1 LEGAL REGULATION OF THE AIR PROTECTION Ilona Jancarova ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS RELATED TO AIR  Emissions of polluting substances (pollution)  Ozone layer depletion  Climate change SYSTEM OF THE REGULATION Air pollution (stationary and mobile sources)  Act No. 201/2012 Coll., on the Air Protection  Act No. 56/2001 Coll., on Conditions of the Vehicles Operation on Roads, as amended  Directive 2016/2284/EU on the reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants (2001/81/EC)  Directive 2008/50/EC on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe  Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control) and many others 2 I. EMISSIONS OF POLLUTING SUBSTANCES CLASSIFICATION OF SOURCES OF AIR POLLUTION  Mobile sources  Stationary sources – a) listed in Annex 2 of the Air Act b) others 2 LEVELS OF AIR PROTECTION:  Standard level of air protection  Special air protection 3 Standard level of air protection Regulatory tools:  the admissible level of air pollution  plans and other program documents  fuel quality requirements  bans and duties of individual persons  permits and approvals  monitoring, record-keeping and reporting requirements  authorization  fees  sanctions. Standard level of air protection 1. Admissible level of air pollution:  Emission limitaton  Emission ceillings  Air quality standards Standard level of air protection 2. Plans and other program documents:  National program for emisson reductions  Programs for air quality improvement To comply with air quality standards as soon as possible 4 Standard level of air protection 3. Permits and approvals:  Approval of APA to development consents  Approval of APA to construction permits  Permit to operate  Opinion of APA to land use plans  Compensatory measures Standard level of air protection 4. Duties of persons:  General duties  Specific duties (for persons handling paints, distributors of fuels, authorized persons etc.)  Duties of operators of stacionary sources: – General – Specific for sources listed in Annex 2 Standard level of air protection 5. Fees  Amount of emissions  Emission rate 5 Standard level of air protection 6. Authorization:  Measurements of air quality  Measurements of emissions  Disperse models etc. Standard level of air protection Sanctions:  Fines  Corrective measures  Prohibiton to operate Standard level of air protection Other regulatory instruments:  Fuel quality requirements  Monitoring, reporting  Register of air quality information system  Register of sources of pollution 6 Special air protection Regulatory tools:  designation of areas with bad air quality,  continual monitoring of the air pollution levels,  air quality improvement programs,  specific air quality standards  smog warning and traffic regulation systems  specific conditions of operation for selected stationary sources of pollution  low – emission zones in cities. Mobile sources regulation Regulatory tools:  technical requirements and emission limits  fuel quality requirements (biofuels)  duties of operators  sanctions.