1 Banking SupervisionBanking Supervision Prof. UG dr hab. Anna JurkowskaProf. UG dr hab. Anna Jurkowska--ZeidlerZeidler Banking supervisory functionsBanking supervisory functions The objective of the bankingThe objective of the banking supervision is to ensure:supervision is to ensure: the safety of funds held in bankthe safety of funds held in bank accounts,accounts, compliance of the banks with thecompliance of the banks with the provisions of the Banking Law, theirprovisions of the Banking Law, their statutes, and the decision ofstatutes, and the decision of granting authorisation to establishgranting authorisation to establish those banks.those banks. Supervision of Credit InstitutionsSupervision of Credit Institutions Supervision of credit institutions inSupervision of credit institutions in the light of the EU law is based onthe light of the EU law is based on the following rules:the following rules: Supervision by the home MemberSupervision by the home Member State, with exceptional supervisionState, with exceptional supervision by the host Stateby the host State National deposit guaranteesNational deposit guarantees The exchange of informationThe exchange of information between supervising authorities ofbetween supervising authorities of host and home Member Statehost and home Member State 2 The homeThe home--host relationship in thehost relationship in the exercise of banking supervisionexercise of banking supervision The homeThe home--hosthost relationshiprelationship, is the core, is the core conceptconcept ofof supervision of thesupervision of the EEUU financialfinancial marketmarket .. The homeThe home--host relationship is about howhost relationship is about how we should divide tasks, powers andwe should divide tasks, powers and responsibility in the exercise of bankingresponsibility in the exercise of banking supervision between differentsupervision between different EUEU Member StatesMember States when it comes towhen it comes to supervising, monitoring and, in the worstsupervising, monitoring and, in the worst case,case, windingwinding –– up of creditup of credit institutionsinstitutions.. Rule of home SupervisionRule of home Supervision AccordingAccording toto thethe rulerule ofof homehome supervisionsupervision, a credit, a credit institutioninstitution havinghaving itsits registredregistred officeoffice inin one EUone EU MemberMember State,State, conductingconducting itsits activityactivity crossbordercrossborder atat thethe territoryterritory ofof otherother MemberMember StateState oror havinghaving itsits branchesbranches abroadabroad –– isis subjectsubject toto supervisionsupervision ofof homehome MemberMember StatesStates authoritiesauthorities Rule of home Supervision (cont.)Rule of home Supervision (cont.) RResponsibility for supervising theesponsibility for supervising the financial soundness of a creditfinancial soundness of a credit institution, and in particular its solvency,institution, and in particular its solvency, is laid on tis laid on the competent authoritieshe competent authorities inin itsits home country.home country. 3 Rule of host SupervisionRule of host Supervision The rule of host Member StateThe rule of host Member State supervision is applicable tosupervision is applicable to (foreign) subsidiaries of credit(foreign) subsidiaries of credit institution and to creditinstitution and to credit institutions with their registeredinstitutions with their registered office outside the territory of theoffice outside the territory of the EU.EU. Rule of host Supervision (cont.)Rule of host Supervision (cont.) The hostThe host Member State'sMember State's competentcompetent authoritiesauthorities are rare responsibesponsiblele for thefor the supervision ofsupervision of of the liquidity of theof the liquidity of the branches of foreign credit institutionsbranches of foreign credit institutions located in its territory and domesticlocated in its territory and domestic monetary policy.monetary policy. Cooperation in banking supervisionCooperation in banking supervision The competent home and hostThe competent home and host authorities are obligated toauthorities are obligated to exchange any information conceringexchange any information concering management and assets of creditmanagement and assets of credit institutions, that may facilitateinstitutions, that may facilitate monitoring of such elements andmonitoring of such elements and exercising supervision over them, inexercising supervision over them, in particular as regards liquidity andparticular as regards liquidity and solvency of credit institutions andsolvency of credit institutions and deposit guarantees.deposit guarantees. 4 Colleges of supervisorsColleges of supervisors Enhanced cooperation between supervisory authoritiesEnhanced cooperation between supervisory authorities both at EU and global level is key to strengthening theboth at EU and global level is key to strengthening the supervision of crosssupervision of cross--border banking groups.border banking groups. Colleges of supervisors are the vehicles for theColleges of supervisors are the vehicles for the coordination of supervisory activities.coordination of supervisory activities. Under EU law, colleges of supervisors have to beUnder EU law, colleges of supervisors have to be established for EU banks with subsidiaries orestablished for EU banks with subsidiaries or significant branches in other EU countries (They maysignificant branches in other EU countries (They may include supervisors in noninclude supervisors in non--EEA countries, whereEEA countries, where relevant).relevant). The colleges allow supervisory authorities to joinThe colleges allow supervisory authorities to join forces, share knowledge and use skills and resourcesforces, share knowledge and use skills and resources more effectively and efficiently, regardless of theirmore effectively and efficiently, regardless of their individual jurisdiction.individual jurisdiction. Financial soundnessFinancial soundness (finance) financial stability(finance) financial stability Sound: financially strong, secure, orSound: financially strong, secure, or reliable, financially safe or stablereliable, financially safe or stable The risk of financial failure arisingThe risk of financial failure arising from lack offrom lack of liquidityliquidity or capitalor capital Liquidity risk is defined as the riskLiquidity risk is defined as the risk that the bank will be unable to meetthat the bank will be unable to meet itsits financialfinancial obligations as they fallobligations as they fall due. These obligations include thedue. These obligations include the repayment of deposits on demandrepayment of deposits on demand SolvencySolvency Solvent condition; ability to pay all justSolvent condition; ability to pay all just debts.debts. Solvency: ability to pay all debtsSolvency: ability to pay all debts The ability of a bank to meet its longThe ability of a bank to meet its long--termterm financialfinancial obligations.obligations. SolvencySolvency is essentialis essential to staying in business, but a company alsoto staying in business, but a company also needs liquidity to operate.needs liquidity to operate. If a company is unable to meet itsIf a company is unable to meet its obligation, it is said to beobligation, it is said to be insolventinsolvent andand must undergomust undergo bankruptcybankruptcy in order toin order to eithereither liquidateliquidate oror restructurerestructure.. 5 New architecture of the bankingNew architecture of the banking supervision in EUsupervision in EU Recent changes and developments in institutionalRecent changes and developments in institutional structure of financial markets in a number of EUstructure of financial markets in a number of EU Member States highlighted some commonMember States highlighted some common features of the reforms concerning nationalfeatures of the reforms concerning national supervisory structures:supervisory structures: a trend towards consolidation of supervisorya trend towards consolidation of supervisory authorities;authorities; a close involvement of central banks in prudentiala close involvement of central banks in prudential supervision even where they are not entrustedsupervision even where they are not entrusted with direct supervisory responsibilities;with direct supervisory responsibilities; an increased tendency to formalise cooperationan increased tendency to formalise cooperation among supervisory authorities and between themamong supervisory authorities and between them and other authorities, in this way contributing toand other authorities, in this way contributing to financial stabilityfinancial stability