wearing anything on his/her head, 23 Victim/ ^l^ot/W^O ■* stated that she thought Suspect/^QgdJ was wearing 24 a plain dark blue baseball cap. Note, however, Subject/ f^tf'l'flA nad 25 mentioned the cap and work boots during an earlier visit to the hospital. Victim/ "5h0-eYV\O^A stated that the boots were not 27 Subject/ \^t\^\AC\S ■ or her's, and speculated that Suspect/V^StfJ NARRATIVE REPORT page 3 of 6 3°g SUPP □ C0RR □ 0EL 01 JJIE OAT shift PLATOON badge 1 lADOE 2 IHCIOENT Q CLR ARflEST m UN f pri U CLASS T r INCIDENT nuuber 08-12- MON 02 04 3044 I n clr except n ,nact 1300-2 I 8265 ' i i i i i ' iii i i l i i T-J iii i 1 i i i i i i 02 03 T-isrr r-iT-oilghť f-hPTT| "in »^ti ■{ j-jg f-n raSi" 911 i r i on nji 3 m^n" -^rno cf-aforf 04 that Susppct / HflSťJvf was "obviously trying to kill mp" and was certain 05 that SusDect/ n) (\<,ú\.\ brouaht the boots in to "try to make it look like 06 a man did it". (Note: I met with Subject/ K^f1 ú.Á in the hospital 07 following this interview and he indicated that the writing on the hat 08 ,"LADDOK", may be associated with an insecticide or a herbicide 09 company as a promotional item connected with Suspect/" f\j fK-#A' s work in 10 agriculture. 11 Noting the severity of the attack, Victinn/ °iV)0£-fyt4/i 12 indicated that Suspect/MoSflJ must have had blood on her and that her 14 car should have blood in it as well. Victlm/SlnOtwyou/v : did not know where Suspect/Tsf 05Cl] . would go to clean up the blood or dispose of 15 any bloody items. 16 Victim/ <> !/^#rLM/jjv stated that Suspect/,NfoSúL| is in love with 17 Subject/J<&Jh'ftA and that was her motive for the attack. 18 Victim/SY)ozxv\(k.Y\ said she has been with Subject/' f^čLfifl^ 1 for five 19 years and that they have maintained an open relationship, seeing and 20 sleeping with other people. She said Suspect/ [\|05'X}\ is Subject/ 21 Vvri-IWA•'s lover and admitted that she, Subject / K-^^tíA and 22 /if ^ Suspect,! NOSfcj ■ had "threesomes" on several occasions. Victim/ 23 -^hOtSnA^A." stated that, lately, Suspect/M ôSGL| has been "wanting more 24 and more" of Subject/tf'yrf.-Hand his time. VictitŤ{fi$\Q&.ít\&t\ 25 said she thought Subject/ k^Yif)^ was feeling pressured by 27 Suspect/ h|0$(k| . and she had told him not to let Suspect/ ^OSdl- push him. Victim/ £?K5e-WXíL^ stated that she was casual friends with • %J NARRATIVE RE PORT page S"of 6 xjq supp □ corr □ di o»rt 0*t shift platoon badge 1 MDöt 2 incident n CLÄ arrest □ UNF pftiw claw I y n incident nuube 1 U1 08-1,2- , , 02 04, 3941 I i i 5TATLTS p] clr except .q inact 1300-2 i i i . i 8265 1 1 1 1 1 -Note,Victim/ ^V]0£aa&O ' asked if I ware speculating that- Subject/ KjjkiQia - maY ^e involved in her attack and had purposely left the door unlocked. Victim/ ^hog-O^AA ' stated that she is 'positive he was not involved" in the attack. Victim/; Sho-£^flA said she is certain that Suspect/ Ho^f - was her attacker; stating, "If I hadn't seen her I wouldn't believe it either. I wouldn't believe she's a violent person". She speculated that Suspect,'H.0£&| . may be upset because she was limiting Subject/" Y\t)r['^V^^ time with her and may have thought that she ( 6hdU(Y)(yf) ) would forbid him to see her, Victim/ 5tqQe£.mdr\ stated "her words, she wanted to know if I would come after her with a knife". Advised of speculation that her wounds were self-inflicted, Victim/ 4>hO£W&0 stated, "I knew people would say I did" because nobody would want to believe that she ( |n|0S^\)M ^' VictiYy/^ho-gW/UX stated she last suffered from depression in the fall of '^09^ and was prescribed the antidepressant drug, Zolof, but did not seek therapy. She indicated that she quit taking Zolof six months