Employment Law Employees´ rights • Brother Sacked His Pregnant Sister •An assistant in a family-run toy shop __________ (bylo přiděleno) £ 5,000 compensation yesterday after ____________ (byla vyhozena) by her own brother after falling pregnant. •Emma Driver ________ (žalovala) David Driver for sex discrimination. An employment Tribunal heard she ____________ (pracuje na částečný úvazek) at the shop in Gateshead when Mr Driver told her to quit if she _________________ (nemůže pracovat na plný úvazek). •Yesterday Mr Driver said he _____________________ (radši se odvolá než, aby zaplatil) £5,000 to his sister. •He added: This decision is a victory for __________ (zaměstnance) who decide to screw their ________ (zaměstnavatele) and it stinks. I would rather jump off the Tyne Bridge than give her the money. •Will the Court of Appeal ____________ (potvrdí) or _____________ (zvrátí) the decision? was awarded being dismissed sued worked part-time could not work full-time would rather appeal than pay employees employers uphold/affirm reverse/overturn Full-time employment contract •2. duties and responsibilities •3. date of commencement •4. terms and conditions •5. probationary service •6. commencing salary •7. sickness pay •8. holiday entitlement •9. notice •10. pension •11. grievance • • •pracovní poměr/smlouva na dobu určitou • •pracovní poměr/smlouva na dobu určitou • • fixed-term contract (of employment), • • (contract of) employment for fixed term • •pracovní poměr/smlouva na dobu neurčitou • •pracovní poměr/smlouva na dobu neurčitou • • (contract of ) employment for indefinite (period of) time, • • open-ended employment (US) COLLECTIVE BARGAINING • •1. What do collective bargaining contracts govern? •2. What do representatives of employees bargain about? •3. What must be done after the agreement is settled by trade union? rights and obligations of employers and employees wage, hours, working conditions it is subject to ratification (it has to be __________) ratified