PF_PPT pruh+znak_PF_13_gray5+fialovy_RGB Possessio Katedra dějin státu a práva JUDr. Bc. Radek Černoch, Ph.D. PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled 2 Terminology n nPos(t)+sedere = possidere nFactual domination over a thing nPossessor nIus possidendi as a part of ownership triad ncf. it. possedere, eng. possessions nPossessio ac ususfructus agri provincialis nBeati possidentes nUsucapio PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled 3 Requisites n n nAnimus possidendi (animus rem sibi habendi) n n nCorporalis possessio (corpus possessionis) PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled 4 Gaining of a possession n nAnimo utique nostro, nSubjective part, subjectively incapable does not have it nimpuberes tutore auctore n ncorpore vel nostro vel alieno. nservus npersonae alieni iuris nin Iustinian times per liberam personam n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled 5 Means of a gaining nOccupatio (not concerning the will of the previous owner) n nTraditio (=derivatively) napprehensio, omnes glebas circumambulare ntraditio ficticia/symbolica, vacuam possessionem tradere usque ad terminum ntraditio longa manu (ex turre) ntraditio brevi manu (a change of animi in case of detention) nconstitutum possessorium (the owner sells a thing, but keeps it in a detention, the acquirer gains possession) PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled 6 Extinguishment of a possession n nDeath of the owner, without heirs, or extinguishment of a thing n nMissing of one of the requirements, but npossessio animo retinetur nsaltus hiberni et aestivi nservus fugitivus n n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled 7 Interdicts concerning possession nInterdicta adipiscendae possessionis – to claim gained things ninterdictum Quorum bonorum – for the possessor of the inheritance ninterdictum sectorium – for the winner of an auction ninterdictum Salvianum – for the gain of the inventory in case when rent has not been paid nInterdicta retinendae possessionis – protection of possession in court ninterdictum Utrubi – movables, in last year ninterdictum Uti possidetis - immovables nInterdicta recuperandae possessionis – final decision ninterdictum de vi – intra annum ninterdictum de vi armata – even gained vi, clam, precario ninterdictum de precario – 30 years PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled 8 Means of controlling a thing nPossession nDetention (possessio naturalis/corpore/pro alieno) nProtection through owner ne. g. depositary, conductor nDerived possession nProtection through interdicts nsequester, precarium, mortgage nPossession of a right (possessio iuris, quasi possessio) nFactual performance of other rights than ownership nInterdicts as a protection of servitutes PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled 9 Suntne vobis quaestiones aliquae? n n n n n n nAliter gratias vobis ago…