Intellectual Property (Chromá, vol I, Unit 9) Different kinds of property: Define intellectual property: Patents are granted to protect to give the right to empower to deter Pre-conditions to be met by an invention in order to qualify for registration of a patent: three pre-requisites for a patentable invention: 1) 2) 3) A patent for an invention can be understood as The right conferred by the patent grant is Industrial rights terminology Utility patents = Design patents = Plant patents = The design patent protects Plant breeder´s rights are used to protect European patents give the protection in are granted by have the same a patent attorney can be defined as The purpose and benefits of the Trilateral Cooperation Designs in the UK A registered design is a monopoly right for To qualify for registration, the design must be 1) 2) Designs in Australia Design registration is intended to protect designs which Designs which are not eligible for registration Community Designs in Europe 1) 2) Trademarks or may be: trade marks are used to prevent Violation of an incorporeal right = If it happens, the owner can Patentee´s entitlement: Infringement in the context of IP is to be understood as Illicit sales of famous goods Passing off is a committed by Geographical indications can be understood as the concept also includes Copyright right protects gives the owner of copyright the exclusive right 1) to 2) to 3) to 4) to 5) to form of expression x subject matter of the writing The types of work that qualify for copyright 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Put them into three groups: a) b) c) Extended copyright protection The infringement of a copyright It consists of The person infringing copyright is liable to for The owner is also entitled to Rights related to copyright = 1) 2) 3) Performing artists and the rights of action: a) damages b) injunction – seizure remedy: i) ii) WIPO =