CASE NUMBER: VICTIM DATA: - 9s^G!=> _ORIGINAL j-^SUPP INDIVIDUAL BUSINESS SOCIETY *OTHER: OFFENSE CODES PERPETRATED AGAINST VICTIM: INJURY CODE: V/O REL.: / / LINKED TO SUSPECT*: 12 3 SUBJECT DATA _SUSPECT NAME: : _WITNESS UNKNOWN SUSPECT Xjf(6 _/_\^M STATE: \—\X. ZIP: Mc^^O HOME TX:_ WORK TX: 577'33'"3 RACE/SEX: _/ f~ DOB: .^-93-"7Q. AGE: ?9 HGT/WGHT: HAIR:_ EYES:_ BUILD:_ COMPLEXION: OPS #:_ S.S.#: SID #: BIRTH PLACE _ FBI# DESCRIPTION: SUSpfcCXS' FKcultu STUü&Nr fcbvtso^ VICTIM DATA: INDIVIDUAL BUSINESS SOCIETY *OTHER: OFFENSE CODES PERPETRATED AGAINST VICTIM: INJURY CODE: V/O REL.: / / LINKED TO SUSPECT*: 12 3 SUBJECT DATA: _SUSPECT NAME: WITNESS ADDRESS :_ STATE: RACE/SEX: HAIR: OPS #:_ S.S.#: _UNKNOWN SUSPECT / ZIP: / HOME TX: _ DOB:_ EYES: AGE: BUILD:_ STATE; SID #; DESCRIPTION: _COMPLAINANT _OTHER SUSPECT USED: A C D N / WORK TX: HGT/WHGT: COMPLEXION: BIRTH PLACE:_ _ FBI#: NARRATIVE REPORT __PAGE_2-OF_^_ xp supp □ corr □ del 0 ■ TKtE DAY SHIFT PtATOON BADOE 1 BADGE 2 INCIDENT TJ CtR arrest rj un F PRIM clam yr INCIDENT NUMBER 08-12-1 MON 02 04 3044 1 "™ □ clr except n .nact 1300-2 I 8265 iii • i ii i i iilii LJ t-1 iii i 1 i i i i i i 02 03 FURTHER INVESTIGATION On 7/31/' I. Det. f^\MPr . contacted Det. 04 Sgt- NJlcks / TX 517-353- of the Michigan State Univ. Police 05 Department in regards to camera and security systems at the campus 06 greenhouses. He indicated that no cameras or security systems, which 07 could verify Suspect/ ^OS^Kj-'s alibi, were present at the 08 greenhouses. He indicated that greenhouse personnel or staff may 09 have seen Suspect/ |^\£)5£^ on, 7/30/ , and could be checked to verify 10 her alibi. Subsequently I contacted Suspect/j\J fj $ ATE day shift platoon badge 1 badge 2 incident j—| clr arrest Q unf prim class "« incident number 08-12-_ . MON 02 04 3044 I status n clr except n <«*ct 1300-2 . | 8265 ''iii 1 i i ' i i 1 i i iii i 1 ...... 02 03 Building office. 04 Subiect/X-HS was able to define LADDOK as the name of a 05 herbicide used on corn. She said that, to get such a cap, someone 06 would probably be connected to agriculture - but due to the high 07 number of agricultural students at MSU, there are many such caps in 08 the area. Subject.H-£-' tx 677-' /. He said that he left at approximately 8:15 AM 12 and saw no one suspicious in the area. He did indicate his neighbor's 14 wife, at j09 Breckland Drive, was out walking her dog. He stated that the only cars in the area belonged to residents. Additionally, 15 Subjectindicated that he is the president of the condominium 16 association and would contact me if any further information was 17 brought to his attention. 18 Attempts at contacting residents of 09 Breckland Drive were 19 unsuccessful. 20 Contact was made at 03 Breckland Drive. A teenage resident 21 indicated that her mother, Linda f'lyvf^, leaves for work at 22 approximately 8:00 AM and that her step-father, Steven ^"y^k^ tne 23 day off and was home. She was advised to have her parents contact me 24 with any pertinent information. No contact was ever received. No 25 witnesses at this time. STATUS/DISPOSITION Active pendinq further investicration 27 R: PITTSFIELD TOWNSHIP PERSON REPORT PAGE _j_ ORIGINAL SUPP INDIVIDUAL BUSINESS SOCIETY *OTHER: )DEs PERPETRATED AGAINST VICTIM:_ _ _ )£: V/O REL.:_/_/_ LINKED TO SUSPECT*: 12 3 ATA: _WITNESS T UNKNOWN SUSPECT _C OMP LA IN ANT ^ OTHER SUSPECT USED: A D C N / AT ZIP: HOME TX: : _/JVI DOB:_ AGE EYES: BUILD: WORK TX: (3,^") "J ^1 - STATE SID #: HGT/WGHT COMPLEXION BIRTH PLACE FBI# DATA: INDIVIDUAL BUSINESS SOCIETY *OTHER: : CODES PERPETRATED AGAINST VICTIM: CODE: V/O REL. : _/_/ LINKED TO SUSPECT*: 12 3 !T DATA: _WITNESS _COMPLAINANT OTHER 3PECT UNKNOWN SUSPECT SUSPECT USED: A C D N . / V- n! fes_I_ _____ SS : / ZIP HOME TX: WORK TX: ^/7'3S3" SEX:_/ M DOB: 3'\%' GJgAGE: _ EYES:_ BUILD:_ _ STATE: : SID #: HGT/WHGT: / COMPLEXION: BIRTH PLACE FBI* 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 NARRATIVE REPORT PAG SUPP □ COP.R □ DE date Op-12- DAY SH1PT PLATOON BADG£ 1 EJkDOE 2 INCIOEHT OCR ARflEST □ UNF PRIM CULSS T R INCIDENT NLIMBER pray 0^ 3p44 1 , , STATUS [-] CLR EXCEPT q IN ACT 1300-2 • i i 1 1 8265 1 i i i i i ADDITIONAL INFORMATION On 8/1/ Sub j ect/: f^£-f contacted me indicating that he had discussed the attack with Victim/^j^^^ A -" in hopes of helping her clear her memory. He said she remembered dropping the knife when she was struggling with Suspect/ jv. (j^dJ/'to open the door. He also indicated that she never really saw a wrench; only a flash and a red handle (Note: During a subsequent re-interview with Victim/ ty/y§£4V\,, took the call. Subject/ p-dr(V\^ related that Suspect. Q/£that she had called. Subject/ could not recall any sense of emotion in her voice. He related that he wrote a note for Subject/ ^gJh-a^ Put not record the time of the call > NARRATIVE REPORT PAGE_3-0F_j*_ SUPP □ CORR □ 0: 01 date day shift platoon badge 1 badge 2 incident |~| clr ARAE8T f—J un f prim clam rR incident number 08-12- f^OlST 0,2 04 3044 | "atu* q c« except q ,nact 1,300-2 ' ('i | 8265 ( 02 03 Later, on 8/1/1 >, I was contacted by Subject/ ~^f[<) who 04 stated she had found a staff person at the Pesticide Research Center, 05 Frank J<2.K\, t<£ c, who had seen Suspect/J^OS^J . on the morning of 06 7/30/ . She related that everyone else she had asked did not see 07 Suspect/ until later in the day. 08 FURTHER INVESTIGATION Next, contact was madP. with Havp \^{kXj\t\V\ ■■ 09 manager of the Pesticide Research greenhouse. He said that he does 10 not know Suspect/ ^05^1 and there is no means to verify if a person 11 has been in the greenhouse. He related that the greenhouse is an open 12 area which is not restricted and a high volume of people move through 14 the area. Subjeci^V^yUA . stated that the only way to verify if Suspect/ f^joSckl had been there is if she were recognized by someone 15 who knew her. 16 Contact was also made with Doug ^0 -£0 5/ manager of the Plant 17 and Soil Science greenhouse. Subject v\o\-LO stated that he does know 18 Suspect//^Q9(\( ■ but that he did not see her on Tuesday morning, 19 7/30/ 20 Lastly, contact was made with Frank \-^X\f~G , TX 21 517-353' ;. Subject/^J^A^C stated that he knows Suspect/ 22 and related that he saw her on Tuesday morning, 7/30/96, while in the 23 spray room of the Pesticide Research Center. Sub j ect/sJ-^nKS ■ stated 24 that he remembered his encounter with Suspect/ QG^v[ '■ occurred 25 sometime between 9:15 AM and 11:30 AM. He remembered the encounter because she had stopped and said, "Hi". He didn't know the exact time 27 of the encounter but said it was "toward the front end" of the time NARRATIVE REPORT PAGE__f OF_Jl_ SUPP □ CORR □ DE 01 date DAY shift PLATOON BADGE 1 BADGE 2 INCIOENT r~j clk ARflEST |—J UNf prim CLASS Y R INCIDENT NUMBER 0,8-^ 2-, ,MO^ Q2 04 3(04^ | 8TATUS □ a.* except q ,nact 1300-2 | 8265( 02 03 pei iOu Que uo Liie araouiii. Oi worx lie naa coiupieL-eu. Ke iBidLeu LlidL 04 Suspect, f^O^^ - had walked by the spray room and he assumed that she 05 was checking on her plants. 06 In an effort to gain more information regarding the work 07 boots found at the scene, I contacted the Meijer Thrifty Acres 08 department store located directly across from the condominium 09 complex. At the store I made contact with Loss Prevention detectives 10 who identified the boots as "Dickies Ultra 4X4"; boots stocked by 11 Meijer. A check of the store's sales records indicated that none of 12 those boots, in men's size 3 1/2, had been sold within the last -•5 14 month. The Loss Prevention detectives said that the boot is a popular style and is carried in many stores. No further information could be 15 obtained regarding the boots. However, the store maintained 16 surveillance video tapes of their parking lot and I was able to review 17 the tape for 7/30/' . Reviewing surveillance footage of the store 18 parking lot, I did not observe Suspect/ f^OS/yvj ; vehicle or 19 Suspect/ on the Meijer property between 7:30 AM and 8:55 AM on 20 i 7/30/ I checked the burm, separating Meijer from Oak Valley Drive 21 and the condominium complex, for evidence but found nothing. No new 22 evidence at this time. 23 STATUS/DISPOSITION Active 24 25 27