EMPLOYMENT LAW Listen and fill in the gaps to make a summary of the given information: Employment rights. distinction between employees and self-employed: employees have more_ employees are in a weaker__ 1978 Employment Protection Act: a written summary of_ at least_if employment is to be ended the right for compensation if dismissed unfairly or women have the right to_m order to have a baby the application of rights depends on circumstances: little protection for people_ men over 65 and women over 60 are not entitled to sometimes it is fair to dismiss equality of opportunity for employees and job applicants (1970 Equal Pay Act, 1976 Race Relation Act, 1975 and 1986 Sex Discrimination Act) whatever their_ _for cases of discrimination equal pay for work of___ EC employment law is sometimes better than English law: _for receiving retirement pension are legal forcing_from work earlier than men is not legal (the decision of European Court, compared to an industrial tribunal) attempts to harmonize employment rights among member states • the problem of standard minimum wage low-paid workers would be_. it would put__on small business • the problem of Sunday trading 1950 Shops Act limits Sunday trading in Britain o for_reasons o to ensure at least_a week for shopkeepers o complicated and_ • the right to strike all strikes in Britain must be supported by a_in a strike actions still constitute__ employers are unlikely to dismiss workers who are backed by v a, & ft 5 O p- 5^ —- ve? s 9 27 r r t 9 o o o 5 X o EMPLOYMENT LAW A). "Employment" vocabulary. Employment is a word denoting: (i) activity inCzech:_ (ii) the contractual relation between an employer and employee, in Cfech:_ Write down other nouns denoting persons which can be derived from the verb "employ" except "employee" and "employer":_• B) The following text explains the difference between an employee and an agent or an independent contractor, translate the expressions in the brackets into English (the first letters of the English words are given): The relationship of an employer and an employee (i.e. the employment relationship) exists when p_(v souladu s) an express or implied agreement of the parties, one person, an employee u_(zaváže se, slíbí) to perform services or to do work under the direction and control of another, the employer. An employee is h_ _(uajmut) only to work under the control of the employer, as contrasted with (a) an agent, who is to n_(vyjednávat) or make contracts with third persons o_(jménem) and under the control of a principal, and with (b) an independent contractor, who is to p_ (plnit, vykonávat) a contract independent of, or free from, control by the other party. C) Social security system covers various kinds of financial support Which types are made with the following letters? 1) C__L_ B__E___ 2) H__S__G _EN___T 3) ST__U___Y M_T_R_I_Y P__ 4) IN__M_ SU__OR_ 5) W_DOW__PA__N_'S S_PP__T 6) D__TH BE___I_ 7) FU__R__PA_M___ 8) COU___L _AX B_N_F__ 9) DI__B____Y LIV___AL__W____ 10) S__T_T_R„ S_C_ _ A Y 11) RE__ND___Y P___EN_ 12) UN___LO__E_T C_M„N__T__N___EF__ Phrases for a cover letter. Match the beginnings of the phrases with their correct endings. 1.1 am submitting this letter A. will bring a very significant contribution to the Center. 2.1 am familiar B. an expression of my interest in the position of Director of Nursing Services. 3.1 do believe that my practical experience C. to express my interest in the position of... 4.1 would very much appreciate D. is enclosed for your review.. ■ 5. As you may see from my enclosed resume, E. match perfectly with your requirements 6.1 would like to point out that F. the opportunity to discuss my potential contributions to your company with you. 7. Please accept this letter as G. in order to be an asset to your organization. 8.1 look forward H. to hearing back from you 9. A copy of my resume I. with the important role your Center plays within the community. 10.1 believe that my skill-sets J. I graduated from the renowned ... College 11.1 possess the right combination of nursing skills K. my experience and accomplishments match this position's requirements. I ™- ^ - 3 § if ° Vaším úkolem je napsat motivační dopis (cover letter) na základe inzerátu, který jste dostali v hodině, pfíp. jej naleznete v Osnově: l]ttps://is.niunixz/auth/eí/1422/podzim2012/CM308Z/um/n685234/sbil.qwarp?preiit=2778239 Motivační dopis poté-vložíte do aplikace peer review (dostanete email s podrobným návodem, jak práci vložit). Termín odevzdání práce je 20.11.2012. Program peer review poté práce zamíchá a každý dostanete dvě práce vašich kolegů. K těm napíšete komentář v angličtině, každý 70-120 slov: • structure • content • style • overall impression: jak na vás dopis působil, co se vám na dopisu líbilo, co by bylo vhodné vylepšit, zda byste tohoto zájemce pozvali na pohovor,... Ohodnocené práce vložíte do programu (ve stejném pořadí, v jakém jste práce stáhli). Termín pro opravu a vložení ohodnocených prací je 26.11.2012. Program vám poté vrátí vaše práce ohodnocené vašimi kolegy. Z mé strany pak obdržíte obecnou zpětnou vazbu, ale k dispozici budu rovněž pro případné konkrétní konzultace. Shrnutí termínů: do 20.11. - vložit cover letter do 26.11. - opravit a vložit opravené dva cover letters