INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Giving arguments •Group A – you strongly oppose to any limitations, copying and downloading should be allowed fully. • •Group B – Copying and downloading at home is just as bad as stealing from a store. • •Group C – some copying should be allowed but it has to be regulated. How? Keeping pace with technology •KEY: 1)D 2)F 3)A 4)B 5)G 6)E 7)C Keeping pace with technology • •fair dealing (in IP) Keeping pace with technology • •fair dealing (in IP) – a person is allowed to make a photocopy of someone else’s work if it is done for private study and no more than a substantial part of the book or article is copied • Intellectual property traditionally encompasses two wider groups: •1) industrial property rights, i.e. •a) INVENTIONS or PATENTS •b) UTILITY MODELS, • Am. En.: UTILITY PATENTS • in Czech: užitné vzory •c) (industrial) DESIGNS • Am. En.: DESIGN PATENTS • in Czech: (průmyslové) vzory • d) TRADE MARKS, SERVICE MARKS • e) GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS • in Czech: zeměpisná označení • f) PLANT BREEDER’S RIGHTS, • Am. En.: PLANT PATENTS • in Czech: šlechtitelská práva/práva šlechtitele nových odrůd rostlin, • g) CIRCUIT LAYOUTS RIGHTS • in Czech: práva z topografie polovodičových výrobků Intellectual property traditionally encompasses two wider groups: •2) copyright and its neighbouring and related rights, i.e. rights to • a) PERFORMING artists • b) PRODUCERS of sound recordings • c) BROADCASTING organizations