NARRATIVE REPORT PAGE_6 OF 6 xfl supp D corr □ de U i DATE DAY SHIFT PLATOON BADGE 1 BADGE 2 INCIDENT Q CLR ARREST Q UN F PRIM CLAM YR INCIDENT NUMBER 0,8-12- jXlOI^f 02 04 3p4f 1 , STATUS □ clr except a ,NACT 130p-2 !_ | 8265 ( 02 tctd 'hr>~ ot,Tn T,7i 1~hoiit" {"110 'H'" co of ~i dnp!"oY" cr"t'^ ^^l^d Mill" rTio 03 CL y \J i V_J 11n v_ 1. CnrTTtJ ill Ollv U L L~ 11CL l_L V -1.'—■ '—t 1_att^^^^ *Oltc £J d S IwL Oil CI ullj- has not felt depressed and feels, lately, that her relationship with 04 Subject/ K^i")AA is good. She stated that she did not hurt herself 05 and her wounds were not self-inflicted. 06 STATUS/DISPOSITION Active; pending review of medical records and 07 further investigation. 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 x CASE NUMBER: _ ~%^(o5 _ORIGINAL _^SUPP VICTIM DATA: _INDIVIDUAL _BUSINESS _SOCIETY *OTHER: OFFENSE CODES PERPETRATED AGAINST VICTIM:_ _ _ INJURY CODE:_ V/O REL.: / / LINKED TO SUSPECT*: 12 3 SUBJECT DATA: _SUSPECT NAME: VyfaOk _WITNESS UNKNOWN SUSPECT ADDRESS: U^HV. Oy- (VA. STATE: / \ftv[gltMT>^ COMPLAINANT SUSPECT USED: A / L. ^OTHER D C N RACE/SEX: HAIR:_ OPS #: ZIP / HOME TX: "~_ WORK TX: 3t3~c)'3k-' DOB: AGE: EYES BUILD: STATE; HGT/WGHT COMPLEXION BIRTH PLACE S.S.#: SID #: FBI#: DESCRIPTION: V, en CQ / f>ilOtfr\/Ul'$___ ATTEND pm^siOftrJ VICTIM DATA: INDIVIDUAL BUSINESS OFFENSE CODES PERPETRATED AGAINST VICTIM: INJURY CODE: V/O REL.: / / SOCIETY *OTHER: LINKED TO SUSPECT*: 12 3 SUBJECT DATA: _SUSPECT NAME: _WITNESS _COMPLAINANT UNKNOWN SUSPECT SUSPECT USED; / LeoRPv__/ _OTHER C D N ADDRESS: LJtStv . OP f\A i STATE:_ ZIP:_ HOME TX:_ RACE/SEX:_/ HAIR: DOB: AGE WORK TX:.313"^3^ - HGT/WHGT: / EYES OPS #:_ S.S.#: BUILD:_ STATE SID #: _ COMPLEXION: BIRTH PLACE:_ _ FBI#: DESCRIPTION: YlCT~\ms' /\SS14nKt& vAuSpVTM- SQCi^L WO^KE-gL NARRATIVE REPORT __PAQE_2=OF_Pl. supp □ corr □ 1 DATE day shift platoon badge 1 badge 2 incident Q CLK AftHEST Q un f prim class | y p, incident number 08-12^ , W 02 0^ 3p44 | , □ clh except q ,nact 1300-2 ; | | 8265 | 02 03 FURTHER INVESTIGATION On 7/31/ r I. Det. r marlP 04 with Leora Y&4-£5 ' hospital social worker assigned to Victim/ 05 ^YxoeyYXtKfX1 s case. Subject/ ^ftH!5 sent the initial medical reports 06 (See attached) and indicated she would have the attending physician, 07 Dr. Wendy *\)L\d\, contact me. Subject/"\0^r*lS was aware of speculation 08 that Victim/ ^hD-^rvicW''s wounds may have been self- inflicted and had 09 met with Dr. J)U£,K concerning that possibility. From that meeting, 10 Subject/ ]ff\-lr&£ provided the following information. 11 Subj ect/y<^f£$ stated that all of Victim's 6ho&^V\.&A's 12 wounds were slices and none were stabs. She indicated that they 13 initially appeared worse because of blood but none were actually deep 4 or overly severe. She indicated there was no evidence of blunt trauma 15 consistent with being struck on the head with a heavy weapon - such as 16 a wrench. Subject ^Ovi^CS stated that she is concerned, from a psycho- 17 logical standpoint, and would not release Victim/fy^Dflfl/x&y] from the 18 hospital until sure she would not harm herself. 19 Shortly after my conversation with Subject/ ^(hJfVSi Dr- [)ViCh~. 20 contacted me and indicated that Victim, ^ViO-C/V)^/) 1 s fiance, Subject/ 21 "H'tL-f^Ac^ / had mentioned that Victim/^,]/iQ£fTtik[X' s attack was possibly 22 I J a suicide attempt. She stated the wounds could have been 23 self-inflicted, that most of the injury was to Victim/ Q 6 0f\4/V s 24 neck and that it would be possible to self-inflict those wounds. She 25 also indicated that, while it is easy to cut your own fingers, the 26 z/ wounds could be either self-inflicted or defensive in nature. Dr. Y^\,tK.stated that the wounds to the neck, if self-inflicted, would be 28 NARRATIVE REPORT ~ „ _PAQE__g_OF>L ^ supp □ corr □ di DAtE OAT SHIFT PLATOON BADO£ 1 BADGE 2 INCIDENT f-| CLR ARREST Q UN F PRIM CLAM Y R INCIDENT NUMBER °?"!2-, , , m 02 04, 3044. | , , «TATUS □ clrexcpt >Q inact -j300-2 1 | 8265, , , 02 03 made u^ina the ricrht hand f Trictim f jinO^'KW't V\ i -ii JrA g-^L /—■ Jw' ", the husband of one of his 11 ex-girlfriends ( Liisa f^UAtO )■• He related that he and ^u.kIi'O 12 jointly owned a pavilion, which is used for medieval events, and they 13 it needed it out for an upcoming event. Subject/, f^L-hY^ ■ stated that he was at the storage area just long enough to get the equipment and, 15 at approximately 8:10 AM, he left and went directly to work. He 16 stated that he was called at work by a neighbor, Sub j ect/^l\gj\\ 5 •, who 17 told him that Victim/ ^1/10(104 l\/Y had been hurt. Subject V^-flfi^ 18 stated he immediately went to the scene, where he saw 19 Victim/ ^hoC^o^A'• excited. He stated that she looked frightened, 20 anxious, and agitated and the first thing she said was, "It was 21 O^rol-"- He recalled that Victim/ c^J)»TE day shift platoon badge 1 badge 2 incident Q clr arrest q ubf prim class | yr incident number 08-12-! MON 02 04 3044 I «tatus q cm except 0 inact 1300-2 I 8265 02 03 relationship. He said he "wouldn't put it past" Victim/^KotS/KM^' to 04 self-inflict her injuries in order to draw him closer to her. He 05 stated that if she had blamed a random, unknown, attacker he would be 06 sure she did it to herself. 07 However, he was not sure her story was fabricated because 08 naming Suspect/Ij^OSfrJ as the attacker is "Not a sure thing". He also 09 indicated that the severity of Victim/^lf\0-2/|/V\0urv1 s wounds made it hard 10 to believe that they could be self-inflicted. Subject/ j^C^/V^/ 1 was 11 concerned that no weapon had been recovered and didn't believe Victim/ 12 C]\\b-^rY.(hf\ could dispose of a weapon without leaving a blood trail. 13 1h Additionally, he was certain that the suspicious, LADDOK hat belonged to Suspect f4 0<,(K\ '■. 15 Subject/ KtJ~idenied any involvement in the attack and 16 said he had nothing to gain by her death. He stated they had no 17 recent arguments but admitted that in, the prior week, 18 Victim/. ^>\[Q-t\fyA^ had confronted him because Suspect/ /V$<;&( was 19 dominating too much of his time. He stated that the discussions were 20 civil and they had no disagreements. Subject/ f>p,}"iindicated 21 that Victim/^l^jg^OufV"' s parents own the condominium and pay the 22 mortgage. He stated that he and Victim/^ \/\ ChQj{Y)(KT\ are tne only 23 24 25 27 28 NARRATIVE REPORT PAGE_iLOF 4 ^"O SUPP □ CORR □ DE DATE day shift platoon badge 1 radge 2 incident q CUt arrest [~| un F prim clam vp, 08-12- MON 02 04 3044 | status rj cla excift q .nact 130Q-2 incident number 1 ,8265, , , 02 03 wit-h t.hp oDpnpr as hp lpff.. Hp sai guests normally come in throucrh 04 the side door but he and VictiO)^/ <^Vli}-€-fV\&A do not use it and often 05 find it unlocked. Subject/ K"^"H4^ 1 indicated that Suspect/ 06 knows when he leaves and arrives at work because he stays with her 07 every Wednesday night, on a regular basis. He said she also knows 08 that Victim/^y^O-^Ai£^'s schedule varies. However, he related that 09 Suspect^) (^{k! has never just dropped by and has always knocked and 10 waited to be let inside. He indicated that Suspect/ H-Q^&l does not 11 have a key to the condominium. 12 Subject J l^tHrt^ stated he spoke to Suspect/ /4$$#J . the 13 previous night, 7/29/ , at approximately 7:45 PM. He said she told him that she was going to be in the area on Tuesday, 7/30/ , and 15 wanted to get together with him. He declined because of prior plans, 16 but indicated that Suspect/f^oStfv] did not seem upset and said it did 17 not cause any problems between them. 18 Subject/' J^-hV^i stated that Victim^HO^noM had related 19 the attack to him ( Note: It was consistent with her report to me). 20 Subject/ j^-eflry^ did not seem convinced of the attack stating, "The 21 whole story doesn't ring true". He admitted that he is not sure of 22 the reported attack because "so much evidence doesn't add up" and he 23 does not believe it's consistent with Suspect/'^ qc^du] ■' s personality. 24 He indicated that Suspect^£> Sfl4 had no motive for the attack and 25 that Victi/>y^V\A£rnATE DAY SHIFT PLATOON BADGE 1 BADGE 2 INCIDENT |~| CLR ARREST [—] UNf PRIM CLASS Y R INCIDENT NUMBER 08-12- MON 02 04 3044 I n «■« excspt n ,nact 1300-2 I 8265 iiiii ir 1 r iilii iii i 1 i i i i i i 02 03 residents and. are responsible for paying the bills. He did not know 04 if Victim/^a£^i^ has a last will and testament. He admitted that 05 she has a trust fund, through her grandparents, but indicated he is 06 "not a beneficiary on anything". 07 STATUS/DISPOSITION Active: Dendina further investigation 08 09 10 11 12 13 it 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28