GLOBAL WARMING Ilona Jančářová 2017 GREENHOUSE EFFECT Greenhouse Gases (GG) CAUSES OF THE WARMING a) Human activities  Burning of fossil fuels  Way of land use (deforestation)  Farming etc. b) Natural activities  Decomposition  Forest fires  Vulcanic activities  Changes of the Sun  Water vapor AVERAGE TEMPERATURE SOURCES OF CO2 CONSEQUENCES …. CONSEQUENCES …. CONSEQUENCES …. CONSEQUENCES …. CONSEQUENCES … On November 6, 2012, Donald Trump tweeted: "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive." On October 19, 2015, he then tweeted: "It's really cold outside, they are calling it a major freeze, weeks ahead of normal. Man, we could use a big fat dose of global warming!" Donald Trump On climate change INTERNATIONAL BACKGROUND  CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE (Rio de Janeiro 1992)  Protokol (Kyoto 1997) - 5% reductions  European - wide GG emission reduction target: 8% during the period 2008 - 2012 comparing to 1990 levels  (burden sharing for EU MS) INTERNATIONAL BACKGROUND Doha Amendment 2012  new obligations for MS in Annex I for the 2nd period (2013-2020)  18% reductions  revision of the list of GG COP 21- Paris 2015  new global Climate Change Convention  new obligations for the period 2020 ….  voluntary national reductions – EU 40% 2030 EU LEGISLATION ON CLIMATE CHANGE 1. Legislation on emission reductions 2. Legislation on energy efficiency 3. Legislation on renewable sources of energy Energy and climate package:  20% GG abatement target  20% renewable energy target by 2020  20% energy efficiency target Implementing the Kyoto Protocol in the EU 20% GG reduction target:  Emission trading  Joint implementation of obligation to reduce GG emissions  Clean Development Mechanisms The emissions trading system (EU ETS)  Emission limit values levels allocated to the Community and each of its Member States  Monitoring mechanism  monitoring anthropogenic GG emissions  evaluating the progress made by MS and the EU  setting up the national and European registries and programs  ensuring timely, transparent and correct reporting The emissions trading system (EU ETS)  Directive 2003/87/EC establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community  Commission Regulation (EU) No 1031/2010 on the timing, administration and other aspects of auctioning of greenhouse gas emission allowances pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC The emissions trading system (EU ETS)  Commission Regulation (EU) No 389/2013 establishing a Union Registry pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC  Commission Regulation (EU) No 601/2012 on the monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC Energy and climate package - renewables  20% renewable energy target to be attained in 2020  Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources  target to be reached by 2020 for the EU is a share of 20% energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy.  each MS has its own 2020 binding target Energy and climate package - energy efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency  To enhance cost-effective improvements in energy efficiency  Applies to companies involved in the distribution and sale of energy and final consumers of energy. It does not apply to companies subject to the EU ETS (ET Directive) Energy and climate package - energy efficiency Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings  Calculation of energy efficiency  Minimum energy efficiency requirements  Energy performance certificate Legislation on other activities  Directive 2009/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the geological storage of carbon dioxide  3 phases – capture, transportation, permanent storage Legislation on other activities Directive 2009/30/EC (amending Directive 98/70/EC) as regards the specification of petrol, diesel and gas-oil and introducing a mechanism to monitor and reduce greenhouse gas emissions  Rules on the specification various fuels have to meet so that they can be marketed throughout the EU Legislation on other activities Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases (F- gases)  Rules on use, containment, recovery and destruction of F- gases Literature: Jančářová, Ilona: Legal Aspects of Global Warming. Amsterdam Law Forum, Amsterdam : Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Library, 2/2010, 2, od s. 51-60, 10 s. ISSN 1876-8156. 2010. URL VOMÁČKA, Vojtěch a Ilona JANČÁŘOVÁ. Transboundary Impact Assessment from the Central European Perspective. Czech Yearbook of International Law, Huntington USA: Juris Publishing, Inc., 2012, roč. 3, č. 2012, s. 19-37. ISSN 2157-2976. Jančářová, Ilona: Vzájemný vztah obchodování s povolenkami na emise skleníkových plynů a integrovaného povolování. In Tkáčiková Jana (Ed.). Ekonomické nástroje v právu životního prostředí. Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2010. od s. 84-90, 7 s.