Labour Law – Employment (Chromá II, unit 18) Collocations: labour 1. Work done by hand = Hard manual work = 2. workers who are hired for a short period = workers who do not earn much money = workers who have special knowledge or qualifications = workers who are members of trade unions = 3. pracovní spory = pracovní vztahy = pracovněprávní předpisy = labour x labourer x worker Naming definitions: A person who is employing the services of others and paying their salaries is in the service of another working for a salary is authorised by a principal to act for or in place of him is to perform a contract independent of, or free from, control by the other party undertakes to perform services or to do work under the direction and control of another is called express terms of agreement x implied terms of agreement Employment as an activity in Czech = Employment as a contractual relation between an employer and employee in Czech = Collective bargaining is carried out by …………………… on behalf of …………………… * What do collective bargaining contracts govern? * Why do the representatives of employees bargain with the employers? * What are the terms usually found in collective bargaining contracts? ü katalog prací ü ustanovení o mzdách a příplatcích ü ustanovení o postupu v zaměstnání a jeho ukončení ü ustanovení o právech managementu ü postup při projednávání stížností lay sb off (NOT EMPLOY) phrasal verb [M often passive] to stop employing someone, usually because there is no work for them to do lay off (sth/sb) (STOP) phrasal verb INFORMAL to stop using or doing something: (from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary) General duties of employers: Special statutory rights of employees: Duties of employees: a) b) c) d) Wages x wage x salary: * How can the amount of wages be fixed? * What sort of provision for families could be made? ü a payment made by the government in Britain to families with a low income ü in the UK, money paid by the government to help people who are poor pay for a place to live in ü a UK system of local taxation brought in in 1990, in England and Wales, and in 1989 in Scotland ü this benefit was introduced in 1992 within UK security policy to top up the wages of disabled people to take up and remain in paid jobs Duration of an employment contract: Definite = Indefinite = No fixed duration = Synonyms for “být propuštěn” = A wrongful discharge action = Notice collocations: Justifiable discharge: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Discharge // dismissal + wrongful // unfair Discrimination against working women: To discriminate on To discriminate in Discrimination as to X discriminates against Y Discrimination on grounds of race: It is unlawful for an employer to discriminate .................. employees on .................... of a. b. c. d. Complaints of racial discrimination in employment are heard by ..................................... A neutral third party appointed by the Minister and who attempts to bring together the parties in an industrial dispute for reconciling their differences = A set of written rules that state operating requirements for specified activities, the documented procedures operated by public bodies to enable them to comply with the legislation = The rate of unemployment and entitlement to compensation: eligible for unemployment compensation benefits unemployment insurance provisions be available for placement in a similar job at a comparable rate of pay laid off as part of a general economy move uncontroverted=uncontradicted testimony an inference or presumption quit a job without cause The social security system and financial support for people in need: A payment usually made to someone under a national or private insurance scheme = e.g. Money given for a special reason not necessarily related to the insurance = e.g. Written particulars of an employment contract: Translate: pracovní poměr pracovní smlouva dohoda o pracovní činnosti dohoda o provedení práce hlavní pracovní poměr vedlejší pracovní poměr pracovní poměr na částečný úvazek pracovní poměr na plný úvazek pracovní poměr na dobu určitou pracovní poměr na dobu neurčitou