THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE 2007 doubt that is warming and „lt is now beyond doubt that Earth's climate is warming and very likely that most of the increase since the mid-20th century is the result of mankind's activities." AMERICAN PHYSICIST'S COMMENTARTO AL GORE'S FILM In 2008 „There is no convincing scientific evidence that the human release of greenhouse gases is causing or will in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate." DONALD TRUMP: On climate change On November 6, 2012, Donald Trump tweeted: "The concept of global warming was created by ankaufte Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-c On October 19, 2015: , "It's really cold outside, they are calling it a major freeze, weeks ahead of normal. Man, we could use a big fat dose of global t warming!" A CAUSES OF GLOBAL a) Human activities ■ Fossil fuel combus ■ Land use ■ Decomposition of natural materials ■ Forest fires ■ Vulcanic activities ■ Changes of the Sun ■ Aerosols (water vapor) CAUSES OF GLOBAL WARMING Natural changes of temperature: ■ 1000 a.c. - agricultural settlements in Greenland ■ 14. century - drop in temperature n) decline of settlements in 15. century ■ 1645 - 1715 small ice period (freezing of Lamanche channel and Baltic Sea) ■ 18. century - temperature increase Average temperature development Reconstructed Temperature RELATION OF TEMPERATURE AND C02 SOURCES OF C02 S CONSEQUENCES CONSEQUENCES CONSEQUENCES ... CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE (Rio de Janeiro 1992) Aim: the stabilization of greenhouse gasses concentrations in the atmosphere at the level that would prevent climate change Tools: national inventories of greenhouse gasses sources and sinks national action programs Obligations: development of ecosystems as GG sinks support technologies for emission reduction monitoring, research, cooperation, info-exchange CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE (Rio de Janeiro 1992) Commitment of Annex I parties to quantified reduction targets (5%) and a timetable for their achievement Different obligations (CR - 8% reductions of GG concentrations during 2008 - 2012 comparing to the 1990) Six gasses are covered by the emission reductions commitments (C02, NOx, methane, hydrofluorocarbons,perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride) CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE (Rio de Janeiro 1992) - further obligations: International cooperation Reforms in energy and transportation sectors Support of renewable sources of energy Increase of energy efficiency Protection of forests and other green areas CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE KYOTO PROTOCOL Ways to fulfill obligations: a) Trade in GG emission b) Joint implemetation of emission reduction commitments c) Clean development mechanism Any party may transfer to or acquire from any other party of Annex I emission reduction credits resulting from the projects CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE AFTER KYOTO ■2012 Doha Quatar Doha Amendments: ■ Commitments to reduce GG emissions by at least 18% bellow 1990 levels from 2013 - 2020 (composition of parties is different, revised list of GG) ■ Adaptation fund ■ Monitoring and precise recording of trades CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE AFTER KYOTO 2015 - Paris Agreement ■ New global binding agreement ■ New obligations after Kyoto protocol (2020) ■ National obligations to reduce emissions of GHG on a voluntary basis CONCLUSIONS Global warming is a problem that is to be solved There is no scientific evidence that global warming is caused solely by anthropogenii emissions ways to stop global warming EU - preference of economic approach USA - investments into scientific research, development of new technologies Procedure to adopt international agreement es and consequences sentation of the problem in the international community and its recognition as an international problem draft signature ratification or other expression of the consent to be oblidged with the treaty CONCLUSIONS If the problem is not sufficiently described and explained, it will be difficult to reach global consesus. It is not necessary to wait for the agreement, everybody can help. What can be done to save ou ur plane Literátu Jančárová, Ilona: Legal Aspects of Global Warming. Amsterdam Law Forum, Amsterdam : Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Library, 2/2010, 2, od s. 51-60, 10 s. ISSN 1876-8156. 2010. URL Jančárová, Ilona: Vzájemný vztah obchodování s povolenkami na emise skleníkových plynů a integrovaného povolování. In Tkáčiková Jana (Ed.). Ekonomické nástroje v právu životního prostředí. Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2010. od s. 84-90, 7 YOU CONTROL CLIMATE CHANGE. nm orní switch on. mctcie hi c hang