Introduction into Roman Law and its Further Development JUDr. Mgr. Radek Černoch, Ph.D., Department of the History of the State and Law 1 Note: This presentation serves only as an introduction into the subject. Nothing from it will be required for the exam. SOC046 Roman Law §Teachers: §JUDr. Mgr. Radek Černoch, Ph.D. §Mgr. Lucie Mrázková §JUDr. Pavel Salák, Ph.D. §Written exam §Syllabus (order subject to change) §1. Introduction into Roman Law and its Further Development §2. Possession and Types of Thing (dr. Salák) §3. Roman State and Sources of Law §4. Ownership and Easements (Mgr. Mrázková) §5. Law of Obligations – General Part (dr. Salák) §6. Legal Personality and Family §7. Juridical Acts and Procedural Law §8. Torts §9. Contracts – Verbal Contracts, Literary Contracts, Real Contracts §10. Consensual Contracts §11. Law of Succession – Testamentary and Intestate Succession §12. Law of Succession – Position of Heir and Singular Succession 2 Literature §PLESSIS, Paul du. Borkowski’s Textbook on Roman Law. 4th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. xvi+427 p. ISBN 978-0-19-957488-9. §Any other you may encounter in almost any language (usually not problem if an older one): §Kaser, Brutti, Guarino, O. F. Robinson, Longchamps de Bérier, Dajczak, Zimmermann, etc. (no particular order) § 3 It‘s Your Turn §Where are you from, your studies, language skills, previous knowledge of Roman law, expectations, etc. § 4 Roman Law §Legal Order of Ancient Roman Empire § §University subject (introduction to legal thinking and system) § §Aid for Interpretation 5 Roman Law – When? § §From 753? BC § §Till AD: 476, 486, 1453, 1900, 1946, still in force? 6 Roman Law – Where? §Rome §Italy §Mediterranean Area §Continental Europe §England §Germany §Japan §USA §RSA 7 Ancient Rome §Of course §See other lessons §Then Reception of Roman Law §Byzantine Empire §Leges Romanae Barbarorum §Middle Ages and Modern Period (next slides) §Church (ecclesia vivit lege Romana) 8 Italy §CTh, 1070 Littera Florentina, Bologna, mos italicus §Unum sit ius cum unum est imperium. §Glossatores §Irnerius: Quattuor doctores (Martinus,Bulgarus,Jacobus,Hugo) §Accursius: Glossa ordinaria §Chi non ha Azzo non vada in palazzo. §Quidquid non adgnoscit glossa, non adgnoscit iura. §Commentatores §ius commune (PIL) §Bartolus de Saxoferrato (Nemo iurista nisi Bartolista), §Baldus de Ubaldis 9 Glossa ordinaria § 10 00000022.jpg § 11 Bartolus France §Breviarium Alaricianum, Provence, Bourges, Montpellier §provensálsky Lo Codi (summa ke Codici Iustinianeo) §Pope Honorius III.: 1219 bulla Super specula: Teaching Roman Law in Sorbonna forbidden §Rex Franciae est imperator in regno suo. => imperio rationis §Humanismus 16. st.=> mos gallicus §kriticko-historická a filologická metoda (příklad) §Absynthium Accursianum bibere. Hotomanus: Antitribonianus §Graeca (non) leguntur §Alciatus, Duarenus, Haloender, Cuiacius, §1572 Massacre de la Saint-Barthélemy §1583 Dionysius Gothofredus: CIC (obrázek) § 12 § 13 Gothofredus Germany §Translatio imperii, 1125–1137. Lotharische Legende §1495 Reichskammergericht => cameral jurisprudence §ius commune=mos italicus=gemeines Recht, no need to prove §16th–18th Usus modernus Pandectarum §Samuel Stryk,Benedict Carpzow,Ulrich Zasius,Samuel Pufendorf §19th Historickoprávní škola §Volksgeist, CIC §Friedrich Carl von Savigny, Georg Friedrich Puchta, Mommsen §2nd half of19th. Pandektenrecht §BGB: Allgemeiner Teil, Recht der Schuldverhältnisse, Sachenrecht, Familienrecht, Erbrecht §Karl Ludwig Arndts von Arnesberg (Lehrbuch der Pandekten) §Rudolph von Jhering: Geist des Römischen Rechts, Begriffsjurisprudenz 14 UK §1139 Vacarius (Bologna/Oxford): Liber Pauperum § §1236 Nolumus leges Angliae mutari § §Common law v. Law of equity § §Scotland (reception under the Houses of Tudor and Stuart) § 15 The Netherlands §1572 Massacre de la Saint-Barthélemy §1575 Leyden §School of Elegant jurisprudence §critical-historical studies and legal praxtice §Roman-Dutch Law §Donellus, Johannes de Voet, Gerhard Noodt 16 Are There Any Questions? § § § § §… if not, thank You for Your attention 17