Put the letters in the brackets to the right order: intellectual property traditionally encompasses two wider groups: 1) industrial property rights, i.e. i a) ._(OENNNIIVTS) or______(TTNSPEA) b) :-._(ULTTIIY ODLMES), AmEn"--(ILITUTY PTNASET) m Czech: užitné vzory c) (industrial)_ (NGIESDS), -pruWii (tuft Am. En.:_;_;__(SNGÉDI NTAPBTS)' * ^_._,— (EADRT RAMKS), _(VRSIEEC SKMAJR) e)-_— - _._(CAJLGGIROEPH IAIOINCDTNS) in Czech: zeměpisná označení 1 f)-___(TNALP RDEEERBS' GIHRST), Am- En-:__ _(LPTNA APNTEST) in Czech: šlechtitelská práva/práva šlechtitele nových odrôd rostlin, g)---L_ (CCHUTR LATYUO ' THGRIS) in Czech: práva z topografie polovodičových výrobku 2) copyright and its neighbouring and related rights, i.e. rights to Í ä) ■_(FGOMNEPRIR) artists ; b)__(CDERSOPRU) of sound recordings ' c);_. (GNIBCDAARSTO) organizations H „o o u . sz u a vo' '■ž tfl O tsi u a "> Ja ■b!) « j— q; '*-" O » D. O ;0\ o 61 U v OD e. 'ŕ 3 •C «2 ■s q o i c r*> 1 » t/l -o tí fr 'S .O a o a D. o o Q, T3 3 O "O o v* o w t." C o o c o tfl « (U .t; o •s S S' t3 aj c: .2 c £ ti (U „Q o i-, o H tu 4-. o ■a c ft w o U ■ tfl t/> n « a, x tfl 2 Q. X (U -w x w u **-< .G *-* ft 3 ™ Sľ DO W s. a •o U g « o OJ *ľf iľľí tfl *-» '3 tfl i< n in tfl ľ* r* 3., :á Intellectual Property Keeping pec with technology Complete the text by putting Sentences A, G,... G to the right gaps. A Whether a country signs and tries to enforce sitch agreements usually depends upon ■whether it is likely to gain from the agreement. B The laws of intellectual property usually require anyone wanting to copy something to ask permission from the holder of the patent or copyright. ' C But it is not legal to make a large number of copies, for example, for a whole class of students. D The main emphasis of recent laws is not to prevent people from copying, but to ensure they pay for doing so. E However, it is illegal to tape a record, even if if is for private listening f In theory, the law applies to copying done anywhere in the world. G But most legal systems allow certain amotmt of copying even without asking permission. In recent years it has been difficult for intellectual property law to keep pace with technological change. Video recording, satellite television, and the use of computers have expanded so rapidly that it is becoming difficult to control copying.;_(l)_ In Britain, the 1983 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act covers a work of music, art, drama or literature, computer software for SO years after the author's death; sound recordings, films, and broadcasts for 50 years after they are made or broadcast; and other writings for 25 years after publication._(2) To increase the likelihood of enforcing intellectual property law internationally, there arc several important international conventions such as the Universal Copyright Convention, the Bern Convention, and the Patent Corporation Treaty, _(3)_Poorer countries usually produce fewer inventions and new works of art and literature than richer ones. Consequently, they are more interested in the benefits of copying than the problems of being copied. _(