NARRATIVE REPORT PAGE 2 op 3 SUPP □ CORR □ DE ' DATE DAY SHIFT PLATOON BADG£ 1 BADGE 2 INCIDENT Q CLR ARREST r~j UN F PRIM CLAM Y R INCIDENT NUMBER 08-12- MON 02 04 3044 I "atus pi cm except .n inact 1300-2 I 8265 ..... ' i i i i i 1 i i LJ ii i i 1 r iJ i i i 02 03 prnnf that it was used tn ma^e the "qdv ka") victim/iM^^-ifKfi1^. 04 described her drawinq, indicatinq that the knife had a wood handle 05 etched with handgrips. She stated the blade was not pointed and the 06 end was possibly squared off. Victim '^[\d&^A.A said' MIt was more 07 like a tool than a knife". I transported and secured the items into 08 PD property as evidence. 09 See attached copy of drawinq.FURTHER INVESTIGATION Subsequently, 10 on 8/5/ .., I contacted Julio's Keys and Lock Shop. Contact was made 11 with the stores owner/operator, Julio Hernandez, who indicated that 12 they maintain no paper work for making customer keys. He said they 13 i -f make thousands each month. In an attempt to identify the customer, photos of Suspect/.^ 0 S^\ > student 17 computer records of Suspect/ ^jflScM's visit to the intramural center 18 (gym), on 7/30, . were received from the MSU Administrative f 19 Information Services unit. The IM access log showed Suspect/' aJ#£&\J. 20 was at the facility, on 7/30/ , at approximately 10:05 AM. (See 21 attached fax transmittal) 22 Also, Suspect/|\1 ,()C(K 's MCI long distance telephone records 23 were subpeonaed for calls made on Tuesday, 7/30/ . The records 24 indicated that, at 12:41 PM, Suspect//\j Q%0>>\. had called Subject/ 25 [■^g/V-^t^ 's employer, Expressign Designs. All calls were made in the 27 / ............. ---_ afternoon, between 12:30 - 1:00 PM, and correlated with Suspect//V 0 ( ' s statement. A total of four calls were made, in NARRATIVE REPORT PAGE_10F ^ 30 SUPP □ coRn □ 0E DATE DAT SHIFT PLATOON 08-12- . MON 02 04 i i i i i ii i i BADGE 1 BADGE 2 INCIDENT [—] CLP, ARflEST |~j UNF PRIM CLAM ' " INCIDENT NUMBER 3044 1 STATUS f-1 CLd EXCEPT f1 IN ACT 1300-2 1 . | 8265 1 1 1 1 1 LJ LJ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 02 03 order, to Subiect//V\ Subiect/"^ i^A^1^' residence. 04 / i subject/:" \\ .5.' ■ STATUS Q CLR EXCEPT Q INACT DOCUMENTS On 8/12/ , I, Det. C^r/~! m^S. obtained Victim/5 |w/Mn official medical records fftcm U of M Hospital (attached). No new information was included. Note, however, that mental health and Dr. ^>f\CJ$Js pathology reports were omitted. U of M MedicalRecords i (was recontactedand indicated those reports would be forthcoming. Additionally, on 8/12/5 ., MSP-Northville laboratory reports were received/^jlesults indicated that the hair fibers found at the scent (" were cut and corresponded to known hair samples from Vict i'^y^Ko£i/^A"^ Also, six hair fibers were recovered from the "Laddok" ball cap and\..^ corresponded to known hair samples from Suspect/Novosel. See attached1. FURTHER INVESTIGATION' Seeking confirmation/verification of Suspect7(40S4:V ' s Planned visit on 7/30/. , I attempted to contact Subject/.ffyg£S and Subject,'^>(j^ - \ \v(yl- for any possible pertinent information. Both subjects have been unreachable and neither has recontacted me, at this time. Contact was made with "Ted", Subject/ {^f^y, who verified subject/iffefl iWS. alibi. Sub j ect/ \\(A Ry confirmed that he had met Subject^' j^y^j-inq 1 at U-Haul (S. State St.), to remove a pavilion from storage, on 7/30/f . He recalled that Subjecf/j^tj~\r\C^ arrived at, approximately, 8:00 AM and left "15 to 20" minutes later. Note, all information was consis tent with Subject/ J<€-HA^js statement Additionally, contact was made with "Andy", Subject/Andersc who was the ID card checker at the M.S.U. Intramural Center (gym). She confirmed that she was working on 7/30/: and indicated that she normally NARRATIVE REPORT , ---f Rsupp n r.nnn F] ppi 01 02 DATE DAY SHIFT PLATOON BADGE I MOOS 2 INCIDENT Q CLfl AJWE5T Q UNF PRIM CLAM YB INCIDENT NUMBER 03 wprVc MprdH,r,"Fri h v from ft • PO-1 • <~in t\m Snbi or>t-/7\nr'a'rc:^ri ^^"i^ ?hp i 04 blond-haired and does "have a coral (pink) t-shirt"; but didn't know if s 05 wore it on 7/30, She verified that she has a coworker, "Ladarian" ( a 06 black male ), who operates the front desk and hands out towels. Note, 07 Suspect//^(iSckI had indicated that a black male was handing out towels 08 while she was at the qym. Subject/Anderson stated she does not know 09 Suspect' j^lcOStxl . Furthermore, Subiect/Anderson admitted that the gym has 10 problem with people illegitimately entering the facilitv using someone 11 else's ID card. 12 Note, contact was also made with Victim/ ^y\/\Q^ff\(X(\' s mother 13 Subject/c^^o-C,/V\(Xf'l confirnied that she had discovered a small gold key, in 1 * 15 her daughter's bedroom, after the attack. She said she made the discover on Tuesday, 7/31/ , while cleaning the room. She stated she found the k 16 ^beneath a vanity, at the end of the bed. 17 STATUS/DISPOSITION Active 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 77 Client- &\-CLt e me rth" ^^f-e^^earfu t&Qrki producel My name is (JhC®1 .^£>S fil and I am a scientist. I grew up in New Jersey and got a degree in cellular molecular biology. I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Trenton State College. I am twenty-eight now. I had a short marriage that ended in divorce in 3.C*>8. j nave a \0i 0f friends and I think I have an outgoing personally. I enjoy sex and don't have any moral hang ups about it. I am straight forward and tend to tell people exactly what I think. I came to East Lansing to work on my PhD at the School of Agriculture and it's likely I'll end up as a researcher with Monsanto. I currently have a guy I really like named Jo£l "Saa i -Ha who I have started to see. In late I joined the Society for Creative Anachronism and my main interest was in 13th century characters. I made hundreds of new friends and many close friends including yfetfg. £)$kstarted coining to my apartment to spend the night on Wednesdays and we had sex other times at ffyulxj.'s condo, where I sometimes slept alone with^f&/£-and sometimes all three of us. I asked her if she was comfortable with this open relationship thing and she said yes. I never wanted to be serious with ^-f&fe-.I didn't want a serious relationship. I wanted comfort, fun times and an easy relationship. I am quite analytical and I have no difficulty remembering everything I did on the day I'm accused of hurting FljXAy as well as every other time I had contact with her or fp^LVC-. I know that guys notice my hot figure and I guess people think I am pretty. Still, sometimes it is awkward in social situations because there are lots of guys who are intimidated by my education and intellectual prowess. I am pretty self assured and I wonder if that sometimes comes off as being cold. Nobody would call me a dizzy broad. x MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY (DO NOT WRITE IN SPACE BELOW) /ERMIJ_NUMBER 1 ;mp. employee u.t.c. =cond vehicle GATE CARD NUMBER LASTNAME MIDDLE NAME STUDENT NUMBER/SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER □ commercial ^ loaner □ change vehicles her auth. permit □ replacement *>,sh payment □ no charge 70- DEPT./ORG./BUSINESS ass ADnRESS (Locall CITY (Local) .MAKE OF VEHICLE (H^Qp(k\X~\ YEARßf VEHICLE ml VEHICLE COLQRISI STATE OF LICENSE PLATE Cancellation may be effected at the Vehicle Office by returning the Vehicle Permit and Gate Card. , ENTRY CLERK JhhENSE ATTORMi MiCSiGAH STAT I s*T. DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE FORENSIC SCIENCE DIVISION NORTHVELLE LABORATORY p y 42145 W. SEVEN MILE ROAD NORTHVELLE. MICHIGAN 43167 (S10)3SO-1000 FAX (812)380-1005 Laboratory No. Received 3y Delivered Sy Agency Agency No. 13478 Charlotte L. Dav DET. MIKE MC VICKER Pinsfield Twp. Police Dept. 96-8265 LABORATORY REPORT iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii Record No. Date Received Time Received File Class Date Completed 9604966 08-02-' 12:22 PM 1300-2 08-06- Nature of Offense: Assravated/Felonious Assault Victim(s) Suspect(s): >r $