ppt_EN_uvod_final Law of eFinance Introduction Autumn 2012 JUDr. Bc. Libor Kyncl, Ph.D. ppt_EN_vnitrek_final ‹#› eMoney •= electronic money •4 concept features of eMoney: –Asset behind an issuer, –Kept electronically, –Usable for payments to person different from the issuer. –Issued in exchange for the amount of classic money (cash or banking money) not smaller than the amount of electronic money (no eMoney bonus). •Considered to be part of ePayments. •eMoney directives of the European Union (2000/46/EC, 2009/110/EC – being implemented into Czech law now). ppt_EN_vnitrek_final ‹#› eMoney •The basic facts on electronic money: –electronic money is stored inside the electronic money instruments (an electronic card or in an electronic purse online), –there must be the redeemability of electronic money back to normal money granted by the emitor, –detailed information on particular instruments and particular electronic money may be found in emitor's general terms –disputes in this area are solved by courts and also by the Czech Financial Arbitrator. • ppt_EN_vnitrek_final ‹#› eInsurance •Electronic services on insurance market •Electronic damage report •Act No. 277/2009 Sb. On Insurance •This regulation used in accordance with the consumer protection rules for distant financial contracts (in Civil Code, Act No. 40/1964 Sb. as amended). ppt_EN_vnitrek_final ‹#› eInvestments •Investments on the capital market online. •Accessible from abroad. •Act No. 256/2004 Sb. On Business Undertakings on the Capital Market as amended. •This regulation used in accordance with the consumer protection rules for distant financial contracts (in Civil Code, Act No. 40/1964 Sb. as amended). • ppt_EN_vnitrek_final ‹#› ePensions •Usually viewing of pension insurance status (passive access only). •Act No. 42/1994 Sb. On Complimentary Pension Insurance with State Support as amended. •This regulation used in accordance with the consumer protection rules for distant financial contracts (in Civil Code, Act No. 40/1964 Sb. as amended). ppt_EN_vnitrek_final ‹#› eLoans •Electronic loan application •Electronic payments regarding loan settling (also part of ePayments). •Documentary / Partially electronic loan contract concluded in case eLoan is approved. (Postal form of contract signing possible.) •Act No. 21/1992 Sb. on Banks or Act No. On Credit Unions (depending on the subjects providing loan). •Act No. 321/2001 Sb. on Consumer Credit (consumer loans), Act No. 190/2004 Sb. On Bonds (mortgages). •This regulation used in accordance with the consumer protection rules for distant financial contracts (in Civil Code, Act No. 40/1964 Sb. as amended). ppt_EN_vnitrek_final ‹#› eTaxation •Taxation of the online transactions regardless of the type (hosting services, information society services, data providing, online buying of items…). •Exception: eTaxation does not form the part of the financial market as it may regard also the taxation of services not related with financial market. •Still, eTaxation is claimed to be the part of eFinance due to the fact that tax relations are very close to relations on the financial market. •Income taxation, value added taxation, customs outside European Union… ppt_EN_vnitrek_final ‹#› Thank you for your attention.