TRKoVNi DQBň odchod Xo hochovo MiNfřMijV/ Mim CO (z) Oř) 'Cr) &)■ (?) 7>ortov^ (to) i / WROVNňNl EMPLOYMENT LAW A) "Employment" vocabulary. Employment is a word denoting: (i) activity inCzech:_ (ii) the contractual relation between an employer and employee, in Cz«h:_ Write down other nouns denoting persons which can be derived from the verb "employ" except "employee" and "employer":______„_,-„_ - B) The following text explains the difference between an employee and an agent or an independent contractor, translate the expressions in the brackets into English (the first letters of the English words are given): The relationship of an employer and an employee (i.e. the employment relationship) exists when p (v souladu s) an express or implied agreement of the parries, one. person, an employee n (zaváže se, slíbí) to perform services or to do work under the direction and control of another, the employer. An employee is h_(najmut) only to work under the control of the employer, as contrasted with (a) an agent, who is to n_■ , .. (vyjednávat) or make contracts with third persons o_(jménem) and under the control of a principal, and with (b) an _(plnit, vykonávat) a contract independent independent contractor, who is to p. of, or free from, control by the other party. Find terms in the text that match the following definitions: j. _ ■_ a person employing the services of others arid paying their salaries.. _ a person in the service of another working for a salary. __ an activity which is usually set up by a contract involving the doing of required work for adequate compensation. " _ a person authorised by a principal to act for or in place of him. ii m IV Examples of employee rights - prepare explanations of the following rights • the right to a written statement of terms of employment • the right to an itemised pay slip • the right to be paid at least the minimum wage. • the right to paid holiday • the rigbtto paid maternity leave • the right to paid paternity leave • the right to work a maximum 48-hour working week • the right to weekly and daily rest breaks • the right not to be discriminated against • the right to notice of dismissal • the right to written reasons for dismissal • the right to claim compensation if unfairly dismissed • the right to claim redundancy pay if made redundant • the right of a part-time worker to the same contractual rights (pro-rata) as a comparable full-time worker • the right of a fixed-term employee to the same contractual rights as a comparable permanent employee. DUTIES OF EMPLOYERS, RIGHTS OF EMPLOYEES i Genera! duties of employers. Duties of employers are, for the-most part, rights of employees. In addition to payment of wages, employers owe various common law 3 obligations to employees, which constitute implied terms in the contract of employment in the absence of express agreement to the contrary.v, s Special statutory rights of employees.. In recent years*.-legislation'- has given increasing rights to employees. Some rights :apply generally, such-as those to 7 written notification of terms, and itemized pay„.sMe^ periods of notice. Other rights apply only to particular types of employee, or in » special situations. ^__§J:..M3rsl1'J- Soulsby, Business Law I b) Find the key sentence in the preceding text which expresses the general I idea of rights and duties in an employment relationship. 'c?) What are two kinds of terms contained in a contract of employment? I i those written explicitly are ____-.—tenr,s > Ü. those resulting from a wider (legal) context or which can be established by r.irr.nnisfnntiat ftviHr.nOP. are terms EMPLOYMENT LAW Listen and fill in the gaps to make a summary of the given information: Employment rights distinction between employees and self-employed: employees have more_ employees are in a weaker_ 1978 Employment Protection Act: a written summary of_ at least_if employment is to be ended the right for compensation if dismissed unfairly or women have the right to__in order to have a baby the application of rights depends on circumstances: little protection for people_ men over 65 and women over 60 are not entitled to sometimes it is fair to dismiss equality of opportunity for employees and job applicants (1970 Equal Pay Act, 1976 Race Relation Act, 1975 and 1986 Sex Discrimination Act) whatever their_ _for cases of discrimination equal pay for work of_,_ EC employment law is sometimes better than English law: _for receiving retirement pension are legal forcing_from work earlier than men is not legal (the decision of European Court, compared to an industrial tribunal) attempts to harmonize employment rights among member states • the problem of standard minimum wage low-paid workers would be__ it would put_on small business • the problem of Sunday trading 1950 Shops Act limits Sunday trading in Britain o for_reasons o to ensure at least_a week for shopkeepers ■o complicated and_ • the right to strike all strikes in Britain must be supported by a_in a strike actions still constitute_ employers are unlikely to dismiss workers who are backed by