14 Employment law Vocabulary employment/labour law contract of employment industrial/labour relations working hours working conditions terms of contract retirement and retirement pension period of notice employee and employer self-employed person job applicant minimum wage pay/wages/salary job description lawsuit against the employer unfair dismissal equal pay for work of equal value backed by a trade union social security health and safety regulations unemployment benefits dispute settlement collective bargaining pursuant to an express or implied agreement an agent and a principal independent contractor rendering services union officials promotion and lay-off clauses a grievance procedure to be discharged without „just cause“ impartial labour arbitrators written notification of terms itemized pay statements rent rebate community charge and poll tax disability working allowance terminable at will wrongful discharge action rate of unemployment uncontroverted testimony Definitions employer employee employment agent Sunday trading the right to strike collective bargaining statutory rights express terms implied terms fixed-term contract justifiable discharge Questions 1 Describe the rights of employees. 2 Describe the duties of employers. 3 Describe the purpose of collective bargaining. 4 Describe the forms of social security. 5 Describe the situations in which an employee may be justifiably discharged.