English for Lawyers I.3 Czech English odkládací podmínka precedent (suspensive) condition vadné zboží faulty goods Soud potvrdil rozhodnutí. The court upheld (affirmed) the decision (of the lower court). záruka warranty spotřebitel a dodavatel consumer and supplier odpovědnost za výrobek product liability vzdát se práva waive the right  Have you ever worked?  Full-time or part-time?  What did you do?  What did the employer want you to do?  What is your priority in seeking a job?  What can you do after graduation?  When can people be dismissed?  What does employment law regulate?  An employer  a person or entity which hires the services of another  An employee  a person who is hired for a wage, salary, fee or payment to perform work for an employer.  Express terms of agreement  terms stated by the parties during negotiation or written in a contractual document  Implied terms of agreement  terms that are not stated but nevertheless form a provision of the contract … labour work done by hand manual labour hard manual work hard labour … labour workers who are hired for a short period casual labour workers who don‘t earn much money cheap labour workers who have special knowledge or qualifications skilled labour workers who are members of trade unions organized labour labour… pracovní spory labour disputes pracovní vztahy labour relations pracovněprávní předpis labour legislation  práce  pracovní síla  pracovní  A labourer  a person who does work requiring chiefly bodily strength or aptitude and little skill or training  often with a defining word prefixed (e.g. dock labourer, farm labourer,..)  dělník  A worker  a person who works or does work of any kind  who is employed for a wage, especially in manual or industrial work  pracovník  as an activity  zaměstnání, povolání  as a contractual relation between an employer and employee  pracovní vztah  = industrial relation  pracovněprávní vztah 1. pracovní poměr  employment (relationship)  employment for an indefinite period of time  employment for a fixed term  employment contract 2. dohoda o pracovní činnosti  agreement to (perform) work 3. dohoda o provedení práce  agreement to complete a job  2+3: agreements to work outside the scope of employment  take on (GB)  hire (US)  CV = ?  Curriculum Vitae  US: Résumé  covering letter  job interview  Collective bargaining is carried out by odbory on behalf of zaměstnanci.  What do collective bargaining contracts govern?  rights and obligations of employers and employees  kolektivní smlouva  collective agreement a. náplň práce b. ustanovení o mzdách a příplatcích c. ustanovení o postupu v zaměstnání a ukončení pracovního poměru d. ustanovení o právech managementu e. postup při projednávání stížností a. identification of the work b. wage and benefits clauses c. promotion and lay-off clauses d. a management‘s rights clause e. a grievance procedure  payment of wages / salaries  Wages - best associated with employee compensation based on the number of hours worked multiplied by an hourly rate of pay.  For example, an employee working in an assembly plant might work 40 hours during the work week. If the person’s hourly rate of pay is $15, the employee will receive a paycheck showing gross wages of $600 (40 x $15).  Salary - best associated with employee compensation quoted on an annual basis.  For example, the manager of the assembly plan might earn a salary of $120,000 per year.  remuneration  odměna, odměňování  itemized pay statement  platový výměr  written notification of terms  podmínky v písemné formě  minimum periods of notice  minimální výpovědní doba  to render personal service  to take care and exercise reasonable skill  to obey instructions  to give loyal and faithful service  bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví při práci  health and safety protection at work  fixed-term contract  smlouva na dobu určitou  permanent contract  smlouva na dobu neurčitou  terminable at will  ukončení pracovněprávního vztahu bez udání důvodu  When employees decide to leave they  resign or  hand in their notice/resignation  When employees have to leave because they did something wrong  they are dismissed  their contracts are terminated  more informally: they are sacked or fired  When they have to leave because company can no longer employ them, the employee is  made redundant (GB), let go (US)  offered early retirement  lay off  stop employing someone, usually because there is no work for them to do  a wrongful discharge action  žaloba na neplatnost výpovědi  redundancy payment  odstupné  notice  výpověď  to give notice to someone  length of notice  notice period  reasonable notice  max. statutory notice  proper notice  důvodné propuštění 1. non-performance of duties 2. misrepresentation 3. disobedience to proper direction 4. disloyalty 5. theft or other dishonesty 6. possession or use of drugs or intoxicants 7. wrongful misconduct 8. incompetency  maternity benefit  příspěvek v mateřství  sickness benefit  nemocenské dávky (also: sickness pay)  old-age benefit  starobní důchod  death benefit  pozůstalostní dávka (pojistné plnění při smrtelném pracovním úraze)  family allowance  rodinný přídavek  nursing allowance  ošetřovací přídavek  benefit  a payment usually made to someone under a national or private insurance scheme  dávka, plnění  allowance  money given for a special reason not necessarily related to the insurance  (sociální) dávka, příspěvek, příspěvek, příděl  to discriminate on grounds  to discriminate in promotion  discrimination as to membership  X discriminates against Y  It is unlawful to discriminate against employees on grounds of  race  sex  sexual orientation  ethnic origin  national origin  …  Across:  6: permanent  7: procedures  8: in lieu  9: clear  Down:  1: referees  2: honour  3: contract  4: offer  5: reference  shift work  notice period  annual leave  part-time employment  trial period  core time  sick leave  public holiday  resignation  vacation  dismissal  fixed-term contract  six-day week  redundancy  temporary employment  flexitime  probationary period  holiday entitlement Working time Employment status Absence Ending employment shift work trial period annual leave notice period part-time employment fixed-term contract sick leave resignation core time temporary employment public holiday dismissal six-day week probationary period vacation redundancy flexitime holiday entitlement 1. flexible 2. flextime (or flexitime) 3. flexibility 4. inflexible „If you think you have been unfairly (1) ____________ from your job, you can (2) ____________ a claim for your case to be (3) ____________ by an employment tribunal. A tribunal (4) ____________ a court, although it is more informal. It hears different types of complaints from employees. If your complaint (5) ____________ to a hearing, it will be heard by a panel of three people, which typically (6) ____________ the chair, who is a qualified legal practitioner, and two nonlegally qualified members, who may have experience as employers or union representatives, for example. The tribunal will (7) ____________ whether your dismissal was fair or not. If your case is successful, the tribunal will also decide whether compensation should be (8) ____________, and if so, how much. The tribunal may (9) ____________ a cost order, requiring the claimant or the respondent (employer) to (10) ____________ the costs (11) ____________ by the other party. Czech English pracovní poměr employment pracovní smlouva employment contract dohoda o pracovní činnosti agreement to (perform) work dohoda o provedení práce agreement to complete a job pracovní poměr na dobu určitou fixed-time (fixed-term) employment // employment for a fixed period pracovní poměr na dobu neurčitou permanent employment // employment for an indefinite time stávkovat be on strike  www.blog.accountingcoach.com  www.google.com  www.thefreedictionary.com  Chromá, Marta. English-Czech law dictionary. Leda, 1997.  Chromá, Marta. Czech -English law dictionary. Leda, 2001.  Chromá, M. New Introduction to Legal English Volume II. Praha : Nakladatelství Karolinum, 2003.554 p.  Powell, R. Law Today. Longman Group UK Limited, 1993. 128p.