David Hanák Elišky Krásnohorské 28 B Brno 618 00 CZ +00420775123061 DHanak@seznam.cz BARLINEK S.A. Piotr Nowak Al. Solidarności 36, 25-323 Kielce tel.: +48 41 333 11 11 fax: +48 41 333 00 00 e-mail: biuro@barlinek.com.pl November 16th, 2012 Dear Mr. Nowak, I am applying for the position of Business Manager for Czech Republic (Regionalny Przedstawiciel Handlowy), as advertised on your company's website: http://www.barlinek.com.pl/oferty_pracy.html I am very interested in this position. From your advertisement, I can see that you are looking for candidates who possess drive and persistence. My working experience includes the position of Business Manager in ProInterier company which is one of the most successful flooring firms in the Czech Republic. Since I worked for ProInterier company for 8 years, I gained valuable experience and various skills. These include managing skills (I was a leader of a team of 8 employees), organizational, planning and service skills. Sense of purpose, communicativeness, flexibility and responsibility are my personality traits. If you would like to schedule an interview or otherwise discuss my interest in this position, please call me at the number listed above. Yours Sincerely, Enclosure: Curriculum Vitae